So should I trade in BLOPS2 and something else for this or just wait until it's sub 20$?
yeah, I too wonder where they go from here. It's too bad because this game was really their opportunity to do a survival horror adventure. I hope in the next game they keep it gritty though. I dont want super hero Lara Croft with the silly one liners.I said this a few pages back and still stands, with the game that they have built how do you guys see them going forward with this
They can't continue the "good girl turned survivor" in a sequel
They can't ship wreak her again
they can't have savages after her and her friends either, it will have to swing in a completely different direction, I actually understand this as a origin story, the original had it detailed
But it'll have to becomemore Uncharted themed if you will or Tomb Raider
Like I said before I'm excited to see where they go
I hope they do a DLC with a preview of whats to come( her first Tomb Raid etc )
I don't think they need to go that route, look at Batman for instanceyeah, I too wonder where they go from here. It's too bad because this game was really their opportunity to do a survival horror adventure. I hope in the next game they keep it gritty though. I dont want super hero Lara Croft with the silly one liners.
So should I trade in BLOPS2 and something else for this or just wait until it's sub 20$?
yeah, I too wonder where they go from here. It's too bad because this game was really their opportunity to do a survival horror adventure. I hope in the next game they keep it gritty though. I dont want super hero Lara Croft with the silly one liners.
I've reached the point of no return. Does anyone know if you can go back after the credits to find all the secrets?
Yup, you can select continue after you've finished the game to go back and collect anything you've missed.
I said this a few pages back and still stands, with the game that they have built how do you guys see them going forward with this
They can't continue the "good girl turned survivor" in a sequel
They can't ship wreak her again
they can't have savages after her and her friends either, it will have to swing in a completely different direction, I actually understand this as a origin story, the original had it detailed
But it'll have to becomemore Uncharted themed if you will or Tomb Raider
Like I said before I'm excited to see where they go
I hope they do a DLC with a preview of whats to come( her first Tomb Raid etc )
yeah, I too wonder where they go from here. It's too bad because this game was really their opportunity to do a survival horror adventure. I hope in the next game they keep it gritty though. I dont want super hero Lara Croft with the silly one liners.
I don't think they need to go that route, look at Batman for instance
They can keep the dark tone and atmosphere while still keeping Lara's personality, she can still be a wise ass, I'm sure she is in this one ( no I haven't yet, its still in the post)
Less silly one liners more confident sarcasm
I do however hope her atheism makes a return
I hope CD is smart enough to try and not have a sequel based on everything going wrong on an exploration....again. I'm starting to wonder if they also painted themselves into a corner in making the next one.
If it doesn't checklist everything TR reboot 1 had, especially things like the violence and gritty, will it still be as popular, or will it always need that element? Can the sequel handle taking in more elements of the old games without alienating their new fanbase, making Lara not a superhero, but fit, experienced, and capable this time, still grounded in reality?
I would hope it would. Otherwise, it's going to feel like Lara has become another RE main character, stumbling onto a terrible situation and joining a cause that has her going right back into several more.
Karima AdebibeAllison Carol, oh my. I'd be disappointed about the lack of Rhona Mitra, but she got stuck in some awful green vinyl top.
I said this a few pages back and still stands, with the game that they have built how do you guys see them going forward with this
They can't continue the "good girl turned survivor" in a sequel
They can't ship wreak her again
they can't have savages after her and her friends either, it will have to swing in a completely different direction, I actually understand this as a origin story, the original had it detailed
But it'll have to becomemore Uncharted themed if you will or Tomb Raider
Like I said before I'm excited to see where they go
I hope they do a DLC with a preview of whats to come( her first Tomb Raid etc )
yeah, I too wonder where they go from here. It's too bad because this game was really their opportunity to do a survival horror adventure. I hope in the next game they keep it gritty though. I dont want super hero Lara Croft with the silly one liners.
it can be very much like this one, but controlled, Lara hasn't been put into this situation the second time she chooses it, she gets a kick of the dangerI was wondering how they'd go about it as well. Perhaps facing off against rival archeologists/treasure hunters/thieves? Some sort of mercenary outfit maybe? I could see the game being more focused on exploration and puzzles with less enemies for a sequel (since I'm wondering how you justify more killing). It's justified in this game because they're savage cultists wanting to kill everyone. Uncharted 2 and 3 did the lunatic and his band of mercenaries and the secret society, but I'm sure Tomb Raider could do its own twist on that. Maybe it won't be quite survival, but exploration (still utilizing hubs and base systems) expanded.
