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PlayStation 5 Pro Has No Trouble Pushing 120 FPS Gameplay Even Without Optimization and PSSR – Rumor


I am not sure why people keep banging on about cpu - I have a 12th gen intel and whenever I play at over 100fps on 1440 ultrawide, it is always the gpu on 90% and the cpu on 50%. The higher the res, the more likely it is the gpu throttling you rather than the cpu.

Not to mention that PS5 already has a bunch of custom hardware to off load stuff that a PC CPU has to do.

But whatever. The results are already speaking for themselves ... Devs will fall into line. PS5 is where the money is for them these days, and supporting Pro is minimal effort to get soke improvements they can hang their product on.

Whether they bother going beyond minimal effort is the question. CPU limit stuff is specious for the remainder of this gen.
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