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Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE |OT| Do You Remember MegaTen?


I just got the first side quest where I'm under leveled by more than 10. And it didn't end well lmao. Guess I'll skip that one until I get at least level 40.


Oh my god, the chapter 5 boss was fucking awful.

Pretty much every criticism I have about the game rolled into one fight.

Edit: I guess I meant the second last boss of the chapter. The actual boss was pretty easy.


Gives all the fucks
Any tips for Advanced in the arena? I just barely managed to pass it, but Touma got KO'd & Yashiro almost got KO'd. Everyone is at level 57 or 58.

....aw crap, you only get ONE coin for beating it, meaning only 6 coins for doing 15 battles in a row instead of 18 coins? Maybe I should just come back after beating the Ch. 6 dungeon....

Dee Dee

Just got my first master seal, any particular class change I should go for first?

Whoever is currently running out of carnages to currently craft is your top candidate for a class change (that's very likely Itsuki, the damn XP hogger). Pro-Tip: Change into the class you find less attractive first to unlock all the new carnages that come with it, you will get enough master seals to change most mirages twice in the end and can pick your preferred class change the second time.

Dee Dee

Any tips for Advanced in the arena? I just barely managed to pass it, but Touma got KO'd & Yashiro almost got KO'd. Everyone is at level 57 or 58.

....aw crap, you only get ONE coin for beating it, meaning only 6 coins for doing 15 battles in a row instead of 18 coins? Maybe I should just come back after beating the Ch. 6 dungeon....

Hm, are you playing on hard? A few extra levels and skills might do the trick, but you might want to use someone else then Yashiro for more weapon variety - Mamori might be a good switch, she also might have some heals on her if you skilled her with that in mind. Or switch Touma for Ellie and focus on stunning or charming enemies?

Edit: Oh damn, I double posted!
Sorry, I guess it's time to hit the bed for me....
Onto the 5th dungeon, the first side story for yasuhiro was fricking hilarious,
The way Itsuki suddenly expresses himself whenever he talks about food, and the end result of Yauhiro on microwaving with Mamorin made me chuckle quite a bit.


Gives all the fucks
Hm, are you playing on hard? A few extra levels and skills might do the trick, but you might want to use someone else then Yashiro for more weapon variety - Mamori might be a good switch, she also might have some heals on her if you skilled her with that in mind. Or switch Touma for Ellie and focus on stunning or charming enemies?
I'm on Normal, & yeah, think I need to swap out characters in order to be more balanced. I usually stuck with characters who needed more EXP, but should aim for a team where I can have as many elements as possible.

Also uugghh, Ch. 6's dungeon is gonna be a pain, wish the map was a bit more detailed here.
Whoever is currently running out of carnages to currently craft is your top candidate for a class change (that's very likely Itsuki, the damn XP hogger). Pro-Tip: Change into the class you find less attractive first to unlock all the new carnages that come with it, you will get enough master seals to change most mirages twice in the end and can pick your preferred class change the second time.
Good to know thanks!


Gives all the fucks
Hot damn, found TWO of the other rare type of enemy in the same location in Ch. 6. Should I farm in that location so I can make a ton of new weapons for everyone?


Do you mean the UFO enemy? You can guarantee spawns of it in the TV station: refresh the room configuration so the Treasure Room is on the left, then go in there, there's a ladder that leads to a tiny dead end room. If you have Riberoma(?) and the other one (more enemies, rare enemies) active, he'll spawn every time you come up the ladder. I got like twelve of the drops in fifteen minutes grinding it out.
I just beat the game after about 55ish hours on Normal which included doing all of the side stories. Looking ahead on the calendar, I can say 100% this is going to be my GOTY. Everything about it just popped for me. I loved the overall style, and the game itself has enough complexity to be engaging without too steep of a learning curve. I never once felt like I was wasting my time in any part of the game. There's a little bit of a grind here and there but that's just part of any RPG.

My only minor complaints would be, as most others have said, there should have been subtitles for the battles. Also the map could have used a zoom feature in a few areas. But that's pretty much it.

I'll admit to never having played any of the Persona or SMT games, but now they've got my attention. I'll need to go back and play some of the older Fire Emblem games on Virtual Console, too.
Beat the game yesterday on Hard after around 86 hours or so, trying to do almost everything I could.

