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Too Human Official Thread of Hack-n-Loot


Holy shit spirit of Fenrir is awesome. I finally unlocked it and wow. So many ruiners available at once :D

Also, I am the only one who is finding purples and oranges very hard to come by? Most of my purps and all my oranges are from the shop. I have only played co-op and am level 17 so maybe that is the reason?

It's shit that because you can only have one spider and battle cry that you have to miss out on the other areas below them.


Comics, serious business!
Ok, I think I'm mentally challenged. I worked my skill tree down to Fenrir finally. I clicked on L stick + R stick but... nothing happened. :(

Also: The Ice Forest is one of the best levels in a video game ever.


RSTEIN said:
Ok, I think I'm mentally challenged. I worked my skill tree down to Fenrir finally. I clicked on L stick + R stick but... nothing happened. :(

Also: The Ice Forest is one of the best levels in a video game ever.
Wait for a wolf icon to appear next to your ammo meter on the hud. It takes ~24 min to charge initially and after each use.


I have been away on business since last Monday and will not be home till the end of this week...my copy is waiting at home for me and it is killing me that I cannot play this game. By the time I get to playing, most of you will be level 30+.

Glad everyone seems to be enjoying the game and from what I hear, it has been selling pretty good so far. Could be that the reviews, at least the ones that did not like it, seems to have not hurt games sales all that much.

Cannot wait to get home and play.
Whoever said there was too much loot in their reviews obviously didn't play after the story. Sure I'm getting a lot of loot, but they're very rarely upgrades since their runes seem to suck. I hate getting sweet items that have 4 shit runes on them already


funkmastergeneral said:
Whoever said there was too much loot in their reviews obviously didn't play after the story. Sure I'm getting a lot of loot, but they're very rarely upgrades since their runes seem to suck. I hate getting sweet items that have 4 shit runes on them already

Honestly, I think it's a case of YMMV, as is the case with most loot whoring games. Some people get a ton of stuff and some don't. I just started playing and killed GRENDL and he dropped 2 blue items and a green, all below my level. Talk about anti-climactic. I'll have to play the level again to get something better off of him. Also, I missed the second secret room. Like an idiot, I activated it and then totally forgot to crash through the wall to it. I probably missed out on a purple blueprint because of that. Oh well.

I know the feeling Hawk269, I just got back in town and people reached level 50 before I even got to open my copy. I also think the game is selling well. People think that the main reason people downloaded the demo enmasse is because of the Dyack furer, but perhaps word of mouth spread of those who actually liked the demo. I can't think of an instance where a demo was downloaded that many times on XBL and it not sell proportionately well.
mm04 said:
Honestly, I think it's a case of YMMV, as is the case with most loot whoring games. Some people get a ton of stuff and some don't. I just started playing and killed GRENDL and he dropped 2 blue items and a green, all below my level. Talk about anti-climactic. I'll have to play the level again to get something better off of him. Also, I missed the second secret room. Like an idiot, I activated it and then totally forgot to crash through the wall to it. I probably missed out on a purple blueprint because of that. Oh well.

bosses never seem to drop especially great loot for me, all my best drops just come from random mobs.

Also, is anyone else even using charms? I never get the opportunity to use them because I'm trying to complete them, so the finished ones are never equipped.
funkmastergeneral said:
Also, is anyone else even using charms? I never get the opportunity to use them because I'm trying to complete them, so the finished ones are never equipped.
I use 'em a bit. The ones that either slow or freeze enemies are great. They only work occasionally, but it makes mob-clearing a little bit easier when a couple of the enemies are stuck.

level 2 will be a bitch for you but stick with it. it really teaches you how to play berserker, and it's pretty rewarding

have fun, hope you like it :)
Costanza said:
Got my copy from gamefly today.. anything I should know before starting (i.e what class should I pick)?
I'd read this and this. As far as classes go, I was happy with the Champion first time around - gives you some flexibility, though I'll readily admit to typically picking generalist builds in most games like this.


Comics, serious business!
Costanza said:
Got my copy from gamefly today.. anything I should know before starting (i.e what class should I pick)?

Defender! Man, I couldn't imagine level 2 as a Berserker :S
finally got an orange drop...

Went back to Area1, even though I'm still currently on 2. Just wanted to hack some stuff up for 5 - 10 minutes without the story. Son likes watching me slay the "bad robots!"


Sweet just got my level 50 Epic class helm. Cranked up my loot drop percentage right before the death blow on the final boss=profit.


Unlimited Capacity
wow i just found some kind of claw or something :eek:





Comics, serious business!
Costanza said:
lol what's so bad about level 2?

