Tomb Raider is finally decolonized!


fart wtf GIF by Matthew Mann


The IP is finished anyway and this game seems to be some indie level production nobody will care about. (edit : i thought it was a RPG game but it's a tabletop thing, i care even less).

As for Crystal Dynamics they're cowering, it's probably their last big shot at TR or AAA as a whole, they're trying to pathetically find an easy way to reinvent the wheel probably knowing well it's not going to work.
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You are right, but how much do you want to bet this propaganda will spill to the main series.
Judging by this blurb it already has?

"Later games released in the franchise have started the work of addressing this by having Lara Croft acknowledge her past mistakes and try to understand and show respect for the cultures and communities she comes into contact with. She has also worked to reform raider culture and raise the awareness of her peers."

Neon Xenon

This is for some tabletop RPG that I won't be playing. There's some other shit I could be getting angry about instead.



British adventurer Lara Croft will transition from being a raider of tombs to a seeker of truth as Evil Hat Productions and Crystal Dynamics seek to redefine the Tomb Raider series in order to escape a history wounded by colonialism, according to an excerpt from the official Tomb Raider Shadows of Truth RPG rulebook.

"Raiding, as depicted in the original Tomb Raider games and stories, involves going to ancient tombs and historical sites of different civilisations and acquiring artefacts. It operates on the assumption of 'finders keepers' that grants raiders with the means and the drive to claim ownership of artefacts, regardless of whether they have any historical or cultural claim to the treasure."

"Later games released in the franchise have started the work of addressing this by having Lara Croft acknowledge her past mistakes and try to understand and show respect for the cultures and communities she comes into contact with. She has also worked to reform raider culture and raise the awareness of her peers."

"Lara no longer decorates her mantle with mythic artefacts - as a raider she prioritises seeking out the truth. Much of this game is inspired by her humanity, struggle with heroism, and her tenacity. We believe that all three aspects are an important component in creating a game that celebrates history and culture while acknowledging the respect and work required to live in a world wounded by colonialism."

"In this game, we seek to continue in that work alongside Crystal Dynamics by creating a sandbox for you to tell stories that address colonialist themes in play and create your own stories of respect and support for the people and cultures your Seekers encounter."
Blah, blah, blah. Shut up and make a good game, you fucking idiots.


If the next Tomb Raider game goes this route, this will likely kill the IP. The Survivor Trilogy suffered diminishing returns with each new entry, and Shadow of the Tomb Raider was almost 6 years ago. We still don't even have a trailer for the next game. Tomb Raider has struggled to remain relevant these last few years. The Remastered Trilogy was great and had positive reception, but it's not like it was a commercial banger. So if they show off the next Tomb Raider game, and it's a politically correct nightmare with an "updated for modern audiences" Lara Croft, that's ashamed of her past, it's going to flop. Younger gamers don't play Tomb Raider and don't care all that much about Lara, and older gamers want Lara to be Lara.

And yes, this is for a TTRPG. But it still has to be approved by Crystal Dynamics. That plus the message CD put in at the beginning of the TR I-III Remastered Trilogy. Remember, Crystal Dynamics wants a "Unified Lara" moving forward. So this TTRPG will be using the new version of Lara. So it's a safe bet that this is likely going to be the direction of the new game.


You may as well get rid of her accent, too. Since the British were a colonial power. Also the accent kind of sexy so it’s not real and equals murder.

I’ll try to ignore all this and give crystal dynamics the benefit of the doubt. This is a table top game for babies.
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SE dodged a bullet with the sell off of Crystal Dynamics. Yeesh. And we thought Embracer got a bargain deal.

CD hates the old games made by Core Design.
Maybe the current CD. But they made several traditional TR games before they started the reboot which started ruining the IP. The team probably changed at that time with lots of new people in important positions. Someone must’ve had poisonous ideas that stuck. Would probably be possible to study the credits and see the creative positions that changed to narrow it down if you’d want someone to blame.
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The thing about bleeding heart liberals is that they are so self assured and emotional about their fanatical beliefs that they will keep pushing and annoying until it pisses everyone else off, to the point of violence. Its never enough for them and they need to be smacked back to reality. A little wokism propaganda in the media doesnt seem like a huge deal, but they will destroy the world with their petulance. Go work for the peace corps and see how well your vision of humanity fares in the 3rd world. I see them as evil
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