I was unable to vote in this year's global game of the year vote. The federal budget was cut and my country stopped participating in the official world consensus voting.You=the world?
No idea what "consensus" you are referring to.
Top 5 game of 2013 for me.
I was unable to vote in this year's global game of the year vote. The federal budget was cut and my country stopped participating in the official world consensus voting.
Add to that the civil wars in a few countries and this year isn't that representative anyway.
A question that every poster should take some quality time to ponder in silence.Your ass = world?
Who cares about you. All hail "the consensus"
Which is funny because the consensus is that it's an average game.
Nothing like a little drama to spur interest.
I would definitely say so. I had mild interested when it was first announced, and then totally ignored it when they announced 1080p/30fps. I found that unacceptable for a game labelled "Definitive" on new hardware that on paper makes it's predecessor look like a fisher price toy.Square Enix must be loving all this attention to one of their published games.
It's really blown up. And weirdly, or not, it's really making Tomb Raider seem desirable atm.
The game is clearly running at 30fps on the stream. Was it all lies?
This thread:
Jesus guys. All i'm saying is that TR is not the most popular game and now it suddenly is. I have the game on PS3. It's an ok game.
Just making an observation.
I will now post less. You guys are fucking brutal. Time to buy a dog.
Plus that garbage resolution.
Also, it seems like sometimes the game stops, and this buffering icon pops up. Why is it doing that in the middle of the game?
Jesus guys. All i'm saying is that TR is not the most popular game and now it suddenly is. I have the game on PS3. It's an ok game.
Just making an observation.
I will now post less. You guys are fucking brutal. Time to buy a dog.
Hmmm.I will now post less. You guys are fucking brutal. Time to buy a dog.
Metacritic score is 87-86.
is that avg?
Plus that garbage resolution.
Also, it seems like sometimes the game stops, and this buffering icon pops up. Why is it doing that in the middle of the game?
Jesus guys. All i'm saying is that TR is not the most popular game and now it suddenly is. I have the game on PS3. It's an ok game.
Just making an observation.
I will now post less. You guys are fucking brutal. Time to buy a dog.
Jesus guys. All i'm saying is that TR is not the most popular game and now it suddenly is. I have the game on PS3. It's an ok game.
Just making an observation.
I will now post less. You guys are fucking brutal. Time to buy a dog.
A few more thoughts:
I know Xbox One can't hit 1080/60 in this game now, but further down the road, say in 2 years or so, if they revisited the project I'm sure they could make a better attempt.
I'm very happy for PS4 owners getting to experience it at an eye candy 60fps because at the moment, it's the better system with the more mature developing tools.
Hopefully in a few years with more time and better understanding of how to use the ESRAM and other elements of the hardware, we will see similar quality on the Xbox One. That's not to say that the PS4 won't have improved by the same amount in that time; the PS4 will always look better, but I just want 1080/60 to be hit on both consoles in the (somewhat) near future.
All gamers deserve to experience at 60fps unless it's some RTS or something where it doesn't matter as much.
Jesus guys. All i'm saying is that TR is not the most popular game and now it suddenly is. I have the game on PS3. It's an ok game.
Just making an observation.
I will now post less. You guys are fucking brutal. Time to buy a dog.
Jesus guys. All i'm saying is that TR is not the most popular game and now it suddenly is. I have the game on PS3. It's an ok game.
Just making an observation.
I will now post less. You guys are fucking brutal. Time to buy a dog.
Son..you just killed me.
you forget that in theory the esram is faster than the gddr5. not denying that the ps4 always will have the better specs, just saying that the one can make a big leap near the ps4 performance-wise with tiled ressources![]()
What are you talking about?
RTS has more actions per second than any other game you have ever played. Higher FPS matters just as much, if not more, than other competitive games.
I don't get why people are melting down over this. I'm an XBO guy through and through, got three Day One editions and all. I knew EXACTLY what I was in for since E3, and the biggest negative part of that decision is getting the lower quality version of multiplats. I could go into why I picked it anyway, but that's off topic.
This was a great game last gen. XBO users will have a great time at 1080p/30, PS4 users will have as great or better of a time at 1080p/60. Enjoy the game everybody!
30FPS will Always Deliver Better Story-Telling than 60FPS in Games Heres Why
All the peeps of the Gaming World have been going crazy over 30 FPS and 60 FPS standards this last year. From 60fps/1080p being thought the new Next Gen standard to Ryse downgrades. But there a point many people are missing, one which i hope to shed some light on today, the point that why 30 FPS cant and shouldnt ever be replaced with 60fps.
30fps vs 60fps The Magic of Story Telling Lies in Lower FPS, 30 FPS will always deliver a more Cinematic Experience than 60FPS.
I am of course making quite a bold claim and the burden of proof lies with me. One which i am more than willing to shoulder. Let me begin by saying that the minimum limit that our brain needs to perceive moving frames as a seamless entity ( a video) is 24 Frames Per Second. This is one of the reason 99% of Movies are shot at 24 FPS. Though this was originally due to Sound Hardware limitation of Old Cinema, it has now become the Cinematic Standard. The 24 fps of the Cinema Industry is roughly equivalent to the 30 fps standard of the Gaming Industry. When you see a video shot at 24 fps / 30 fps there are holes to fill and your brain automatically does this by literally creating stuff out of your imagination : also known as movie magic. The More frames you increase, the less you brain fills in, the less the magic.
Proof of Concept: Hobbit 24 FPS vs 48 FPS analogy to the 30FPS vs 60FPS Gaming Standard
So, Notice how the 48FPS video looks, Sped Up, Weird and almost too Real (in a Bad Way) ? That is called the Soap Opera Effect. Because we grew up in a world where reality tv and soap operas were shot at a higher FPS our brains are now hard wired to associate mundane reality with Higher FPS. And i think you can see now what i meant by our brain filling in the gaps at lower FPS. The Original trailer looks magical and truly Cinematic. Of course you might be one of the minority who actually like the sped up, but in my opinion that is probably because of the Novelty Value.
30fps vs 60fps
The more Frames Per Second we increase in our Gaming Standards the less Magical they will feel.
I remember when playing Alan Wake (at 30fps) that it felt unbelievably like a movie to me, the sudden attacks of darkness and the way everything was moving about, i wonder if the magic would have been there with 60FPS. If i could clearly see how everything moved probably not. Likewise in Cinema the Smokes and Mirrors fall away with increased fps and story telling is all about the illusion. Of course some games would actually benefit from higher frames per second like Racing Games and Fighting Games (Tekken) but Games in which story telling is a main part would do better with the 30FPS Standard.
can you people finally drop this "60fps is better" nonsense
I don't get why people are melting down over this.
So how's the game running?
It is the start of a new generation. Xbox one owners are getting a clearly superior version of a multiplatform game, so of course people are going to get excited. It'll die down over time.
How about you wait until people actually shit on that poster before invoking that people shit on such posts that acknowledge the technical differences?This kind of camaraderie is frowned upon.
There is something not quite right with that sentence but I don't know what part.It is the start of a new generation. Xbox one owners are getting a clearly superior version of a multiplatform game, so of course people are going to get excited. It'll die down over time.
The chat on his stream pretty much confirms GAF would be 4chan if the mods weren't as strict as they are.