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Too Human Official Thread of Hack-n-Loot


Danthrax said:
oh dont even START with me. >-(

....im a cleveland sports fan. ¬_¬

You rock, even more now lol.

Snaku said:
So if one were to go to Toys R Us, and buy a $60 360 game & Too Human at $25 under their buy one get second half off deal; would one be able to return the $60 game and keep their $25 copy of Too Human?

I don't think so. It clearly mentions the promotion and the original price of the game on the receipt. Also, I'm disappointed I didn't think of that first lol.

Doodis said:
Kevin Pereira on the Too Human Defense Force:


"You gave it a 6.5! It's fucking Kung Fu Panda!" :lol :lol :lol
Snaku said:
So if one were to go to Toys R Us, and buy a $60 360 game & Too Human at $25 under their buy one get second half off deal; would one be able to return the $60 game and keep their $25 copy of Too Human?

they won't give you the full $60 back for the first game though.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Game's kinda fun so far. Cutscenes are stupid-bad, the graphics and animations are pretty hideous, the font is nigh-unreadable on an SDTV, the camera's floaty mess, and the combat's missing a certain visceral oomph (tame sound effects, no real sense of impact regardless of weapon, feels like you smashing paper mannequins) but despite that, I'm enjoying myself moderately.

Jumping in one direction and then spinning the left analog stick in circles = ROFLCOPTER.

Edit - Also, I don't really see why they bothered with HPs and death.


That Giant Bomb video was pretty hilarious.

Played through the section covered in the demo. The cut scenes are standard video game cheese but I thought the bar scene was fun. Saying these are worse than most games is REALLY giving a ton of credit to other games.

The animations leave a lot to be desired, but I'm not a real stickler for that type of thing, it's not real high on my list when looking for a great game.

Overall, this game is fun as hell. I love the combat. I am playing as a Defender (mostly to avoid that death sequence as I get used to the game) and christ is it rad.

I think the graphics are bout as good as most games now, no better and certainly no worse. (I'm playing on a 22" acer right now, but will try the 40" tomorrow).

I'm fully on board. Game is dope as hell.



I just barely made it to the top level in the secret challenge room in the ice forest. The one where you smash the breakable door. I just about died at the top floor, I was gonna freak out. That dude with the bow and arrow c/w the shield status effect almost got me, but the raven call saved me. I must've killed around 300 enemies in that room alone. At the end of it I got tons of shezz. 5 loot stations full of stuff. I got some level 14 stuff, but I'm unable to equipt it yet...

I'm 3.5 hours in and level 12. Loving it.

Don't understand everyones beef with the story it's pretty good so far and well told.

Oh and I got the "Diciplined PLated Staff of Effectiveness" and added the 'staff slide distance' rune ftw, it's nasty!
It;s a level 11 staff with over 150 damage
Are you able to share weapons between characters?
Wizman23 said:
Oh Please let all those weapons on the wall in the weapon shop be actual weapons in the game.

Right dude?! Seriously...i NEED to have some of that shit.

i'm diggin this game so much, i really don't even care if those weapons are dlc. i need them.
xS1TH L0RDx said:
what class are you?

i'm level 20, berserker, and i cannot get through level 2 to save my fucking life. i've died at least 40 times since i started level 2. at least. a lot of it at first was just doing stupid shit but 4 trolls bunched up close together....ugh so annoying.
I'm playing as a Champion. I do a lot of aerial stuff because that's what I'm good it. I try to pick off all the other guys before I tackle a troll, but a couple of those huge wide open levels gave me a lot of trouble - the 2nd level is much, much more difficult than the first.
fin said:

I just barely made it to the top level in the secret challenge room in the ice forest. The one where you smash the breakable door. I just about died at the top floor, I was gonna freak out. That dude with the bow and arrow c/w the shield status effect almost got me, but the raven call saved me. I must've killed around 300 enemies in that room alone. At the end of it I got tons of shezz. 5 loot stations full of stuff. I got some level 14 stuff, but I'm unable to equipt it yet...
Nice work. I epically failed on both of the lvl 2 challenge rooms that I tried. Gets rough when the guys keep on pouring out at you. I wanted my lootz. :(


Batteries the CRISIS!
Wizman23 said:
Same here Bro...born and raised. LeBron and company will get em next year.



As for King J, I hope so. Same for the Indians, er, next season.

Oozer3993 said:
You rock, even more now lol.

LoL thanks, you too I guess =P

Mejilan said:
Also, I don't really see why they bothered with HPs and death.

