If this plot synopsis is true, then I reeeeeeally don't want them to screw this up.
A post-apocalyptic story sounds like a perfect premise for a rider show.
Sounds like it was possibly inspired by Ghost.
I like when people turn into monsters
If this plot synopsis is true, then I reeeeeeally don't want them to screw this up.
A post-apocalyptic story sounds like a perfect premise for a rider show.
If this plot synopsis is true, then I reeeeeeally don't want them to screw this up.
A post-apocalyptic story sounds like a perfect premise for a rider show.
"During an eclipse, a ritual was performed. During the ritual, hundreds of people were killed and an evil being called Phantoms were born from their despair. Now, the Phantoms seek to spread despair into the world to multiply themselves. But one man, a survivor of the ritual, stood strong to be humanity's last hope..."
Yeah, Build looks awesome. Which is concerning given the "Suit:Show Quality" theory. Hoping for good things.
He's like a new Double.
Knight/Rogue form looks like Batman.
Seen the toys for Build yet? The little dolls have interchangeable body parts, so maybe we'll see some crazy slotting in kind of stuff, due to the segmented shape of Build's bodysuit?
Build looks like W for some reason.
Build looks like W for some reason.
What's up with Kamen Rider's fascination with doing "mooks who need to collect X emotion" plots?
Although we don't have a scan yet, one of the text lists that so far matched everything we see in the real images mentioned that a W form (Detective + USB) will be released right alongside an Ex-Aid form, so I think the W similarities are completely intentional.
I like when people turn into monsters
Looks more of a police Kamen Rider than the actual police Kamen Rider (Drive).
That is seriously one of the best Kamen Rider suits ever, not even joking. It's better than W imo.
W is also one of my fav suits as well if that helps, lol.Don't think that just because you have a Cauliflower avatar, I won't give you these hands.
Imagine if he suit would strobe like a police light
That's what the glow on his belt reminds me of
What's up with Kamen Rider's fascination with doing "mooks who need to collect X emotion" plots?
I can't grasp the concept of the gimmick. Two bottles and a lever? Inanimate object and an animal? But Comic and Ninja??
Without further information it looks like you "mix" the two bottles and the lever is to stir it. But that's not what I initially had in mind when hearing "Build".
That is seriously one of the best Kamen Rider suits ever, not even joking. It's better than W imo.
That is seriously one of the best Kamen Rider suits ever, not even joking. It's better than W imo.
The legend rider forms will be interesting or lazy, there will be no inbetween
like combo rider forms? kabuto and black rx combine to break the game
They'll try to get W back for the Build movie, eh?
A suit without a scarf can't beat W.That is seriously one of the best Kamen Rider suits ever, not even joking. It's better than W imo.
For sure.They'll try to get W back for the Build movie, eh?
They'll try to get W back for the Build movie, eh?
So much swag in one area is impossible due to the laws of physicslike combo rider forms? kabuto and black rx combine to break the game
Gun form of Build's drill-sword looks so goofy. Handle looks like a Phantasy Star Portable whip, actually.
Zoomed in driver in the catalog scans looks... weird and somewhat ugly. Need resolution pics ASAP.
They'll try to getWJoker back for the Build movie, eh?
It's not like Philip needs to be beside him for him to turn into W. Shotaro can just pick up the belt, say Philip and then the Cyclone Gaia Memory appears without needing Philip's actor on set at all. They did avoid showing him turning into W in Kamen Rider Taisen though, but that could be just because they didn't have Shotaro's actor on set either for that part of the movie (Even though Shotaro is in various scenes, he never appears in any of the final battle sets. The first time he's already Joker when appearing there, and later he's already W when all Riders team up).