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Tony Hawk Underground 2 - first screens


works for Gamestop (lol)







is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Tony Hawk is skateboarding
Tony Hawk is skateboarding
Tony Hawk is skateboarding
Tony Hawk is... still skateboarding

They really need to give this series a rest.


That has got to be the PS2 version. Comes as no surprise if it is, because all PS2 games are starting to look like utter ass.
Belfast said:
How did the graphics get WORSE?

The only thing I can guess is that it has bigger levels now so they had to cut back on the graphics. It still doesn't look terrible but I think they should've held off to next gen for the series so they can revamp everything. But I guess TH basically is a yearly sports series now so that's not going to happen.
Mooreberg said:
Tony Hawk is skateboarding
Tony Hawk is skateboarding
Tony Hawk is skateboarding
Tony Hawk is... still skateboarding

They really need to give this series a rest.

Unfortunately, Activision has Tony Hawk signed until like 2010 or 2015.


i cannot wait until the ps2 is no longer the lead platform for devs. this crap needs to stop. next gen cant come soon enough if devs arent willing to take advantage of the current xbox.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
BeOnEdge said:
i cannot wait until the ps2 is no longer the lead platform for devs. this crap needs to stop. next gen cant come soon enough if devs arent willing to take advantage of the current xbox.

The PS2 can pump out great visuals still, though...

What NEEDS to stop is this multiplatform crap. That's the main problem...


it wouldnt be a problem if it was coded for xbox first then downgraded for ps2. the other way around and everyone gets crappy graphics.


OMFG Madden is still football even after 11 years. WTF. Where is my gun they need to add FPS and RPG elements and lots of killing so tis awesome like every otehr game I like. NO bullet time so its not revolutionary. LOL if u buy MAdden 2005 u r a sheep. HAHA

So what if its more skateboarding? Its a, duh, sports game. Not an RPG or an adventure game. Madden comes out every year with the same shit and nobody says anything. They're both sports game, just because THUG attempt to brake the mold and add a storyline and make it more fun then your average sports game doesnt mean it isnt one.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
BeOnEdge said:
it wouldnt be a problem if it was coded for xbox first then downgraded for ps2. the other way around and everyone gets crappy graphics.

Nope. Single platform releases are THE way to go...

The best looking games on each platform look far superior to virtually every other mutiplatform release this gen. The games created specifically for one piece of hardware are the games that really shine.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
BeOnEdge said:
espn football says otherwise.

I don't agree, to be honest. From what I've seen, it has framerate issues on XBOX. Perhaps they've improved that, though (constant 60 fps is a requirement)

Multiplatform == bad

Surely are you aren't going to suggest that it looks better than the top games for each platform? The point remains; good games designed for ONE MACHINE look better than good games designed for everything.


thats from rushing to beat EA more than anything else. july football games? i still remember when football was a fall thing.


Wow, this looks like ass. I think my copy of THUG on the GC looks way better than this.

Still, I've played all of the Tony Hawk games and loved them all. I'm probably going to get this unless it gets bad reviews.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
BeOnEdge said:
thats from rushing to beat EA more than anything else. july football games? i still remember when football was a fall thing.

It doesn't matter. If the game was ONLY being created for XBOX, I believe that it would look and run even better. That's my point!


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
BeOnEdge said:
then sega would make no money from ps2 sales. how is that a good thing?

..and THAT'S the problem! The quality of individual games is suffering as a result of money. I would prefer single platform games with a focus on quality, but that just isn't going to bring home the bacon.


Still, I've played all of the Tony Hawk games and loved them all. I'm probably going to get this unless it gets bad reviews.

Pretty much. Tony Hawk was never about the graphics. It was about huge levels with a million things to skate and make combos on while having tons of fun. The Tony Hawk series is probably my favorite western-developed game series because the gameplay is just pure bliss.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
BeOnEdge said:
it wouldnt be a problem if it was coded for xbox first then downgraded for ps2. the other way around and everyone gets crappy graphics.
Yeah, like BGDA and Burnout 3 - everyone gets crappy graphics with games like these thanks to the fact that they coded for the PS2 first...


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
kaching said:
Yeah, like BGDA and Burnout 3 - everyone gets crappy graphics with games like these thanks to the fact that they coded for the PS2 first...

Yeah, you're right...the 60 fps Burnout 3 can't even begin to compare to the dreary, 30 fps PGR2 (which is X-clusive).
From the screens, I see no people. If you're going to replicate a city, people walking around is a must.

When I first looked at the screens, I thought "They're still releasing PS1 versions of these games?"


O.K. first of all, yes those screens look really fucking poop-tacular! But something tells me it's just the quality of the captures(cough*Devil May Cry screengrabs*cough)

Second, anyone bashing this series has probably not played THUG extensively and get to know the game. The improvements from THPS4 are enourmous! The addition of wallplants, getting off your board, and the double tap trick add a whole new dimension to what would have been just a regular upgrade. I played THUG online for hours upon weeks upon months and it is still a crazy addicting game! Go rent THUG give the game chance, trust me you'll love it!

This new game is supposed to be even better with better moves, better control and all kinds of customizable shit. I simply can't wait! However, I really really REALLY hope Neversoft puts the Xbox version on LIVE, because the way PS2 online version is extremely buggy and laggy.

Oh and is that the college from part 4??? Holy shit! Skating the college with all the new moves and control from THUG is gonna kick 32 flavors of cold, frosty ass!!!

dark10x said:
A shame we never got...


Though, we've still come a long way from...


Dark what two games are those screens from?
isamu said:
Dark what two games are those screens from?

Looks like the old screen renders of the DC version of THPS (which were said to be ingame screens at first) followed by what the game actually looks like.


BuddyChrist83 said:
ah, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2x. Still the only edition I truly love.
Still the only donation I've had very kindly donated to yours truly by the too friendly brandonnn, then subsequently lost out on the town while stoned, on the way to retrieve my borrowed out Xbox so I could play it. :(

Did you people even see the trailer? Granted the quality wasn't the best, but it doesn't look this bad. What, this is the first time ever bad screens have been released? Geez.

And while we're on the subject, when ever the fucking fuck will you people stop whining? I don't see this shit in the NBA/NFL/ESPN/NCAA/etc threads. What the fuck!


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
SolidSnakex said:
Looks like the old screen renders of the DC version of THPS (which were said to be ingame screens at first) followed by what the game actually looks like.

Yep. When THPS for the Dreamcast was first announced, they handed out a few renders of what the game would look like...only they claimed them to be realtime. The second pic, however, represents what the game actually looked like on DC...

THPS3 and onward looked far superior to the previous two games.
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