This bodes very worryingly for Halo 5 if they're sticking with their original plan of it being 1080p60.
they only talked about 60fps, didnt they?
I don't remember anything about 1080p.
This bodes very worryingly for Halo 5 if they're sticking with their original plan of it being 1080p60.
So a game moving at 60fps "looks" the same as one moving at 30fps? With the massive proviso that you freeze time when you make the comparison, LOL. This is like Zeno's arrow.
You should be careful saying that. The Order 1886 and all...Thanks for the article. 24fps > 30fps > 60fps for the best Cinematic experience.
I will tell everyone here that we should stop optimising games straight away. And add letter boxing to all.
30FPS will Always Deliver Better Story-Telling than 60FPS in Games Heres Why
All the peeps of the Gaming World have been going crazy over 30 FPS and 60 FPS standards this last year. From 60fps/1080p being thought the new Next Gen standard to Ryse downgrades. But there a point many people are missing, one which i hope to shed some light on today, the point that why 30 FPS cant and shouldnt ever be replaced with 60fps.
30fps vs 60fps The Magic of Story Telling Lies in Lower FPS, 30 FPS will always deliver a more Cinematic Experience than 60FPS.
I am of course making quite a bold claim and the burden of proof lies with me. One which i am more than willing to shoulder. Let me begin by saying that the minimum limit that our brain needs to perceive moving frames as a seamless entity ( a video) is 24 Frames Per Second. This is one of the reason 99% of Movies are shot at 24 FPS. Though this was originally due to Sound Hardware limitation of Old Cinema, it has now become the Cinematic Standard. The 24 fps of the Cinema Industry is roughly equivalent to the 30 fps standard of the Gaming Industry. When you see a video shot at 24 fps / 30 fps there are holes to fill and your brain automatically does this by literally creating stuff out of your imagination : also known as movie magic. The More frames you increase, the less you brain fills in, the less the magic.
Proof of Concept: Hobbit 24 FPS vs 48 FPS analogy to the 30FPS vs 60FPS Gaming Standard
So, Notice how the 48FPS video looks, Sped Up, Weird and almost too Real (in a Bad Way) ? That is called the Soap Opera Effect. Because we grew up in a world where reality tv and soap operas were shot at a higher FPS our brains are now hard wired to associate mundane reality with Higher FPS. And i think you can see now what i meant by our brain filling in the gaps at lower FPS. The Original trailer looks magical and truly Cinematic. Of course you might be one of the minority who actually like the sped up, but in my opinion that is probably because of the Novelty Value.
30fps vs 60fps
The more Frames Per Second we increase in our Gaming Standards the less Magical they will feel.
I remember when playing Alan Wake (at 30fps) that it felt unbelievably like a movie to me, the sudden attacks of darkness and the way everything was moving about, i wonder if the magic would have been there with 60FPS. If i could clearly see how everything moved probably not. Likewise in Cinema the Smokes and Mirrors fall away with increased fps and story telling is all about the illusion. Of course some games would actually benefit from higher frames per second like Racing Games and Fighting Games (Tekken) but Games in which story telling is a main part would do better with the 30FPS Standard.
can you people finally drop this "60fps is better" nonsense
This bodes very worryingly for Halo 5 if they're sticking with their original plan of it being 1080p60.
wow....just30FPS will Always Deliver Better Story-Telling than 60FPS in Games Heres Why
All the peeps of the Gaming World have been going crazy over 30 FPS and 60 FPS standards this last year. From 60fps/1080p being thought the new Next Gen standard to Ryse downgrades. But there a point many people are missing, one which i hope to shed some light on today, the point that why 30 FPS cant and shouldnt ever be replaced with 60fps.
30fps vs 60fps The Magic of Story Telling Lies in Lower FPS, 30 FPS will always deliver a more Cinematic Experience than 60FPS.
I am of course making quite a bold claim and the burden of proof lies with me. One which i am more than willing to shoulder. Let me begin by saying that the minimum limit that our brain needs to perceive moving frames as a seamless entity ( a video) is 24 Frames Per Second. This is one of the reason 99% of Movies are shot at 24 FPS. Though this was originally due to Sound Hardware limitation of Old Cinema, it has now become the Cinematic Standard. The 24 fps of the Cinema Industry is roughly equivalent to the 30 fps standard of the Gaming Industry. When you see a video shot at 24 fps / 30 fps there are holes to fill and your brain automatically does this by literally creating stuff out of your imagination : also known as movie magic. The More frames you increase, the less you brain fills in, the less the magic.
