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ToeJam & Earl Productions Closes Shop

I can't believe the people who are even trying to justify any of SEGA's releases on the xbox. There's so many things wrong with that that debate is pointless.
TheGreenGiant said:
I can't believe the people who are even trying to justify any of SEGA's releases on the xbox. There's so many things wrong with that that debate is pointless.

What were the many things wrong with it? Yes putting the games on ps2 instead of the x-box might have helped sales for sega but some games wouldn't have had polish that came with the x-box relelase in my opion. That is the only thing wrong with Sega putting the games on the x-box, thier not another reason. People who really love Sega games would try to get them even if they had to won an X-bpx.
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