Because health and the loss thereof resulting in death is practically a required meme in video games.


Finally home from work!!

I got my copy at Toys R Us, along with 1/2 price Assassin's Creed, for about $70 total. I would have wanted Dead Rising, but it wasn't in stock. I suppose it's just as well since you can pick up used Dead Rising for $17.99 at EBGames.

I'm gonna jump into the single player game with Berserker, so if anyone wants a low-level partner hit me up.

GamerTag: border1979

Please note that I haven't had an XBL Gold account in years, so I have no idea how everything for online works. If I fuck up your friend request or game invite, don't take it personal ;)


Holy cow the Ice Forest is hard. Like, a ridiculous jump in difficulty from the Hall of Heroes.

Also, I'm not really feeling Baldr as a character quite yet. At the moment he seems kind of bitchy. Just saying.




Just hit 18 and I'm having a ton of fun. Levels seem to be going by a lot quicker now. I've got some crazy raven warcry that basically kills everything on the screen.
Just beat level 2 as a bio. It was crazy hard until I figured out the best way to kill the different mobs. I can't believe how much fun I'm having solo. Can't wait to hit up some coop. The more I play the more I start to believe that this will be the game to finally top PSO for me.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Wrapped up the first stage and called it a night. Basically: Not nearly as bad as I feared. Not nearly as good as I hoped. It kinda seems like the game could basically play itself. I probably could have died 50 times against Grendal and it wouldn't have mattered.


I went through the first 2 levels in co-op as a Commando; I thought that the ice/fire (?) goblins were near impossible and that I must have been doing something wrong. A quick look on the internet finds that no, pretty much every person playing as a Commando is apparently pretty much fucked on that level, fantastic. Even at level 20 with a good rifle or cannon with bonuses, I do almost literally no damage to them, and my melee blows. I can't even imagine having to do that solo.


Ok, I rented the game earlier today and am having a decent time with it. I still stand by many of the complaints that its gettin buts its still fun. Im surprised I could handle the game decently now too. One complaint, why the hell is there no explanation when you meet new enemies, for eg. how the hell was i supposed to know that one enemy could freeze me if i touch it?:/

Now to the point: Im in this well, i think the fifth one and I dont know what to do. Its the one with some purple stuff. Where do I go from here? I tried to use my push power
but that didnt work.
jrricky said:
how the hell was i supposed to know that one enemy could freeze me if i touch it?:/

It is explained. One of the computers in Tyr's forge tells you if I recall correctly.

In this game, you REALLY need to explore and don't expect things to be handed to you...except loot.


bigdaddygamebot said:
It is explained. One of the computers in Tyr's forge tells you if I recall correctly.

In this game, you REALLY need to explore and don't expect things to be handed to you...except loot.
what the hell is tyre's forge and how the heck do i pass this well full of purple stuff?
SailorDaravon said:
I went through the first 2 levels in co-op as a Commando; I thought that the ice/fire (?) goblins were near impossible and that I must have been doing something wrong. A quick look on the internet finds that no, pretty much every person playing as a Commando is apparently pretty much fucked on that level, fantastic. Even at level 20 with a good rifle or cannon with bonuses, I do almost literally no damage to them, and my melee blows. I can't even imagine having to do that solo.

oh really, well fuck that...I've been going solo as a commando and yeah, fucking retarded hard at times. I have had to switch off the game and walk away a few times during the second level, it's no fun to train what you thought was your bad ass rifle on those turds and watch as you fire away and nothing really happens, lord knows I cant melee for shit ;(


Got past the second level solo.

Jesus that was hard. The boss battle is really stupid and poorly designed, especially if you're a Berserker.

I think I've died over 30 times already.


Shield and Sword loot drops suck ass, and I have yet to see any purple-orange blueprint drops for it as well. I've gotten some for every other weapon except that--the one I really need/want.

guess I just have to stick with my purple 2-hand sword for now :(


MWS Natural said:
How are the pre-order sets? I am still awaiting the game from gamefly...hope it ships tomorrow,

As starting armor, they are really good. You shouldn't even look to replace the set until you're past level 5.


Unlimited Capacity
What did i tell yall about life as a commando? WHAT DID I SAY!

But ya, the 2nd area is harder than the 3rd, maybe. I might just be getting better, i dunno. For the goblins immune to ballistics, what i usually did it take out everything around them first, then pop them up and go for a mid air finisher attack. Make sure you have a 2 hander hammer equipped all the time for the AOE pop up. That helps A LOT. I made it through the 2nd area, died like 4 times i think. Around 10 deaths total.


