Tomb Raider is finally decolonized!


If these are the principles they're building the next Tomb Raider on instead of focusing on creating fun entertainment, they will have yet another disappointment in their hands.
At that point I'm not sure Embracer will be kind to them.


People like to forget that if us Brits didn't liberate all these treasures from all these barbaric places the artifacts would have been destroyed by their own cultures.

Thank us Brits and bow to the empire.


"Lara no longer decorates her mantle with mythic artefacts - as a raider she prioritises seeking out the truth. Much of this game is inspired by her humanity, struggle with heroism, and her tenacity. We believe that all three aspects are an important component in creating a game that celebrates history and culture while acknowledging the respect and work required to live in a world wounded by colonialism."

Well shit that sounds like it'll make for a fun video game.


I can't even play the first game I ever asked to get in my life, Duck Tales, anymore without feeling guilty about Scrooge McDuck's lack of respect for the ancient cultures and communities he is taking from in the game. I can't believe I was a gamer and even a live person for decades before gaming activists showed me how insensitive some developers have always been to the realities of colonization.
"Lara no longer decorates her mantle with mythic artefacts - as a raider she prioritises seeking out the truth. Much of this game is inspired by her humanity, struggle with heroism, and her tenacity. We believe that all three aspects are an important component in creating a game that celebrates history and culture while acknowledging the respect and work required to live in a world wounded by colonialism."
The mental hoops they had to jump through to keep the word "Raider" 😂


At the end of the game Lara Woke will throw her guns away and use a megaphone to guilt trip her enemies about their toxix masculinity.
The end? More like the prologue. You really think wokies have this much patience to wait till' the end of the game to hear about the white male devils?


I'd love to single out every person that had some skin in making this RPG and go down a list of products that aren't "responsibly sourced" that they use and shame the ever loving fuck out of them for each and every one. Got an iPhone? BLOOD ON YOUR HANDS! Where are your clothes made? You drinking Nestle bottled water? Tell me about your bananas.

Fucking so SICK of this horseshit. Selective slactivism that serves no purpose other than to ruin the associated IPs.
And it bugs me, some said they dont want to kill anything for them to live. And i said they should not even brush their teeth or showers, because germs are also alive :p oh wait they also cannot drink water, there is living things there as well.

Reminds me though, that some eco warrior said that i should not using straw, and i told them their iphone also emptied battery mines, or their clothes are synthetic (norms here, because cheaper) and synthetic material also comes from plastic.

Their moral standard is so high and not realistic at all btw


Reseterror Resettler
So they're turning Lara Croft into one of those youtube channels that explores Icelandic cemeteries, eh?

"Ah! Finally, Sir Henry's tomb! Wherein lies the Amulet of Prometheii! My father and I poured so much blood and sweat into this one find! Now then, let us call the authorities and have it stuffed in a museum or chapel!"
The only de-colonizing Tomb Raider needed was for it's shitty woke mofo devs to take their heads out of their own fucking colons.

I can't believe what these asshole woke wankers are doing to the entertainment IP I've grown up with and how their flagrantly bastardizing our childhood; and yet even worse, how so many fucking cucks are just sitting around pretending that it's not a problem.
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Just once I want to see a dev say "we only exist because of white males and we are making a game with them in mind." And do so unapologetically. Just once.

This is in regards to what's also going on with Outlaws and the woke movement in gaming in general.
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Just once I want to see a dev say "we only exist because of white males and we are making a game with them in mind." And do so unapologetically. Just once.

This is in regards to what's also going on with Outlaws and the woke movement in gaming in general.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
"Raiding, as depicted in the original Tomb Raider games and stories, involves going to ancient tombs and historical sites of different civilisations and acquiring artefacts. It operates on the assumption of 'finders keepers' that grants raiders with the means and the drive to claim ownership of artefacts, regardless of whether they have any historical or cultural claim to the treasure."

"Later games released in the franchise have started the work of addressing this by having Lara Croft acknowledge her past mistakes and try to understand and show respect for the cultures and communities she comes into contact with. She has also worked to reform raider culture and raise the awareness of her peers."
worked to reform raider culture

I just don't know anymore.


I’m not wearing my glasses, so I read “decolorized” and were like “huh!?”

Then I opened the thread and my first thought was this is about a black-and-white comic book series.
That would be too artistic, we dont do that in the west anymore. Its all about pushing social justice agendas.

Im loving to see the fall of western devs and games, while i eat popcorn and keep spending money on Japanese/Korean games. Even China will get my money if Black Myth Wukong delivers on consoles.
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I can't believe what these asshole woke wankers are doing to the entertainment IP I've grown up with and how their flagrantly bastardizing our childhood; and yet even worse, how so many fucking cucks are just sitting around pretending that it's not a problem.
It’s like a virus. Why can’t they just create new characters and IPs where they can inject these agendas? Why ruin existing ones?

And I honestly feel like this is one of few places where we can actually say how we feel without getting banned. So many places have a censorship culture now that is quite extreme and you can’t question it you have to pretend there is nothing strange going on.
'Much of this game is inspired by her humanity, struggle with heroism, and her tenacity....'

her 'struggle with heroism'? wtf does that even mean? so much of this verging on incoherent promotional bullshit is just such an obvious case of 'either keep your mouth shut & let them think you're stupid, or open it & eliminate all doubt'. just this vapid crap alone is enough to keep me several miles away from whatever product's being pitched...


You snowflakes are getting upset over a board game lmfao. This amount of crying in this thread is hilarious

The only de-colonizing Tomb Raider needed was for it's shitty woke mofo devs to take their heads out of their own fucking colons.

I can't believe what these asshole woke wankers are doing to the entertainment IP I've grown up with and how their flagrantly bastardizing our childhood; and yet even worse, how so many fucking cucks are just sitting around pretending that it's not a problem.
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Gold Member
Why can’t they just create new characters and IPs where they can inject these agendas? Why ruin existing ones?
Easy. They can’t create a new IP and make it successful on these premises. They absolutely have to hijack IPs that sell millions by their name alone to reach the number of people they want to educate.

It’s the same as climate activists defacing artworks and interrupting public events. They know they don’t have a voice unless they destroy something or burst in where people have already gathered for something completely different.


Easy. They can’t create a new IP and make it successful on these premises. They absolutely have to hijack IPs that sell millions by their name alone to reach the number of people they want to educate.

It’s the same as climate activists defacing artworks and interrupting public events. They know they don’t have a voice unless they destroy something or burst in where people have already gathered for something completely different.
That last bit is a perfect analogy, that’s exactly what they’re doing, goes for games as well and movies.
I miss when all we got was entertainment.


Gold Member
You COULD make this work, she is still a merc but gets hired by some indigenous org to steal stuff OUT of heavily guarded museum vaults (Mission:Impossible style) and raids on wealthy private collectors on places like Epsteins Island, remote transylvanian castles, or reclusive siberian dachas. Any need to preach about "decolonization" can be removed and just shift her focus from exotic tombs to more manufactured death traps. Hell, have her go into exotic tombs in areas about to be squashed in wars/tyrannical regimes, it's not like we don't have AMPLE examples of groups, like ISIS or the Taliban, that will destroy their own history because, to the shock of no one, THEY DON'T CARE ABOUT THAT SHIT.

It's really the preachy jibberish that deep-sixes this stuff, well, the androgynous dumpy character designs as well. That double amputee lost her feet to the diabeddus for sure!
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