That's a nice writeup to address some potentially troublesome issues, and great videos as well. My LE should arrive early next week. Since this does seem like a remake, I wonder if the "Abyss 2" I've seen the Experience staff mention on Twitter from time to time will be another remake as well. I'm not too familiar with the Xth series so I don't know how many games it is until we're back up to Cross Blood.
For shipping the LE, Tenso gave me a weight of 1.1 kg which is 2800 yen via EMS to North America. That's probably with minimal packing as well since they just reuse whatever Amazon sends it in, usually just in a box taped to one side of it.
For shipping the LE, Tenso gave me a weight of 1.1 kg which is 2800 yen via EMS to North America. That's probably with minimal packing as well since they just reuse whatever Amazon sends it in, usually just in a box taped to one side of it.