It has a survival horror vibe (not survival horror, but that sort of atmosphere and feel) from what I've seen.
If nothing else, this game is god damn beautiful.
Actually, no, scratch that. The real stars are the audio department at Crystal Dynamics. There's some top-shelf work in this game, some of the best I've heard in a game. Super impressive.
(Watching my housemate play, my copy doesn't unlock for another day.)
It isn't quite the same. Isn't Lara supposed to a sheltered, rich girl?
The RE characters were
Chris: Elite division (STARS) of the police department
Jill: Ditto
Leon Kennedy: Rookie cop.
Claire: Chris' civilian sister.
Rebecca: STARS medic.
Most of the RE gluttons for punishment were already serving and protecting.
Meh. Nothing Lara about her. A ponytail, really?Karima Adebibe
Best one by a long shot imo
That's something to take note of but obviously will be sorely dependent on the person. I mean people still play mario games to this day and they all have very familiar feelings when it comes to gameplay, or any series that's long running for that matter. Now granted you could say well this is a new reboot and shouldn't have that feeling, and your right. Though I love the Uncharted games and still find the new Tomb Raider worthing of playing. Then again I can replay the Uncharted games over and over, along with many others.
At which point in the game do I stop and collect stuff? I'm atthe beach.
Meh. Nothing Lara about her. A ponytail, really?
Soon you will get [i presume] final piece of gear for accessing some fortified places of environment [if the known bug dont prevent you from playing further].
Anyway, I just clocked it. It's a good game; a very good game, even. Were UC not to exist, it'd be a pretty stellar game, but hey, we've gone over that already.
Can you switch difficulty on the fly? I usually start games on Normal, and if I find it too easy I kick it up a bit
So... its merits are diminished because there's something else on the market that's also good?
So,; how far from the end am I? To be honest, the game had begun to wear out its welcome at Shanty Town and I'm desperately wanting it to finish now. It's seeming very drawn out indeed.I just got the Compound Bow
I will with no reservations say that TR is a good game; it's mechanically sound and well-executed on a fundamental level, but when it's practically begging to be compared to "that other game" (UC2, to be precise), emulating it in so many ways, it unfortunately does come off as the lesser adventure.
Why? Well, in a nutshell, it is UC2 completely devoid of charm and comparatively lacking in mechanical finesse.
First and foremost, I do not like Lara - or rather, I do not like how she has been portrayed. I am sick of seeing her fall and moan and scream and gasp for air and twinge and cry, etc. Like I said, it's not really a reflection of her character as much as it is the developer's choice to show her be trodden upon over and over and over again, but it's still tiresome and annoying. I know they're trying to drive home the whole 'soft girl gone hard' character arc, but it seems very heavy-handed. And yeah, let's not forgot the complete over-doing of QTEs and "walking-simulator" sections that are seemingly integral in getting this across to the player. Lord, have mercy (Also, it does seem like TR indulges in the 'omgLara'shandholdjustbrokeomg' a lot more than any of the UCs have, which is arguably one of the the worst tropes of action/adventrue games this gen).
Secondly, I loathe the supporting cast. I've never met a more cliched, stereotypical and unlikable cast in a game. What's worse is that they're the reason why Lara is doing all of this; to save the old hardened yet endearing sea captain from the North and the confident, smart-talking black woman and the geeky geek... Ugh. Spare me. Not to mention, the main villain is offensively lame and the story on the whole I find to be completely uninteresting.
