I only bought CT so far because its my favourite.
The first thing I noticed is that its not 1080p this game runs on. Its 720p my telly switches to. The framerate seems to be locked at 30, although the game sometimes freezes for a really really short split second (it probably triggers something).
The graphics are still very good, they could pass as early current gen. I'm under the impression that Ubi did a better job on this than they did on PoP. This game is a port of the PC or Xbox for sure, it has the level layout and lighting of those versions. The gameplay held up surprisingly well, I beat the first few levels and still enjoyed doing so. Many ways to KO or kill your opponents.
No 1080p is a bit glaring, but on the whole I still love this game. And its better than I remember the Xbox version via the 360's BC.