Unlimited Capacity
HallucinatingElvis said:
I dont know

_tetsuo_ said:
Life is hard as a commando.... just trying to make it in the world....

i posted that the first time i got melted in the ice forest lol

edit: o and i dont know if you guys will get this is as well, but i got quite a few orange drops in the 3rd area. most of them useless to me, of course :lol


The third level looks really nice so far. Nearly level 24 and climbing really quick it seems. Found some red sword that has 470 damage.

Wishing there were life potions we could buy and collect. I never get health drops, just money.. Lots of money.


Hit level 18; having a good time so far. Now that I have a better hang of the UI, the customization and changing out for equipment goes by a lot faster and is much less of a hassle that I was expecting.

Mifune said:
Got past the second level solo.

Jesus that was hard. The boss battle is really stupid and poorly designed, especially if you're a Berserker.

I think I've died over 30 times already.
Same situation, but I've given up for tonight after dying about 10 times. Otherwise, the Ice Forest wasn't terrible. It feels a bit long, but it should go quicker in co-op.
SPEA said:
So anyone play Co-Op yet? How was the experience? Lag?

Jumped right into the game co-op with a buddy of mine and it seemed pretty much lag free. Although it was weird and said his ping was low... no issues. We did the first two levels and damn is that second level a BITCH! Took us about 2 and a half hours.

Anyways... Loving the game so far. Can't wait to play more. :D
Just finished the first area; this game is awesome, partially because everything besides the core mechanics is laughably bad. I can't wait to play more.

Dyackgod vindicated, but for many of the wrong reasons. :lol


Shins said:
Hit level 18; having a good time so far. Now that I have a better hang of the UI, the customization and changing out for equipment goes by a lot faster and is much less of a hassle that I was expecting.

Same situation, but I've given up for tonight after dying about 10 times. Otherwise, the Ice Forest wasn't terrible. It feels a bit long, but it should go quicker in co-op.

Yeah, that boss battle aside, it's been a blast.

There are times where I'm in the zone during combat, when I'm doing everything right and nothing can hit me. And then other times I completely lose it and die. I haven't really felt like anything has been too cheap so far (aforementioned heinous boss battle aside).


I finished the first level with the commando and had a blast. I can see some of the reasons reviewers felt like they had to take points away from their score. But the whole time I kept thinking of the much scorned magazine and its kiddy review system.

fun factor

My only major gripe is that GrndL is the most tedious boss ever. I didn't die once but man that took forever.



So I probably died about 5 fighting him. Shooting those platforms was TERRIBLE!!!!

oh and I dies 12 time total. So only 7 times thoughout the level and 5 at hod


Watch those spoilers, people! Tag that shiat.

I don't know about the rest of you, but when I finally went through the door that doesn't open at the end of the demo, I was all giddy inside! It was like, okay, I know every nook and cranny up until this point and all of a sudden I have no idea what's coming. Good times.

I made it through the end of the first level and was watching the cinematics and all of a sudden - disc read error. Five times in a row. I'd gotten a few here and there in the past week, but now it's just not working at all. Sigh.

Good thing I got in on the amazing Elite deal from Dell. Just waiting for my dumb transfer cable from Microsoft.

Anyway, sorry, long post, but so far, so good with Too Human. It's great like I thought it would be.


OMG...berserker is a beast when speed kicks in, i am seriously enjoying the gameplay now. Those secret battles are hard as hell and not forgiving if you fail cause you wont be able to play it again. :/ Gameplay is now ace to me, everything else is meh...I dont even care for the story cause i dont know what the hell is goin on.
Holy fuck.

Second world.





Those platforms where it's like every high level enemy type PLUS a fucking seige of gremlin motherfuckers?

Holy shit, man.

Any tips on avoiding the floor damage? Because I swear I've died like forty times on this level.

Berserker/Human. Level 14.



BenjaminBirdie said:
Holy fuck.

Second world.





Those platforms where it's like every high level enemy type PLUS a fucking seige of gremlin motherfuckers?

Holy shit, man.

Any tips on avoiding the floor damage? Because I swear I've died like forty times on this level.

Berserker/Human. Level 14.


Make liberal use of ruiners, spiders, and battle cries. That's all I can say. I hit a point there where I just kept dying over and over and over.

Also...juggle those gremlin fuckers. They like it.

Fierce attacks are key too, since the Zerker sucks at range.
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