Final boss spoilers
Medeus took me a while which I ended up beating with a strat of Itsuki and Touma charging every other turn while Tsubasa spammed heals or buffs. The Naga's Blessing SP skill you get for that fight was great for buying me time for setup

Judging by my playing habits (pretty much played whenever I was home), I loved the crap out of this game. I liked the aesthetic, theme, characters. I don't usually care about storage too much as long as the characters make sense and there's some semblance of closure, so I was okay with that.

Loved the battle system too. Makes me want to get back into SMT games and finally go beat some of them.

I only have some nitpicky things as negatives, like no way to check active quest status, and some other QoL type things, but nothing too major.

Will definitely play another game like this


Is there a guide anywhere as to which carnages give
'flash' bonusses on being levelled up
? I assume it's per-carnage, since it happened multiple times on one.


Needs a Holiday on Gallifrey
Wish you could swap out Itsuki. He's like level 40 and everyone else is at 35-36, since I keep everyone pretty much evenly leveled.


Beat the game yesterday on Hard after around 86 hours or so, trying to do almost everything I could.

Final boss spoilers
Medeus took me a while which I ended up beating with a strat of Itsuki and Touma charging every other turn while Tsubasa spammed heals or buffs. The Naga's Blessing SP skill you get for that fight was great for buying me time for setup

Judging by my playing habits (pretty much played whenever I was home), I loved the crap out of this game. I liked the aesthetic, theme, characters. I don't usually care about storage too much as long as the characters make sense and there's some semblance of closure, so I was okay with that.

Loved the battle system too. Makes me want to get back into SMT games and finally go beat some of them.

I only have some nitpicky things as negatives, like no way to check active quest status, and some other QoL type things, but nothing too major.

Will definitely play another game like this

Request tracking was easily the biggest issue I had, sloppy translation/self censorship/localization was the other as chapter 2 was a bit nonsensical to me.
Is there a guide anywhere as to which carnages give
'flash' bonusses on being levelled up
? I assume it's per-carnage, since it happened multiple times on one.

As far as I know it just happens randomly when reforging any carnage. I eventually stopped paying much attention because later on high level prestige stars tend to be in very high demand and it honestly becomes easier and cheaper to reforge again rather than pay for the boost.


Sloppy translation u wot m8?

/shrug, there was a line from Kiria basically saying she couldn't do the modeling job after the chapter, and I was like ... um sure you could. I thought the chapter 2 design was clearly wedged in. I don't mind stuff being changed upon localization, but it wasn't as clean as it should have been (even though they did go through the effort of redubbing some of the lines). However, it was no where bad as say Tsubasa's wedding dress in sloppiness (which only annoys me when I have to see her ad lib attack).
Man I don't know what to do with my movesets now that I'm getting cool new stuff at the endgame.

Chrom atm has

Sword Expertise
Elec Expertise
Pierce (phys attacks ignore enemy resistance)
Surefire (+hit)
Yasha Soul (+crit)
Quick Step (+evade)
Aether (chance to lower enemy defense + heal)

and just learnt Martyr Expertise (+dmg on the skills strong against armor/dragons/horseback) which will be useful, but idk what to get rid of :(


Man I don't know what to do with my movesets now that I'm getting cool new stuff at the endgame.

Chrom atm has

Sword Expertise
Elec Expertise
Pierce (phys attacks ignore enemy resistance)
Surefire (+hit)
Yasha Soul (+crit)
Quick Step (+evade)
Aether (chance to lower enemy defense + heal)

and just learnt Martyr Expertise (+dmg on the skills strong against armor/dragons/horseback) which will be useful, but idk what to get rid of :(

Elec Expertise, Quick Step or Surefire.

His bane skills are sword skills so you want to keep sword expertise.

I finished all sidequests. Standing in front of the final boss I presume. May want to upgrade everybody to stage rank 20 before I proceed.
I think endgame I had for passives:
Fighting Spirit
Elec Expertise
Martyr Expertise
Dodge Lance
Resist Ice
Null Elec

My command skills were:
Focused Blade
Dual Dispatch
Thunder Strike
Is Surefire really worth it? I never really needed the to hit boost.

I felt like it was useful earlier on, but I guess now that I've got the atk/hit/evade debuff on a few characters so the enemies constantly have -evade it probably isn't needed anymore huh?

