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Tony Blair: Cheney wanted to invade Iran, Syria, Iraq, etc.

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Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
In the UK it may have been legally dubious, but not in the US. That's just the "illegal war" nonsense people made up.

What crimes, nothing illegal was done?

Illegal according to International Law, if the the US do not accept this, how about you(US government) shut the fuck up & stop interfering in the world?

Because he was a puppet to corporate interests and puppets always get rewarded. See the new investment bank for the rich the little weasel started for an example.

99% of former politicians profit from their time in office, you don't think Obama will hit the after-dinner trail(I see huge similarities between Blair & Obama, both expoited young voters desperate for a change, both on the center-right pretending to be social democrats, both elected on the strength of charisma)? Also Blair believed in interventionism long before Bush was elected(see Kosovo, another legally dubious war), as much as Blair lined his pockets whilst PM I don't think the Middle-East escapades were supported by Blair for profit.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
What benefits?:lol

The sovereign nation is the supreme body in international politics. The domination of other nations are what controls not international law.

We are beholden to ourselves and so are our elected officials.

Well then, if you don't need the rest of them maybe you should cease all diplomatic relations, all imports and exports, stop asking for the help of other nations for all your endeavors, withdraw all troops from other regions and close borders once and for all. You don't need anyone else afterall and you're not part of the international community, right?
Cerebral Assassin said:
Illegal according to International Law, if the the US do not accept this, how about you(US government) shut the fuck up & stop interfering in the world?
We're the dominant imperial power, why would we stop.

Besides you're just bitter because of George N. Gillett, Jr. :lol
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
We're the dominant imperial power, why would we stop.

Besides you're just bitter because of George N. Gillett, Jr. :lol

So it's not a crime because the bully says it's not a crime. Jesus fucking Christ, you're pathetic.
fortified_concept said:
So it's not a crime because the bully says it's not a crime. Jesus fucking Christ, you're pathetic.

It's not a crime when it's not a crime. You can add all the adjectives you want, but it doesn't change the reality.

Wazzim said:
Obviously, you're using the same kind of logic all the time ;-)
Amen! :D
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
It's not a crime when it's not a crime. You can add all the adjectives you want, but it doesn't change the reality.


This is exactly what you said. It's not a crime because USA is the imperial power that doesn't abide by any rules to do whatever the fuck it wants. They're your words, genius.

Fuck it, there's no reason getting upset with your kind, I'm bailing out.

Dude Abides

Treaties currently binding on the United States:


Not sure what Manos is on about.

Here is an example of a dispute governed by international law, with some of the arguments the US made to seek to avoid having to adhere to the ruling of an international tribunal. Surprisingly, "LOLZ international law means nothing" is not among the arguments either party made.



will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
It's funny how much Blair has changed knowing that he's not accountable to the British public anymore. It's kind of like he just walked out of his front door wearing nothing but a puke-stained necktie from 1995 and just said "call me butter because I'm on a roll, and I just don't give a fuck."

I eagerly await a similar reaction from Gordon Brown when he steps down completely. No doubt his memoirs will just be 60 pages - 10 pages of intricate detail into how to save money, and 50 pages covered with a weird stain that somehow looks like Peter Mandleson's blood.
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
We're the dominant imperial power, why would we stop.

Besides you're just bitter because of George N. Gillett, Jr. :lol

Maybe if you stopped people around the world may stop cheering when Americans die( but I'm guessing you don't subscribe to the blowback theory)
jaxword said:
This is 100% exactly true, though, and has always been the nature of power throughout history. And barring a major shift in human nature, likely always will be true, too.

It is true but you can't use it in the argument for god's sake.

I said "if there was some justice in this shithole of a world Blair and Cheney would be in jail for war crimes" and he says there are no crimes. And why there are no crimes? "Because we're the most powerful LOL". Of course there's a powerful bully that does whatever the fuck it wants otherwise this world wouldn't be a shithole and there would be some justice, that was my entire fucking point in the first place.
fortified_concept said:

This is exactly what you said. It's not a crime because USA is the imperial power that doesn't abide by any rules to do whatever the fuck it wants. They're your words, genius.

Fuck it, there's no reason getting upset with your kind, I'm bailing out.

:lol :lol :lol

Dude Abides said:
Treaties currently binding on the United States:


Not sure what Manos is on about.

Here is an example of a dispute governed by international law, with some of the arguments the US made to seek to avoid having to adhere to the ruling of an international tribunal. Surprisingly, "LOLZ international law means nothing" is not among the arguments either party made.


No, I just don't think in the end they can bind the power they doesn't care to be bound anymore.

There are reservations

A reservation in international law is a caveat to a state's acceptance of a treaty. By the 1969 Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (VCLT), a reservation is defined as a

unilateral statement, however phrased or named, made by a State, when signing, ratifying, accepting, approving or acceding to a treaty, whereby it purports to exclude or to modify the legal effect of certain provisions of the treaty in their application to that State. (Article 2 (1)(d))[1]

Cerebral Assassin said:
Maybe if you stopped people around the world may stop cheering when Americans die( but I'm guessing you don't subscribe to the blowback theory)

Why would I care what they think? I don't doubt blowback, but I couldn't care less about people cheering about dead Americans.

Anyhow back to the Shenmue thread!
Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Why would I care what they think? I don't doubt blowback, but I couldn't care less about people cheering about dead Americans.

Anyhow back to the Shenmue thread!

