Because whatever it is, it's constantly 100% more frames/second than the One.I get the excitement but why are people acting like its a constant 60fps.
Because whatever it is, it's constantly 100% more frames/second than the One.I get the excitement but why are people acting like its a constant 60fps.
Seemingly? How often did the 360 run at twice the resolution or twice the framerate of the PS3?
So the PS4 version is now THE Definitive Edtion according to PC standards.
I'm always surprised when people blame the ESRAM. I think it's getting blamed for things where I think it isn't even the biggest factor.
This boils down to GPU strength, pure and simple. Xbox One could have 64 or even 128MB of ESRAM, and I think the result would be the exact same here. The stronger GPU is always going to win at the exact same resolution. The devs should have opted to lower the resolution to 900p on the xbox one version to improve performance imo.
I'm always surprised when people blame the ESRAM. I think it's getting blamed for things where I think it isn't even the biggest factor.
This boils down to GPU strength, pure and simple. Xbox One could have 64 or even 128MB of ESRAM, and I think the result would be the exact same here. The stronger GPU is always going to win at the exact same resolution. The devs should have opted to lower the resolution to 900p on the xbox one version to improve performance imo.
I get the excitement but why are people acting like its a constant 60fps.
I get the excitement but why are people acting like its a constant 60fps.
Boom, statistics from Perkel:
Xbone: 1.18 TF GPU (12 CUs) for games
Xbone: 768 Shaders
Xbone: 48 Texture units
Xbone: 16 ROPS
Xbone: 2 ACE/ 16 queues
PS4: 1.84TF GPU ( 18 CUs) for games + 56%
PS4: 1152 Shaders +50%
PS4: 72 Texture units +50%
PS4: 32 ROPS + 100%
PS4: 8 ACE/64 queues +400%
I can't speak for others but personally i was pretty impressed because i run a 3770k@4.6ghz and a Sapphire 7970 Ghz Edition and my PC performed 1080p at an "almost" constant 60fps. To see the PS4 run this game at almost equal to my machine definitely impressed me. I guess this makes me more excited for future PS4 games when developers truly start to harness its power.
Because unlocked 60fps on PS4 vs unlocked 30fps on X1 is a major difference. I'm guessing the letdown of having the framerate unlocked will show itself later when people get to try it.I get the excitement but why are people acting like its a constant 60fps.
lol QFT, they're never happyNo, PC standards are now at 120fps with 4K resolution and VR support.
The truth has emerged once again, thank you based Major!
As I said earlier in the thread, i was one of these people, and I am now buying it. It's even given me reason to push forward on buying my next gen console in fact. Was gonna wait until early March... thinking about getting it around the day of my tax refund which is Feb 5'th.Well here you go, to everybody that said no way to this game at $60... "unless they hit 60FPS which won't happen"
Now what?
*shivers*If this GPU is pre-GCN with a serious performance gap to PS4, then this next Xbox will act like a boat anchor, dragging down the min-spec target for cross-platform next-generation games.
Already said this, but this is far worse than 720p or 900p vs 1080p imo
Both 1080p with the console with the weaker gpu practically getting a 30fps version (and potentially decreased graphics quality or effects), something I think is far more significant than one being 720p and the other being 1080p, is a trend I hope dies with Tomb Raider lol. Not sure what they were thinking.
I don't think most xbox one owners would want games gimped to achieve 1080p. 30fps vs 60fps is, to me, a bigger deal than 720p vs 1080p or 900p vs 1080p. I don't expect others to agree, but that's my take.
The devs should have opted to lower the resolution to 900p on the xbox one version to improve performance imo.
Seemingly? How often did the 360 run at twice the resolution or twice the framerate of the PS3?
That's weird. Do you post on a certain console sales site?
Can someone please translate this into DBZ?
Holy shit!!
Oh and random thought that has undoubtedly been said many times...
why not just have gfx options in these damn games?
TressFX off! Just like I did for the PC version to hit 60fps.
