Tomb Raider is finally decolonized!


You might aswell just rename it to "truth seeker" now while you're at it and pass the ip to someone who cares about it
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Buggy Loop

Gold Member
Uh oh, will SBI get to Indiana Jones too?

Harrison Ford Reaction GIF



Before anyone goes crazy, this is just a tabletop game which has pretty much nothing to do with Crystal Dynamics appart from licensing. This statement is the one made by the company developing this game WHICH IS NOT A VIDEO GAME.

kruis kruis , you may want to clarify this in the OP as this title is misleading.

The first reactions really prove that no one reads anything after the title...

Don't fall in this stupid clickbait, this "game" looks like this, it's a book lmao:


The changed

What changed...



I'd love to single out every person that had some skin in making this RPG and go down a list of products that aren't "responsibly sourced" that they use and shame the ever loving fuck out of them for each and every one. Got an iPhone? BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS! Where are your clothes made? You drinking Nestle bottled water? Tell me about your bananas.

Fucking so SICK of this horseshit. Selective slactivism that serves no purpose other than to ruin the associated IPs.


I'll reserve judgment until I see it. It is true that museums all across the west in particular have tons of stolen priceless art. Many high profile objects have had to be returned to their origin countries after decades of complaints. And the coolest part of fantasy archeology is finding out the secrets, not really acquiring the objects. It could be fine, or it could be a woke disaster. Its not an accident that Indiana Jones works better in the 1930s and 40s than present day. The whole mindset was different.



They can't go broke soon enough.



Couldn't they just make that she is reclaiming stolen items that are now be held in a tomb somewhere. Still raiding just taking from bad guys and returning to the rightful owner or something.


Oh I just noticed this.

PinoyGAF, you got some serious splainin' to do:
How'd you get from the Gosiengfiao Sisters to these furries & they/them nutcases???
We actually have amazing lgbtq people here. Some close relatives are too. There’s always bad apples. The issue here is those in that post seem to be infected by the western ideological versions. Not every lgbtq people are as unhinged as that.

...Wasn't she already doing this in the last few games? Bad guys would essentially go to an indigenous land and try to use some long lost relic as a super weapon. Lara would stop them and save the land and people, then leave. It's essentially the Uncharted formula.

The only difference was that at least Drake was a lovable self-admitted thief/plunderer.

Why is everyone here mad about them essentially describing new-Lara? New-Lara was already a raider-hunter, like what the OP article is describing.
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Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
Hope a Tomb Raider 7 is made. And the plot consists of Tomb Raiding as OG Lara and these imposters get killed for just getting in her way in each biome.


Gold Member
I’m not wearing my glasses, so I read “decolorized” and were like “huh!?”

Then I opened the thread and my first thought was this is about a black-and-white comic book series.

Then I understood.

People thinking this isn’t a preview of what’s gonna spill into the video games are deluded.
Ask yourself, what are the sales prospects of a TR tabletop RPG? Why would they make this if this message is only going to reach a small bunch of people? You think this is a one-and-done thing? Lara’s main medium is video games.




British adventurer Lara Croft will transition from being a raider of tombs to a seeker of truth as Evil Hat Productions and Crystal Dynamics seek to redefine the Tomb Raider series in order to escape a history wounded by colonialism, according to an excerpt from the official Tomb Raider Shadows of Truth RPG rulebook.

"Raiding, as depicted in the original Tomb Raider games and stories, involves going to ancient tombs and historical sites of different civilisations and acquiring artefacts. It operates on the assumption of 'finders keepers' that grants raiders with the means and the drive to claim ownership of artefacts, regardless of whether they have any historical or cultural claim to the treasure."

"Later games released in the franchise have started the work of addressing this by having Lara Croft acknowledge her past mistakes and try to understand and show respect for the cultures and communities she comes into contact with. She has also worked to reform raider culture and raise the awareness of her peers."

"Lara no longer decorates her mantle with mythic artefacts - as a raider she prioritises seeking out the truth. Much of this game is inspired by her humanity, struggle with heroism, and her tenacity. We believe that all three aspects are an important component in creating a game that celebrates history and culture while acknowledging the respect and work required to live in a world wounded by colonialism."

"In this game, we seek to continue in that work alongside Crystal Dynamics by creating a sandbox for you to tell stories that address colonialist themes in play and create your own stories of respect and support for the people and cultures your Seekers encounter."


UPDATE: This news item is not the upcoming video game, but about a related table top RPG game. But I do think that the decolonist politics in the table top RPG game is a taste of things to come...


Do people think a colonial and an average English person are the same thing 🤣


Battlebus imprisoning me \m/ >.< \m/
I believe the the next game will be a narrative soft reboot (ala modern God Of War).
It will acknowledge the original trilogy (hence the release) but go the soy boy Kratos way of having Lara acknowledge her ‘mistakes’ and ‘do better’.

Of course she’ll have a DEI companion or two to help her see the errors of her past life.

It will be brave, bold and stunning. Critics will laud the narrative reboot as being up there with God Of War.

There will also be one psycho review like the hilarious and legendary Spider Man 2 “positive messaging” one.
If you were paying attention to the story of Shadow of the Tomb Raider, this has basically already happened. Lara was being shamed and guilt-tripped through that whole game, basically treated like the villain at times. It's why the whole ending was such a damp squib. The moral panic over colonialism runs strongly through that game. Lara couldn't even change her outfits into anything "disrespectful" while she was in the tribe's village.
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