Tomb Raider is finally decolonized!


Celebrate Rest In Peace GIF by Jason Clarke
This may only be for a tabletop RPG, but it feels a lot like a trial balloon to see how the public will digest it. Let's face it, how many people out there are desperate to play a tabletop RPG based on Tomb Raider? My guess is, not a lot, even if it wasn't remotely woke. Lara isn't the most compelling character in the gaming world to start with. Shifting it over to a tabletop setting means you need a small group of people who are into the characters and world and want to explore in it.

Now maybe I'm wrong, but the impression I've gotten is that when most of us launch a Tomb Raider game, it's because we want to go raid some tombs, test our wits against puzzles and deathtraps, and fight off challenging enemies in satisfying combat, all while exploring an exotic habitat.

The description of this tabletop RPG seems to de-emphasize all of that, opting instead to focus on some kind of cultural justice movement. I guess there might be some appeal if you're a slacktivist who would rather spend your time pretending to stand up for a cause in a fantasy world rather than actually going out and doing it IRL, but I have a lot of difficulty imagining that there is a big market of people out there looking for this.

I don't know what the next Tomb Raider video game holds. Shadow Of The Tomb Raider was a huge step down to me IMO, largely because it shied away from combat so often, the combat that was in it wasn't as satisfying as it was in 2013 and Rise, and the story felt a bit half-baked. I actually enjoyed the premise, but it seems like it went in a very different direction than Rise had set up at the end of it. I guess that Eidos Montreal wanted to put their own mark on the franchise and take it in a different direction than Crystal Dynamics had.

This marketing for the tabletop RPG fills me with a lot of dread for where the franchise as a whole is heading. Lara has been raiding tombs for thirty years now. Maybe it's time that she just...stop. Naughty Dog wasn't afraid to let the Uncharted series end. Maybe it's time that Crystal Dynamics allows Lara Croft to pass into the annals of history while she still has some dignity left.
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Before anyone goes crazy, this is just a tabletop game which has pretty much nothing to do with Crystal Dynamics appart from licensing. This statement is the one made by the company developing this game WHICH IS NOT A VIDEO GAME.

kruis kruis , you may want to clarify this in the OP as this title is misleading.

The first reactions really prove that no one reads anything after the title...

Don't fall in this stupid clickbait, this "game" looks like this, it's a book lmao:


But what if I want to roleplay a colonizer :( They shouldn't limit player freedom.


Easy. They can’t create a new IP and make it successful on these premises. They absolutely have to hijack IPs that sell millions by their name alone to reach the number of people they want to educate.

It’s the same as climate activists defacing artworks and interrupting public events. They know they don’t have a voice unless they destroy something or burst in where people have already gathered for something completely different.
Problem is this is no way shape or fucking form “education”. Lara Croft is Lara Croft. She’s an established character over decades. She’s always been very easy on the eyes. Fucking world has gone nuts because someone out there may feel “shamed” for not being as attractive? Or males who play the game are fucking “toxic”. I wish these ppl would all go the fuck away and live in their own imaginary worlds.
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