dead monkey uk
MS will find a way to spin it, im sure.
I am sure MS will simply focus on the fact the game is 1080P, along the lines of 'Another Xbox One game is now available in full 1080P.
MS will find a way to spin it, im sure.
I'd rather it be locked at 30fps, dropping from either 45 or 60 is going to hurt my eyes.
I'd be okay with that. I just want 60fps.I also don't want tons of graphical options in console games. What I would be OK with is a simple switch between 30 fps and 60 fps.
People who keep complaining about 30 fps in games can opt to switch to a pre defined set of graphics that allows the game to run in 60 fps. It will be less shiny and might only run in 900p but it's a choice for the die hard fps evangelists.
Considering the fps discussion has been going on internally at Evolution I think it would be the perfect solution for Driveclub. That way we have the option to play this game in all its graphical glory or have it run super smooth at 60 fps with less details and a few more jaggies.
You do realize that Tim Lottes, Creator of FXAA [an anti-aliasing technique used widely] predicted almost all of this more than a year prior to the consoles launched based off of just the specs?
ESram was the biggest problem he had with the XB1 and higher res/framerates
Working assuming the Eurogamer Article is mostly correct with the exception of maybe exact clocks, amount of memory, and number of enabled cores (all of which could easily change to adapt to yields)....
The real reason to get excited about a PS4 is what Sony as a company does with the OS and system libraries as a platform, and what this enables 1st party studios to do, when they make PS4-only games. If PS4 has a real-time OS, with a libGCM style low level access to the GPU, then the PS4 1st party games will be years ahead of the PC simply because it opens up what is possible on the GPU. Note this won't happen right away on launch, but once developers tool up for the platform, this will be the case. As a PC guy who knows hardware to the metal, I spend most of my days in frustration knowing damn well what I could do with the hardware, but what I cannot do because Microsoft and IHVs wont provide low-level GPU access in PC APIs. One simple example, drawcalls on PC have easily 10x to 100x the overhead of a console with a libGCM style API....
I could continue here, but I'm not, by now you get the picture, launch titles will likely be DX11 ports, so perhaps not much better than what could be done on PC. However if Sony provides the real-time OS with libGCM v2 for GCN, one or two years out, 1st party devs and Sony's internal teams like the ICE team, will have had long enough to build up tech to really leverage the platform.
I'm excited for what this platform will provide for PS4-only 1st party titles and developers who still have the balls to do a non-portable game this next round....
Working here assuming the Eurogamer Article is close to correct. On this platform I'd be concerned with memory bandwidth. Only DDR3 for system/GPU memory pared with 32MB of "ESRAM" sounds troubling....If this GPU is pre-GCN with a serious performance gap to PS4, then this next Xbox will act like a boat anchor, dragging down the min-spec target for cross-platform next-generation games.
My guess is that the real reason for 8GB of memory is because this box is a DVR which actually runs "Windows" (which requires a GB or two or three of "overhead"), but like Windows RT (Windows on ARM) only exposes a non-desktop UI to the user. There are a bunch of reasons they might ditch the real-time console OS, one being that if they don't provide low level access to developers, that it might enable a faster refresh on backwards compatible hardware. In theory the developer just targets the box like it was a special DX11 "PC" with a few extra changes like hints for surfaces which should go in ESRAM, then on the next refresh hardware, all prior games just get better FPS or resolution or AA. Of course if they do that, then it is just another PC, just lower performance, with all the latency baggage, and lack of low level magic which makes 1st party games stand out and sell the platform.
I remember Bioshock having an option to disable vsync to get a higher framerate. I was hoping more stuff like that would catch on.
Wouldn't it just be better if the game was displayed as the developer intended?
Why? It's not just racing games and frame-counting fighters that gets hurt by a fluctuating framerate. It's an issue since it simply makes the game look worse, it looks unoptimized.In a game like tomb raider, unlocked frame rate isn't an issue.
Got the feeling that we shouldn't forget the DX11.2 Tiled Ressource features, which will come the xbox one and win8.1 first.Holy shit at the prediction. He got everything right. PS4 sure has some potential.