I'll take that off everyone when they get replacements then ;D
Finally finished the game.
Didn't like the ending. Feel rushed and feel like a watered down version of persona 4 ending but with no real significance besides the fire emblem characters recovering their memories.

I loved the gameplay though.
Loving the game so far, wish it had some songs though like in persona 4. WIth tsubasa just saying la la la la all the time before the boss fight I wondered if they have been removed from the UK/us versions?

So far really like the battle systems and enjoying the games cheesey parts as well. Thought I would hate the idol talk but it's done lightly so no issues for mexample. What's general length for the game on a normal playthough only doing some side quests? Not after 100% so only do those I find or with interesting characters


Oh my god, the chapter 5 boss was fucking awful.

Pretty much every criticism I have about the game rolled into one fight.

Edit: I guess I meant the second last boss of the chapter. The actual boss was pretty easy.

Yeah, I beat that one today too, what a pain in the ass that was. I thought I was pretty overleveled at 52 with everyone but I fought that sumbitch for like half an hour.


Into chapter 4...this nice list of Carnages I had with *Mastered* next to them was ruined.

I've also run into a couple side quests which I am waaaay to underleveled for.
Ok, this final dungeon is doing my head in and I feel like I'm missing something really obvious.

I can't seem to get the platforms in the right position on altitude 134m so that when I go up the ladder the platform is there to take me across to the (mid?) boss.

I've done like 10 laps of the area, which has been good for carnage leveling at least lol

Edit: And just as I post that I find the right path, complaining on the internet prevails again!


I just finished this game literally minutes ago, and I must say, this was a really great game from start to finish. I do have a couple of questions, though.

The ending where Itsuki becomes the new president of Fortuna is the good ending, right? Also, what's the deal with Daiba Studio's mysterious new leader? I thought he was going to be revealed as a villain, but in the end I never found out anything about him. Did I miss something?
The ending where Itsuki becomes the new president of Fortuna is the good ending, right? Also, what's the deal with Daiba Studio's mysterious new leader? I thought he was going to be revealed as a villain, but in the end I never found out anything about him. Did I miss something?

1. Yes
2. Red herring
Yoooooooooooooooooo, I just got Kiria's casualwear with the white top and jacket and why the fuck can't she be the main girl, get back in the fucking dumpster Tsubasa you dope


Always go into each dungeon with 2 carnage weapons per character. It's such a waste not to have a backup for when you master one

Oh my fucking god, I went though the entire game without even considering that you could make multiple carnages and just equip new ones...


Completed the game last night; just shy of 70 hours. I don't know which absolute dummy said it would only take 25-ish hours to complete it, but they missed out on half the game. Immensely enjoyed TMS and it joins the ranks of several Wii U games I've spent hours and hours on. Wii U isn't home to a lot of releases, but when they do come around they offer bang for your buck.

Things I liked the best about the game;

- Fighting system is great. It's SMT with Fire Emblem elements and it works. Can't say anything bad about it.
- I know at first people weren't all too happy with the direction regarding artstyle, but honestly it made the game just more special.
- Side stories are fun. Aren't overly long and gave everyone their own moment.
- Ellie and Kiria best girls.
- Tsubasa is sweet too. And a kickass healer.
- Dungeon design was good! Weren't too long and had the perfect length imo.
- Maiko for president. Best drunk ever.
- Mirage designs are awesome. Especially the player Mirages like Chrom, Tharja and others. Their forms after using the Master Seals are great too.
- Carnage and Radiant Unity fusion are cool.
- Tiki=Waifu is still the best username ever.

Things I didn't like/room for improvement;

- While I love sessions, I kinda wished there was a fast forward button at some point. It would speed up battles a bit more.
- Barry. He goes from okay to super terrible in a few story related moments. Granted, dude made me laugh a few times, but man he's one big manchild. Stop clinging to Mamori damnit.
- Kinda wished there was a ingame app for Carnage fusion and Radiant Unity; you have to travel to Fortuna a lot, even if you make new weapons in advance.
- Fetch quests aren't fun. Lots of random stuff to find and not fun to search for.

But overall, awesome game. It might not have been the game we were expecting, but I dunno, that's part of its charm I guess.

Ulysses 31

Oh my fucking god, I went though the entire game without even considering that you could make multiple carnages and just equip new ones...

Own one of everything from the jewellery store, but didn't get the play record, is there one that would have been in a chest or something that I haven't bought?
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