It is tough? Yes. Will you fight 200+ enemies within about 5 minutes of each other? Yes. Midway through will you say to yourself "when will this fucking level end?" Yes. Will you encounter the same group of enemies at least 20 times during the level? Yes. Are there two secret rooms that are exactly the same? Yes. Will your health be wittled down to a sliver of red only to die at the hands of some stupid ass purple laser shooting goblin because the health orb troll #331595574 dropped was 15 feet away instead of 10 feet away so you didn't automatically collect it? Yes. Will you cry as the death scene plays out for the fifth time in the last 10 minutes? Yes.


Costanza said:
lol what's so bad about level 2?

difficulty gets ramped up quite a bit, plus you are put in several situations where you're getting knocked down then fucked by a million enemies all over your shit. there's different types of trolls that you won't be used to, as well. plus the first part of the boss battle at the end isn't as good as every other part of the game. (that's the only part of the game i didn't enjoy too much.)

just equip soothing runes to your armor and assess the battlefield appropriately and you should be better off than how I was.

imo berserker is really rewarding after the ice forest, i had such an easy time with levels 3 and 4. i'm not saying it was a cakewalk, but i really learned a lot from dying every 20 seconds. i went back to it today and played it a bit differently and it was nowhere near as bad.

*shruggs* at least i got my "die 100 times" achievement from level 2.


Ok, i am a level 35 defender, I just did the hel level and got all the way to hel without dying, but then my team mate quit and I got a new one, a real fucking winner who didn't know how to play AND rushed ahead before my fenrir could recharge promising he was 'just that good'

of course I died, 3 times in fact. are there any good bioengineers or something around my level who want to get this hel run done? :/


FINALLY got my first piece of red epic loot! Unfortunately it was a Hammer which does me no good since I'm a Berserker....hopefully the next piece won't take another 24 hours of play time! I'm at level 39 and got the Hammer in the last timed challenge room in the first level where the demo ended.
Played for about an hour earlier, and managed to hit level 41. I'm getting orange drops regularly now, but not all of them are useful. Pretty much every item I'm using is orange at this point. Still haven't gotten a red though. I have some seriously nice weapons. Turned damage on to track what I was doing, and saw one, obviously critical hit, that was over 14,000 points of damage. :lol

One thing I really like about the game is that even in the 40+ levels, you still feel like you're making continued progress to the level 50 cap, and new drops are continually improving my gear, even if it is at a slow rate. Oh, and my money issues are pretty much over now too, as I have more than 750k in bounty. Well, I'm good until the epic sets start dropping anyway.


just read your post, i'll go for that run. i am a champion. plus i got the no death achievement for that level, so i can do all the dying now.


funkmastergeneral said:
Whoever said there was too much loot in their reviews obviously didn't play after the story. Sure I'm getting a lot of loot, but they're very rarely upgrades since their runes seem to suck. I hate getting sweet items that have 4 shit runes on them already

No kidding - the 'too much loot' problem disappears entirely after the first 10-15 levels or so, changing into a 'not enough of the right kinds' problem instead, except for Runes and Charms which get a 'not enough room' issue going.

If you have the preorder armour, you miss the problem entirely, as none of the stuff up until late-level blues are good enough to dump it for.

By the time you hit 35, you're probably salvaging purples. By 45 you're salvaging orange (once you have a set of Altruist, that is). By 50 you're just waiting for those red drops...

There was rarely - RARELY - cause to change any piece of armour or weapon after a single fight against a group. Maybe once in a blue moon you'd find a piece that fit your build perfectly and switch to it, but other than that I can't see the complaints having much weight.

Then again, I listened to the 1UP Yours podcast with the reviewer on, and he didn't seem to know much of anything about the high-level game at all. He froze with a prolonged "uhhhhh" when they asked if there were high-level runes to avoid freezing or knockdown, for example.

And really...anyone who says you could go through any part of a level 50 dungeon run, in either story mode or revisited layout, by just pushing one direction on your attacks...that guy didn't play the game at that level at all.


im takin a little break right now, I had the R trigger held down for like 40 minutes straight probably, lol.. im just tired of dying because of people lacking patience, fenrir is a life saver damnit.


Unlimited Capacity
anyone up for some co-op? i have a character at just about every lvl range but i would prefer to play my 46 commando.


If combo meter affects loot, Commandos are screwed...you have any idea how hard it is to get combo as one? It's possible with juggling, but against a boss that's not happening.


