Tomb Raider is finally decolonized!


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.


British adventurer Lara Croft will transition from being a raider of tombs to a seeker of truth as Evil Hat Productions and Crystal Dynamics seek to redefine the Tomb Raider series in order to escape a history wounded by colonialism, according to an excerpt from the official Tomb Raider Shadows of Truth RPG rulebook.

"Raiding, as depicted in the original Tomb Raider games and stories, involves going to ancient tombs and historical sites of different civilisations and acquiring artefacts. It operates on the assumption of 'finders keepers' that grants raiders with the means and the drive to claim ownership of artefacts, regardless of whether they have any historical or cultural claim to the treasure."

"Later games released in the franchise have started the work of addressing this by having Lara Croft acknowledge her past mistakes and try to understand and show respect for the cultures and communities she comes into contact with. She has also worked to reform raider culture and raise the awareness of her peers."

"Lara no longer decorates her mantle with mythic artefacts - as a raider she prioritises seeking out the truth. Much of this game is inspired by her humanity, struggle with heroism, and her tenacity. We believe that all three aspects are an important component in creating a game that celebrates history and culture while acknowledging the respect and work required to live in a world wounded by colonialism."

"In this game, we seek to continue in that work alongside Crystal Dynamics by creating a sandbox for you to tell stories that address colonialist themes in play and create your own stories of respect and support for the people and cultures your Seekers encounter."


UPDATE: This news item is not the upcoming video game, but about a related table top RPG game. But I do think that the decolonist politics in the table top RPG game is a taste of things to come...

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Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I'll reserve judgment until I see it. It is true that museums all across the west in particular have tons of stolen priceless art. Many high profile objects have had to be returned to their origin countries after decades of complaints. And the coolest part of fantasy archeology is finding out the secrets, not really acquiring the objects. It could be fine, or it could be a woke disaster. Its not an accident that Indiana Jones works better in the 1930s and 40s than present day. The whole mindset was different.


Tag, you're it.

Before anyone goes crazy, this is just a tabletop game which has pretty much nothing to do with Crystal Dynamics appart from licensing. This statement is the one made by the company developing this game WHICH IS NOT A VIDEO GAME.

kruis kruis , you may want to clarify this in the OP as this title is misleading.

The first reactions really prove that no one reads anything after the title...

Don't fall in this stupid clickbait, this "game" looks like this, it's a book lmao:


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Mr Hyde

Tell me this isn't the new next gen Tomb Raider game that CD is working on? The description of it sounded awful and the art work makes it look very generic.

Edit: Phew, looks like it's just a board game. But it does make me worried about what CD is cooking up for Lara on their next game. They better not fuck it up and have the plot or themes resemble that shit that was described in the OP.
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Gold Member

Before anyone goes crazy, this is just a tabletop game which has pretty much nothing to do with Crystal Dynamics appart from licensing. This statement is the one made by the company developing this game WHICH IS NOT A VIDEO GAME.

kruis kruis , you may want to clarify this in the OP as this title is misleading.

You are right, but how much do you want to bet this propaganda will spill to the main series.


Gold Member
What the hell are they trying to do to this ip? Did no one learn from Saints row? If this come to fruition I wish nothing but hate to the developers and publishers. Start a new IP with your woke bullshit I play game for fun not your alternative history lessons.
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Gold Member
What the hell are they trying to do to this ip? Did no one learn from Saints row? If this come to fruition I wish nothing but hate to the developers and publishers. Start a new IP with your woke bullshit I play game for fun not your alternative history lessons.
Saints Row is just a bad game. Woke or not.


Tag, you're it.
You are right, but how much do you want to bet this propaganda will spill to the main series.
What's certain is that they won't turn the Tomb Raider into someone who doesn't raid tombs. This things has been written by a bunch of stupid fuckers people. And tbf Crystal Dynamics talked about Lara taking these artifacts without thinking about the culture or the consequences in Shadows of the Tomb Raider (which in my opinion is the best entry since Anniversary by the way)



Before anyone goes crazy, this is just a tabletop game which has pretty much nothing to do with Crystal Dynamics appart from licensing. This statement is the one made by the company developing this game WHICH IS NOT A VIDEO GAME.

kruis kruis , you may want to clarify this in the OP as this title is misleading.

The first reactions really prove that no one reads anything after the title...

Don't fall in this stupid clickbait, this "game" looks like this, it's a book lmao:


Thank god it isn't, but good god the fact that they're even using the name/IP is astounding. So she isn't raiding tombs here.. What is she raiding?


