1.) OP's title is completely inaccurate. Cruise never said his job was as difficult as serving a tour in Afghanistan.
2.) There's nothing wrong with what he said, in the context in which he said it.
What a cocksucker.
You guys didn't read the OP did you? Just the thread title right?Being stuck in scientology is as hard as serving a tour in Afghanistan.
People really should read attached articles before throwing out heated and uninformed opinions.
Also, if you read the article start to finish, there's an obvious bias against him.
1.) OP's title is completely inaccurate. Cruise never said his job was as difficult as serving a tour in Afghanistan.
2.) There's nothing wrong with what he said, in the context in which he said it.
A lot of people in the Army, Marines, Navy, etc. don't do jackshit. I had a friend who was in the Marines, yet he was pretty much on Xbox almost all day everyday.
You guys didn't read the OP did you? Just the thread title right?
Scientology and his second marriage. His movies are fine, the man, not so much.How can you dislike Tom Cruise?
Scientology and his second marriage. His movies are fine, the man, not so much.
What happened between him and Nicole Kidman? She self-admittedly became depressed and "damaged" after they separated, but that happens.
No one is apparently reading the article in the OP either.
I haven't heard about Nicole Kidman in years. I imagine that things were irreparably broken. Katie Holmes, personally I feel sorry for her.
Someone who lost their limbs in a war, been shot, shot at, shot people and lost friends and teammates and all they have to look forward to if they make it back is still being broke.Who's to say it isn't?
When people yell things in Afghanistan, it usually isn't "cut!"
Yep, and that's all he's saying.
And to be fair, he's not even saying that publicly. He's saying it in an intensely private setting that we just happen to be eavesdropping on.
I imagine Tom Cruise is physically fitter than the majority of the armed forces. It sounds awkward and spoiled, but we're projecting intent. He's defending a personal problem to a judge.
Not even defending the man, just this incident.
Even if he's only trying to compare the physical endurance/stamina aspect of it, it's a silly comparison.
I don't even know why he would go there, use a different comparison.
The “Top Gun” actor was responding to a lawyer’s question comparing the extended time away from Suri while filming a movie to a soldier’s tour in Afghanistan, according to legal papers obtained by the Daily News.
“That’s what it feels like,” Cruise responded during the deposition stemming from his $50 million lawsuit accusing Life & Style and In Touch magazines of defaming him in 2012 cover stories claiming he abandoned his daughter.
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/entertai...nistan-report-article-1.1511177#ixzz2kFkxaeUe
It seems he's talking about the physical aspect, not the war itself.
It's kind of silly to say but let's not blow this out of proportion.
Maybe easier than the Chair Force
I don't give a shit what he said. You don't compare yourself against people being shot at unless you are being shot at. It was a bad move.
I guess reading comprehension isn't requirement for those who want to be in Air Force?Bullshit, considering I'm in the Air Force, got back from Afghanistan in March and was out with Special Forces Army at remote sites literally in the middle of nowhere.
And Tom, get back to me when you have to assist the medical staff you have when a vehicle hits an IED and a person actually comes in with a serious injury, not makeup.
Get back to me when a real 150lb bomb goes off less that 50yds from your camp (the boom and shock wave will literally stop you in your tracks).
Get back to me when the camp you're at is shot at by real bullets, not blanks.
So no, being an actor is not like being in Afghanistan.