Chrange said:
Then again, I listened to the 1UP Yours podcast with the reviewer on, and he didn't seem to know much of anything about the high-level game at all. He froze with a prolonged "uhhhhh" when they asked if there were high-level runes to avoid freezing or knockdown, for example.

And really...anyone who says you could go through any part of a level 50 dungeon run, in either story mode or revisited layout, by just pushing one direction on your attacks...that guy didn't play the game at that level at all.

Totally agree... I listened to them piss and moan about it on the 1up yours cast today at lunch, and you can clearly tell that He maybe made it past the 2nd stage before putting his thoughts down on paper. Excellent game as a first in a series. I give it a B+.


Kingpen said:
Totally agree... I listened to them piss and moan about it on the 1up yours cast today at lunch, and you can clearly tell that He maybe made it past the 2nd stage before putting his thoughts down on paper. Excellent game as a first in a series. I give it a B+.

Actually while I personally enjoy the game myself it was quite clear he made it to the end especially as some of the complaints deal with the ending itself. If a reviewer disagrees with you it's ok no need to artificially create problems with their review.


What am I doing wrong? I just finished the story and I died somewhere around 70 times. I found the Ice Forest fine, but Helheim was just terrible. I think I died somewhere around 30 times on that level alone. I was playing as a Berserker and it seemed like every encounter in Helheim was designed for a Commando. It was very frustrating.


Just went thorugh Hel again. This time it had goblins in it, that made it way harder. The first time through I never had any goblins. I've found that this game is alot easier if you stay with a level similair to yours.

I got this epic gun, launching gernades causes all enemies to start on fire. It's so bad ass.

I just do not get the hate. Granted, I'm level 28, and just beat the second level, but as far as "figuring the game out", I just sliced through every baddy without a fucking problem. Just a constant symphony of asswhuppin. Like, you'd think the big time bad guys would see this shit and just give the fuck up.

Absolutely loving this game. Huge case of, "I gotta see what I get next/happens next/I kill next."


just finished the campaign, level 46 and about 28 hours. I agree the story was kind of all over the place in the beginning, but it came together in the end. Well not together, but got a hell of a lot more interesting. I read the strategy guide beforehand which spoiled the ending(well final boss battle, not last cutscene) for me mostly(stupid on my part). I both love and hate the ending with a passion. I was like, "Oh Shiz son!" then only to have it quickly saddened with the rolling credits :(
5.5 my ass

I hope they get to finish the trilogy. I think they will, despite the reviews, since I think it will sell well enough in the end. Don't be stupid MS.

Anyway, finally time for some Co-Op!
Commando is an interesting class. I feel weaker against enemy leaders but have an easier time against trolls who have a status effect attack cause I can knock out their hammer very quickly. Just the basic way you approach a battle is different too. With my champion I get right in the middle of the battle and start locating and eliminating elites and leaders, with my commando I tend to keeping moving, thin the herd and take on the leader last.

And maybe the plasma or laser cannons are a bit better, haven't used em yet, but the slug cannon is terrible. Sometimes it takes forever to go from pulling the trigger to seeing bullets start flying and the left trigger RPG on it misses a whole lot more than the rifle's grenade launcher. Even though my commando is cybernetic and he's got access to cannons he's sticking to rifles.


Ok, I've played a little bit into the World Serpent. Things have gotten pretty damn good now.

First thing. There was a pretty neat interlude (I don't think it was really a cutscene) immediatly after getting the World Serpent assignment when I went back into the World Tree and was confronted by Skuld (the youngest Norn
though I'm thinking it may have actually been Loki in disguise since her eyes were flashing
) and she spoke about the Ymir and Jormangund. There were some screens showing footage behind her of very interesting things. Could be a possible look into the sequel.

Oh, and Mimir is hilarious. His continued "Nothing of import detected!" comments at the begining of the World Serpent stage were awesome considering what you were seeing (
or rather, what you thought you were seeing. Now that was a pretty cool mind twist
). And I really laughed out loud when Baldur said "don't you ever shut up!" to him. :lol

By the way, has there been a list of the voice actors for the game made available yet? Baldur of course is Crispin Freeman, and I'm almost positive that Heimdall is Skip Stellrecht, but I'm really curious who are voicing Freya and Loki.


Unlimited Capacity
stupid cyborgs. i never use runes so i never have space for new ones :mad:

o wow, is there no one on the gaf friends list that isnt already in a co-op game? lol
Quick question re: additional characters (alts)

Do you need to do single player still in order to get an alignment?
To you get Token credit for beating levels online in someone else's game?

I want to make a Bioengineer, but i really don't feel like going though all of the story again.
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