You don't think this attitude has cost American lives?(I suppose that probably doesn't matter to you as you are still alive)


Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
In the UK it may have been legally dubious, but not in the US. That's just the "illegal war" nonsense people made up.

What crimes, nothing illegal was done?

Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
You're just mad RiskyChris got banned, but I'm happy to see you admit you have no proof for your point.

Manos: The Hans of Fate said:

And we're not.

Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Facts, try and use them. :lol

jeez, talk about trolling.

Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
:lol :lol :lol

No, I just don't think in the end they can bind the power they doesn't care to be bound anymore.

There are reservations

You'd make a terrible lawyer. You get your degree from the same place as Lionel Hutz?

Hint: US courts don't allow smilies to be entered into the record. Bang goes your most powerful argument.
Scary that Cheney wanted to use the military to arrest suspected terrorists in NJ. This is also the same guy who said in the early 90s that invading Iraq would be a bad idea.
Whatever the case, there is no conceivable way international law could give legitimacy to what Cheney had in mind. Anticipatory self defense only works when the threat of attack is imminent and overwhelming and leaves no room for doubt.
theignoramus said:
Whatever the case, there is no conceivable way international law could give legitimacy to what Cheney had in mind. Anticipatory self defense only works when the threat of attack is imminent and overwhelming and leaves no room for doubt.

Whilst Manos has stated it in the most dickish and off-hand way possible, in every practical (and thus in every legal sense as far a international law is concerned) the US is free to do what it will. It is pretty much impossible to sanction America or its political agents under any current international laws or powers because they are postioned in such a way that they hold all the cards.


is now taking requests
LabouredSubterfuge said:
Whilst Manos has stated it in the most dickish and off-hand way possible, in every practical (and thus in every legal sense as far a international law is concerned) the US is free to do what it will. It is pretty much impossible to sanction America or its political agents under any current international laws or powers because they are postioned in such a way that they hold all the cards.

And thus the frustration from fortified_concept (and plenty of others)
fortified said:
If this shithole of a world was the least bit fair that disgusting little weasel and Cheney would be on trial for war crimes and crimes against humanity.
The U.S. could invade if they wanted. All they have to do is threaten other nations with sanctions and defudning, and there you go, just like with Iraq. If not, they would still find some dubious reason to invade. :lol
My names Big Dick Cheney.

I have meetings with Enron officials and tell you mother fuckers that I invoke some executive privilege, so I don't have to tell you a damn thing about that meeting.

Oh wait, now your going to come to my office and get documents that my superior ordered to be got? Fuck off, I'm not part of the executive branch bitch. In fact, I am going to shut your ass down for even suggesting that you were going to come into my office and take my documents. Fuck off, I am the Big Dick, so suck it.


"Dick" Cheney has the perfect name. He has been sucking on Israel's cock since the end of the 80ies and would do anything for them, including "reshapping the middle east" (to Israel's plans, obviously)


Jason's Ultimatum said:
The U.S. could invade if they wanted. All they have to do is threaten other nations with sanctions and defudning, and there you go, just like with Iraq. If not, they would still find some dubious reason to invade. :lol

I love it when you post in threads regarding US foreign policy. For obvious reasons. :lol


Anyone else thinks Cheney shot his buddy on the face over an argument, not because of an accident?

Something like:

"I could kill someone and get away with it, so better be careful what you say!"
"Bullshit, you're not above the law Cheney!


Ether_Snake said:
Anyone else thinks Cheney shot his buddy on the face over an argument, not because of an accident?

Something like:

"I could kill someone and get away with it, so better be careful what you say!"
"Bullshit, you're not above the law Cheney!

More likely he just thought he was a badass because he was the second most powerful man in the world and part of a political party that loves it's guns, but he didn't really know how to handle a gun and shot his friend by accident.


Jason's Ultimatum said:
What? That's pretty much what happened with the Iraq War-U.S. threatening other nations who opposed the war.

Im not denying it, i like to think its Bourne behind the screen though ;)


Zzoram said:
More likely he just thought he was a badass because he was the second most powerful man in the world and part of a political party that loves it's guns, but he didn't really know how to handle a gun and shot his friend by accident.

They were drunk and hunting and simply being careless.

The shooting is pretty widely reported as a genuine accident.
jaxword said:
They were drunk and hunting and simply being careless.

I think Cheney was an evil man, but the shooting is pretty widely reported as a genuine accident.
I think it was an accident to, but the guy did say sorry to Cheney for what he had to go through. Yet, he was the one who just got shot, in the fucking face!

"My family and I are deeply sorry for everything Vice President Cheney and his family have had to deal with," he said. "We hope that he will continue to come and seek the relaxation that he deserves."
LoL, what a bitch.


Sounds more like they are saying "sorry" for having agitated him by saying something to him he didn't want to hear. Bet he shot him on purpose.


I have long thought why we, the people in the West, feel so just and superior to the rest of the world. Our actions of the last decade should make us realize the view from the world's highest horse is nothing more than a scam, and admit to ourselves we do more evil than anyone else at present.

Yet like any other nation, we're happily brainwashed to be blind of our own wrong doings. If we had clear eyes and minds, a deranged psychopath would not have been in power for that long.


Manos: The Hans of Fate said:
Means, I'm back to the video game section. Shenmue, Dead Rising, and Just Cause 2 time!

It means your free of me for a while. :D

Good. You're clearly over your head with the whole "US isn't bound by international law" thing.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
you can really tell that cheney was just 'fuck yeah lets kick their asses this shit will be easy' and bush was all 'DUDE TOTALLY'
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