Well, it actually is because the framebuffer for 1080p at 60fps with AA is way more than 32MB at this point, its around 40MB. Killzones g-buffer is around 50MB, so yeah the ESRAM is holding the system back (and of course the weaker GPU) and its a bottleneck but without it, this system would have been even worse.I'm always surprised when people blame the ESRAM. I think it's getting blamed for things where I think it isn't even the biggest factor.
This boils down to GPU strength, pure and simple. Xbox One could have 64 or even 128MB of ESRAM, and I think the result would be the exact same here. The stronger GPU is always going to win at the exact same resolution. The devs should have opted to lower the resolution to 900p on the xbox one version to improve performance imo.
Can someone please translate this into DBZ?
Was mainly stating "seemingly" since this is still the early point of the gen. I don't know how things will play out.
And this is the first case of frame rate difference on the (now) current gen when it comes to a multiplat. I remember EA sports games (e.g.: Madden) being 30 FPS on PS3 but 60 FPS on Xbox 360 but that was only for one year. So yeah, I said that since I can't say for sure. Things can change over time.
More stuff to test? Implications to multiplayer balance? Degradation of the idea of console simplicity along with the Apple "it just works" mantra?Oh and random thought that has undoubtedly been said many times...
why not just have gfx options in these damn games?
Can someone please translate this into DBZ?
Exactly. For the people who have played this on pc and know what the requirements are to make this game run at a constant 60 fps and to see that the ps4 is capable of such performance is HIGHLY impressive, even more so with it being a $400 system.
Can someone please translate this into DBZ?
Lazy devs argument switches sides this gen?
And i did not even mention my 7970 has a pretty bad ass overclock![]()
More stuff to test? Implications to multiplayer balance? Degradation of the idea of console simplicity along with the Apple "it just works" mantra?
There's something nice in knowing that the devs are targeting one spec for each console.
Otherwise you get stuff like GT6 where you have to downgrade performance to 720p to get the game to play at a better than average but still not a continuous silky smooth 60fps even though everybody will talk about 1080p/60fps and all the trailers will show impossible bullshot resolution videos.
lazy devs confirmed?
How long ago did you hear this? I just want to know how long has this been true for this game.
This. I don't want options. Options are for PCs :|
No, it really doesn't look very last gen at all. It just isn't the most graphically intensive next gen game, but there's nothing wrong with that. Titanfall looks quite good for a source title, a lot better than any source title I've ever seen. I think the geometry, art, particle effects and physics all look fairly solid. Titanfall is far from an ugly game.
That aside, we've been prepared for a while now that it possibly won't be 1080p, which I don't really have an issue with, because getting the performance right is important. I just hope it isn't a jag fest. That'd really detract from what I think is an otherwise pretty attractive looking game. Plus, it's a multiplayer title. I don't need the most mindblowing visuals. If I want to have my mind blown, I'll put in Ryse. Titanfall I expect will be a pretty solid release all around, and the leaked footage as of late has made me a whole lot more excited.
I think he is.![]()
I caught wind of this before console launches when a few 3rd party devs were saying the same things.
Running code on the PS4 by raw power alone would already be better than the Xbox and required a lot of optimisation.
If this remains true then there will be more of the same. I hear the rock is not steady on another project.
XB1 - That weird SSJ2 form that Trunks used when he got fully bulked but slow as hell.
Well here you go, to everybody that said no way to this game at $60... "unless they hit 60FPS which won't happen"
Now what?
If this remains true then there will be more of the same. I hear the rock is not steady on another project.
I wonder though... If wonder if this sells decently, will it give other devs incentive to port their ps3/360 titles.
Lord knows we need that thou and gets5 love.
Ultra Super Saiyan![]()
I caught wind of this before console launches when a few 3rd party devs were saying the same things.
Running code on the PS4 by raw power alone would already be better than the Xbox and required a lot of optimisation.
If this remains true then there will be more of the same. I hear the rock is not steady on another project.
My guess is Watchdogs?
Well isn't it pretty much anecdotal fact that PS4 is significantly more easy to develop for than Xbox One? Certainly sounds like a major contributing factor to me.