Proof of Concept: Hobbit 24 FPS vs 48 FPS analogy to the 30FPS vs 60FPS Gaming Standard
So, Notice how the 48FPS video looks, Sped Up, Weird and almost too Real (in a Bad Way) ? That is called the Soap Opera Effect. Because we grew up in a world where reality tv and soap operas were shot at a higher FPS our brains are now hard wired to associate mundane reality with Higher FPS. And i think you can see now what i meant by our brain filling in the gaps at lower FPS. The Original trailer looks magical and truly Cinematic. Of course you might be one of the minority who actually like the sped up, but in my opinion that is probably because of the Novelty Value.
30fps vs 60fps
The more Frames Per Second we increase in our Gaming Standards the less Magical they will feel.
I remember when playing Alan Wake (at 30fps) that it felt unbelievably like a movie to me, the sudden attacks of darkness and the way everything was moving about, i wonder if the magic would have been there with 60FPS. If i could clearly see how everything moved probably not. Likewise in Cinema the Smokes and Mirrors fall away with increased fps and story telling is all about the illusion. Of course some games would actually benefit from higher frames per second like Racing Games and Fighting Games (Tekken) but Games in which story telling is a main part would do better with the 30FPS Standard.
can you people finally drop this "60fps is better" nonsense
You should be careful saying that. The Order 1886 and all...
900p on PS4 will be the exception, not the rule. Do some research into the actual hardware and you'll understand why. Sup 720p games last gen were also an exception. My point is that no game last gen ran at the same resolution as the generation of games before it. Every generation brings with it new standards in resolution and other effects and on PS4 1080p is that standard.
Thanks for the article. 24fps > 30fps > 60fps for the best Cinematic experience.
I will tell everyone here that we should stop optimising games straight away. And add letter boxing to all.
Wait, wait, is this some sort of hint?I did say "to all"
Drive Club is probably optimising to 24FPS
This bodes very worryingly for Halo 5 if they're sticking with their original plan of it being 1080p60.
Well once everything starts running at 48fps and this generation or the next generation of kids grow up with that, they'll associate that with cinematic. Even now when people watch movies on "120hz" or "240hz" TVs there is a "soap opera" effect. You're archaic way of thinking isn't going to hold any merit once the kids these days become the next late teens and young adults.
This bodes very worryingly for Halo 5 if they're sticking with their original plan of it being 1080p60.
Wait, wait, is this some sort of hint?
What's next ? 720p is better than 1080p ? Mono better than 5.1 ?
That article is a poor argument. There is a huge difference between the effect of framerate in film and framerate in games. What the article fails to realise is that live action in films is happening at infinite FPS. It is then chosen to be captured at a certain framerate. The action in games happens at the framerate that the system can perform at. It's not infinite, so even if the system can average around 45fps and they limit the game to 30fps, this is nothing like filming real life at 30fps.Amusing article
I did say "to all"
Drive Club is probably optimising to 24FPS
Please, these "30fps is better than 60fps" arguments are ridiculous.
Just accept the fact that the X1 is less powerful than the PS4.
What's next ? 720p is better than 1080p ? Mono better than 5.1 ?
so there's a "definitive" version, and a "not so definitive" version
so there's a "definitive" version, and a "not so definitive" version
Slower download speeds means better quality content delivery.
That article is a poor argument. There is a huge difference between the effect of framerate in film and framerate in games. What the article fails to realise is that live action in films is happening at infinite FPS. It is then chosen to be captured at a certain framerate. The action in games happens at the framerate that the system can perform at. It's not infinite, so even if the system can average around 45fps and they limit the game to 30fps, this is nothing like filming real life at 30fps.
Therefore, in order to achieve truly 'cinematic' games that look like films, the systems should be aiming for the highest framerate possible, ideally several hundred FPS, and then you can 'capture' that at a lower framerate at times when you really want that 'film like' look.
Incorrect.This....makes no sense. If there were 100% locked framerate a game at 30 fps would be no different to your eyes than a movie at 30 fps.
Everyone who is even remotely tech savvy turns that cinemotion stuff off because it looks terrible.
Maybe sub 720p last gen was an exception (I don't have this information), but I know that a lot major titles on X360 and PS3 are sub720p. If is an exception, is far from be unusual.
I'm not convinced that we will see as standard the big games with the best graphics running at 1080p.
50% + functionally more powerful than X1 for $100 cheaper. PS4 truly is the new x360.
Slower download speeds means better quality content delivery.
Upscaled it is360 version isn't at 1080p.![]()
So the versions are identical graphically. One is 60fps with dips. , the other 30 fps with spikes.
The big question is??? Would dropping the xbone to 900p for that 60 fps be the better move?
This bodes very worryingly for Halo 5 if they're sticking with their original plan of it being 1080p60.
Get a PS4not happy.