Okay guys...I need your feedback on something. I dig me some Kamen Rider, but right now I'm doing up some art for something more Super Sentai related.
What are your top 5 Sentai helmet designs?
I want the opinion of Sentai-Gaf to weigh in here because they are bigger into the genre than me and I'd likely just end up with something close to a Rider helmet without feedback.
1. Jetman
Perfectly blends in both it's bird and pilot theme into something that actually looks like it could be something someone wears to fly a jet. Super-sleek and dynamic too, despite it being from 1991. And of course, it doesn't project any type of pre-made personality into the character; it is a blank slate that amplifies anything the actor may be emoting.
2. Gekiranger
So simple, yet absolutely striking and iconic. It's cute and yet ferocious, it's not super-busy and yet it is not empty-looking; it has so much personality that it looks everywhere.
3. Dairanger
So sleek, they also look furious; but yet have an air of ethnic majesty.They seem almost animated in the way it's lines move, fitting for how animated their poses and attacks are. They really stick out too with the gold, which really helps them become really bold looking and stand out.
4. Carranger
This is another example of a helmet that really takes it's theme and goes all out with it, blending in it's car aesthetic a lot better than Turboranger or Go-Onger did. The headlights give the helmet some actual functionality, the shiny chrome trims really give the helmets an industrial look that feels very tactile.
5. Dekaranger
If you notice, these helmets are all

faces. Anyway, they also look super sleek as well; a simple design that has a very great deal of personality; telling a story of crazy futuristic cops that can terrorize their enemies. The emblem decal on their forehead is good, their ears being police sirens is awesome, their edgy visors give them a sleek and almost evil look, and their big mouths just overflow with joy and purpose.