Based on some comments in teh internets about XBO version average being in the 45 and dips to 30, while PS4 version has max 60 and dips to 45, I have created a chart.
It demonstrates the balance of both being around 45 fps.
s. The Xbox One build can technically reach around 45 fps, though this performance is generally only achieved during the most empty, simplest environments. For most of your play, and during action scenes, the Xbox One build will sit on around 30 fps. On the other hand, the PlayStation 4 build will attempt to hit 60 fps as often as possible, and does a pretty good job of doing so, but does have slight dips under 60 fps during certain scenarios
Why is this even a surprise anymore? Gap is vast.
In a game like tomb raider, unlocked frame rate isn't an issue.
Lets seen the maldo shots. They should replicate the ps4 like you say
60 FPS is a very good news for gaming. I hope next Tomb Raider follow that path too.
A few comparisson of first scene in that video
Wouldn't you then need to have two different leaderboards for all the club records? In the interest of fair play?
Amen to that. When developers have to turn off anisotropic filtering, tessellation, decent AA (not FXAA, obviously) and good ambient occlusion because the consoles are woefully underpowered, at least you can take solace in the fact that the developer said, 'Eh, this isn't hardly what I envisioned, but it's as good as it's going to get with this hardware!'
Got the feeling that we shouldn't forget the DX11.2 Tiled Ressource features, which will come the xbox one and win8.1 first.
It is if it falls under 30fps, which it will most certainly in Shanty Town on xbone.
Got the feeling that we shouldn't forget the DX11.2 Tiled Ressource features, which will come the xbox one and win8.1 first.
Secret sauce confirmed!
I caught wind of this before console launches when a few 3rd party devs were saying the same things.
Running code on the PS4 by raw power alone would already be better than the Xbox and required a lot of optimisation.
If this remains true then there will be more of the same. I hear the rock is not steady on another project.
Your chart does not mirror the comments in the OP.
Is it just me or has this generation made gaf become frame rate obsessed? I don't remember it being like this before.
In a game like tomb raider, unlocked frame rate isn't an issue.
Got the feeling that we shouldn't forget the DX11.2 Tiled Ressource features, which will come the xbox one and win8.1 first.
gaf has always been obsessed about comparing consoles head to head really but the thing is that the two major competing machines have never been so strikingly similar under the hood in terms of architecture so the discussions are not that much about theoretical power anymore and you don't really have the a disadvantage of the port console. right now any little difference in mutliplat games is due to raw power.
So does a bowl of alphabetti spaghetti.But it mirrors the comments from reddit.
FYI, this is the website I write for, and this is my article. Did some digging, got confirmation, here it is.
Source = Rocket Chainsaw
I hate, HATE that goddamn V-Sync Toggle. Here, console gamer, choose between Image Quality and 60 FPS. Oh, both options suck? Sucks to be you then, console gamer. If Bioshock Infinite is the example of how graphics toggles would be implemented, I don't want it at all. I spent first hour toggling between the two options walking 10 feet, then toggling them again.I was utterly amazed when I unlocked Bioshock's framerate on the 360 and wandered down a corridor at a glorious 60fps. I then turned sideways and the screen tore more than Geoff Capes in a phone book factory.
I've never really recovered from the disappointment.
But it mirrors the comments from reddit.
The edRAM too small for the full buffer?
I disagree. I've played most of the TR games on PC and when the frame-rate drops it's nauseating.
I understand what you are saying though, it's less important than other genres.
An unlocked framerate is an issue in any game you need to look at with your eyeballs, but it's an issue I'm more than willing to put up with if it means a high framerate most of the time.
I wonder how this news will affect the sales. I preordered the PS4 version after reading the OP. What about X1 owners, will they drop their preorder out of disappointment?
An unlocked framerate is an issue in any game you need to look at with your eyeballs, but it's an issue I'm more than willing to put up with if it means a high framerate most of the time.
I wonder how this news will affect the sales. I preordered the PS4 version after reading the OP. What about X1 owners, will they drop their preorder out of disappointment?