Finally. Little known fact, but right before Croft showed up that group of savage jungle warriors was going to start a high trust, pacifist, liberty focused democracy. But noooo. White lady showed up and stole their goblets and shaman masks so they decided on another century of brutal civil warfare. SMH



Before anyone goes crazy, this is just a tabletop game which has pretty much nothing to do with Crystal Dynamics appart from licensing. This statement is the one made by the company developing this game WHICH IS NOT A VIDEO GAME.

kruis kruis , you may want to clarify this in the OP as this title is misleading.

The first reactions really prove that no one reads anything after the title...

Don't fall in this stupid clickbait, this "game" looks like this, it's a book lmao:



They still gave their endorsement to this monstrosity being created using the license. It even says in the descriptive text they worked with Crystal Dynamics:

In this game, we seek to continue in that work alongside Crystal Dynamics

If a political ad was made saying something ridiculous and it ended with a canned "i'm ___ and I approve of this message", there would be a concern that they did in fact approve of the message. It doesn't matter if it is a game or isn't a game, the message was still stamped with approval.

Paired with the latest remastered collection having that grovelling, self-flagellating warning at the start, all signs are pointing towards Tomb Raider's ashes being scattered from the cliff of political correctness.


Exposing the sinister cartel of retailers who allow companies to pay for advertising space.
From a leak published two years ago:

The script described Lara Croft as a white woman in her mid-30s that is 5'6" and athletic, and that developer Crystal Dynamics wants to find an "authentic British person" to play her. It also describes a much more mature Croft who seems grounded in herself and her life purpose, no longer troubled by "matters of legacy and familial reckoning." There's also a hint at a potential prodigy for the adventurer, as the description notes that her legacy inspired others to follow a similar path.

Although Croft's adventurers have been mainly solo, other parts of the script description suggest her personal journey centers, at least in part, on her finding others to join in her travels. "Lara has become lonely at the top," the script described. "The beginning of this next chapter presents Lara with a quintessential adult problem; facing something too big to handle alone. On this new adventure, Lara will encounter a challenge she can only overcome with a team at her side."

Crystal Dynamics has recently launched a site where you can sign up for more Tomb Raider news and join the Society of Raiders. And now we have these additional characters in this new table top RPG ... I think there's something going on here ...
They still gave their endorsement to this monstrosity being created using the license. It even says in the descriptive text they worked with Crystal Dynamics:

If a political ad was made saying something ridiculous and it ended with a canned "i'm ___ and I approve of this message", there would be a concern that they did in fact approve of the message. It doesn't matter if it is a game or isn't a game, the message was still stamped with approval.

Paired with the latest remastered collection having that grovelling, self-flagellating warning at the start, all signs are pointing towards Tomb Raider's ashes being scattered from the cliff of political correctness.
Apparently Crystal Dynamics are a bunch of woke fucktards.
Thank god it isn't, but good god the fact that they're even using the name/IP is astounding. So she isn't raiding tombs here.. What is she raiding?
Raiding the minds of weak sheep the world over to try and instill their message. They know a lot of people play these types of games so they decided why not infect their minds with their DEI WOKE BS Agenda.
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This game is old and problematic and full of archaic stereotypes but we'll leave them in because it allows us to learn from them, not because we're lazy and want to make money re-selling it, heaven forbid
This tabletop Tomb Raider adventure isn't really about raiding tombs because that's culturally insensitive, but we're still going to call it Tomb Raider so that we can highlight exactly why it's wrong, not because the Tomb Raider name will help it sell or anything like that

The balls of these people are actually impressive


Tag, you're it.
They still gave their endorsement to this monstrosity being created using the license. It even says in the descriptive text they worked with Crystal Dynamics:
What's the quote telling me is that Crystal Dynamics probably handed a few concept arts and that's it. This book has been written by people working at Evil Hat Productions. I could be wrong and the next game may go fully woke with stupid decisions like Lara not raiding tombs but it's too soon to take the pitchfork. And this book is surely not a proof of anything.

If a political ad was made saying something ridiculous and it ended with a canned "i'm ___ and I approve of this message", there would be a concern that they did in fact approve of the message. It doesn't matter if it is a game or isn't a game, the message was still stamped with approval.

Paired with the latest remastered collection having that grovelling, self-flagellating warning at the start, all signs are pointing towards Tomb Raider's ashes being scattered from the cliff of political correctness.
But this is not published on social media by CD or on their website, is a fansite. Sure they are putting the name of the studio but that's just PR. Or it could even be contractual as Crystal Dynamics recently took the rights back. What I mean is we shouldn't read too much into this.

About the warning I don't think it's that bad, I'd rather see this than completely changed parts of the original game. At least it's untouched. This warning was here because if they don't put it they're gonna be in trouble with the pink haired non binary peoples. So by doing this they kill the outrage right away.
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