Sure, you may very well ask, "seeing as they're so similar, why do you like UC2 so much, guy?" For one, UC2 was more or less the first game to do "this" type of game and to such a degree of quality. Its core mechanics are also slightly more refined - jumping, shooting, traversal, all of that (though, I will concede that TR has a lot more going for it in terms of combat options). In other words, I think it's totally reasonable and not trivial to compare the two games.
MOST IMPORTANTLY, however, is that Drake and co. are fun and interesting and likeable and elevate a more or less stock standard, albeit very tight TPS into something special. I know TR is going for a completely different tone, but it also chooses to incorporate the inconceivably douchey side characters and tropes of the genre, so the comparison is relevant. It makes the core game far less tolerable and the same would apply to UC2 had it revolved around such grating characters and a bland story/villain, but UC2 came before and TR isn't doing that much to differentiate itself.
I dunno. I'm just kinda bored with it now. Don't get me wrong, it is a good game, but a good game that I'll probably have very little desire to revisit.
Less complaining protagonist falling down, more game and pacing refinement!
Gameplay-wise it beats Uncharted on all fronts. There I said it.
Not quite. Its merits are diminished because it takes that many cues that strictly from another game on the market that has a trademarked and somewhat formulaic style.
Think about it this way... If you play a new game and within 15 minutes you're thinking, 'holy shit, this is basically just X game', is this going to cast a negative or positive light on your impression?
Luckily for TR, it does enough right that ultimately, I can overlook its tendency to borrow and still appreciate it for what it is: a polished and entertaining game.
Are we pretending UC didn't borrow anything from other games either?
Are we also pretending that TR hasn't done even a teensy bit more than what would be considered 'borrowing'?
For the people that completed it, did you play through it on hard?
Does it remove the survival instincts feature or does it just lower your health?
Not quite. Its merits are diminished because it takes that many cues that strictly from another game on the market that has a trademarked and somewhat formulaic style.
Think about it this way... If you play a new game and within 15 minutes you're thinking, 'holy shit, this is basically just X game', is this going to cast a negative or positive light on your impression?
Luckily for TR, it does enough right that ultimately, I can overlook its tendency to borrow and still appreciate it for what it is: a polished and entertaining game.
Gameplay-style wise, I like this a bit better than Uncharted. What I mean by this is that I like that it has less shooting and more puzzle and free-roaming (so far).
The actual gameplay mechanic is a bit wobbly though. Walking feels like controlling a drunken teenage girl. Shooting is a bit annoying and I don't like the weird QTEs implementation they have here.
Graphic, so far it's pretty dark/greyish. If I hadn't pay attention to the story, I wouldn't have known that this is actually set in Japan. Yes, there are temples and all that but the lack of colors really don't do them justice. Also, from what I remember of my travel to Japan, the temple looks rather different. It's like Western interpretation of Japanese locales. So far there hasn't been a standout "Wow, look at that place" moment that I often had with Uncharted.
Overall, however, it's a rather relaxing game, especially after finishing Dead Space 3. I quite enjoy it so far.
Gameplay-style wise, I like this a bit better than Uncharted. What I mean by this is that I like that it has less shooting and more puzzle and free-roaming (so far).
The actual gameplay mechanic is a bit wobbly though. Walking feels like controlling a drunken teenage girl. Shooting is a bit annoying and I don't like the weird QTEs implementation they have here.
Graphic, so far it's pretty dark/greyish. If I hadn't pay attention to the story, I wouldn't have known that this is actually set in Japan. Yes, there are temples and all that but the lack of colors really don't do them justice. Also, from what I remember of my travel to Japan, the temple looks rather different. It's like Western interpretation of Japanese locales. So far there hasn't been a standout "Wow, look at that place" moment that I often had with Uncharted.
Overall, however, it's a rather relaxing game, especially after finishing Dead Space 3. I quite enjoy it so far.
walking around the Island was giving me Lost vibes it was awesome
Should I play on Hard? Is the melee combat in the style of Batman/Sleeping Dogs?