BocoDragon said:It's pretty obvious why: Confucius stressed pleasing one's elders, as well as the merits of examination systems to determine placement in the government. That lead to a culture where studying hard to be successful was everything. The Imperial Chinese dynasties promoted Confucian ideas heavily over the centuries (the Emperor being the ultimate elder to whom one must defer), and these ideas were exported to most of the countries of Asia, which were once Chinese tributaries: Korea, Japan, Vietnam, etc. These ideas formed the core of Asian thinking, and while few would consciously think of themselves as "Confucian" anymore, it nonetheless is embedded in the thinking of their cultures. (Christian-based thinking is the counterpart in Western thought, with even atheists thinking in concepts that could only be borne of monotheist theology: natural human rights, etc.)
But personally I think non-Asians should adopt the mantra: if you can't beat em, join em. Personally my parents are the ultimate care-nothing liberal white parents. It was through the ideas of my Asian friends that I realized that maybe studying hard matters. Don't whine: catch up to them. They don't dominate the school because they're Asian, they dominate because they study fucking hard.
And I don't take seriously that "Asians only stick to their own kind" stuff. There is a grain of truth to it.. but few of them are actually exclusionary... they're just in their comfort zone of people who come from a similar background. If you engage them in communication, as I have, you will be welcomed.
This man speaks the fucking truth.