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Too many game critics on this forum


After reading all the hate for games like halo 2, fable, metroid prime, zelda wind walker, metal gear solid 2 etc etc etc I got to thinking:

What I noticed is this forum has a large collection of game critics, it reminds of a smaller section of the movie critic scene. Go check out some movies you like and see what critics say about them, in large part actual readers regularly rank movies much higher than the critics. When compared to the masses, critics have a distorted view, probably because they are so over involved that any weak points are exagerated and to them are show stoppers. The backlash that you see on these threads for many popular games is largely tamed or non exsistent with the masses. What I have noticed in life as well as games is if you do something too much you will enjoy it less and less, as the saying goes, variety is the spice of life.

Take halo 2, the newest game that has let down so many on this forum. I keep thinking to myself, what game is doing it better that people can honestly say halo 2 is a tremendous let down? As soon as you mention that game(s) the same critique you used against halo 2 can be used against every game ever made. My favorites are poor level design, poor art, bad story, all so subjective and often never elaborated on that they are meaningless outside the person making the claims. I could understand poor controls, or too easy or too hard, or graphics below current standards, with elaboration these could shed light on things that may hinder enjoyment.

I enjoyed fable because of the fun combat, rich enviroments and was loaded with treasure and quests. It wasnt perfect, or even close, the game was way too easy because it didnt compensate for the strength of your character, the village and people portion were not linked to the core quests and felt like a side show, and the good versus evil aspects had little impact on the main quest gameplay. That said, none of these things prevented me from having fun, which is the most important part of any game experience. When I think of most of the games ive played for the xbox, (more than 70 since i got the xbox in 2001) most games did not give me the amount of fun it did. Compared to the other action adventure games ive played on the xbox Fable is better than the majority, but on this forum you would think the game was utter rubbish, mostly I think because the game critics are over involved, over informed, over hyped and can no longer enjoy a gaming experience like they once could.

If you are not enjoying games like you used to, cant see why so many people are enjoying something you hated, or most games you play seem like work then heres my advice

play less, stop reading previews, and play a variety of different genres. Ive been there, was a hardcore pc gamer who was getting 40 games a year and finishing less and less as time went by. I was getting games, played a couple levels and never touch them again, always looking for gaming nirvana. Now I play console games, enjoy the majority of games I play, play every genre out there, including ones I loathed like turn based rpgs. Now because I tried KOTOR I can try others without my former prejudices.

Happy gaming


Do what I do: Buy/rent the games and forumlate your own opinion

Most of the people here are jaded magazine editors and people who think it's cute to say that everything sucks, so you have to take most peoples' opinions with a grain (sometimes an entire silo) of salt


I agree. Overanalysis is the mantra here at GAF. But the threads are so damn entertaining its hard to stop reading 'em :lol


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Rule #1, repeat this til blue in the face.

YOU cannot change GAF. Do you think as a junior member that nobody has f'n realized the great revelation you came to before you?

GAF is what it is, each message board has it's flavor and this is GAF's... if you don't like it you simply move on to another forum... if you like it enough to stay you simply pick and choose the threads you wish to participate in.

End of conflict.


belgurdo said:
Do what I do: Buy/rent the games and forumlate your own opinion

Most of the people here are jaded magazine editors and people who think it's cute to say that everything sucks, so you have to take most peoples' opinions with a grain (sometimes an entire silo) of salt

Who really has the time to play all the games out there anyway? It just much easier to bitch and moan about how shitty games are. Then we dont have to play them. Which I secretly think is the reason why so many of us bemoan the current state of the industry; we older types have simply grown out of games, yet to try and hang on to those special moments of our youth so we still play games even though we know that we really could care less. I say kill your playstation or xbox or gamecube. Liberate yourselves my brothers! Move on to something more meaningful and finally get that tan youve been thinking about.
I found the title post long winded, unintelligent, and frankly it seemed rushed and amateur. The graphics sucked too and it installed a virus on my PC.



Console Market Analyst
DarienA said:
Rule #1, repeat this til blue in the face.

YOU cannot change GAF. Do you think as a junior member that nobody has f'n realized the great revelation you came to before you?

GAF is what it is, each message board has it's flavor and this is GAF's... if you don't like it you simply move on to another forum... if you like it enough to stay you simply pick and choose the threads you wish to participate in.

End of conflict.


Why are you on GAF, if you don't appreciate fevered game and industry analysis?

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
The Shadow said:
I found the title post long winded, unintelligent, and frankly it seemed rushed and amateur. The graphics sucked too and it installed a virus on my PC.


Witty, but exaggerated.



This kid is clearly an Xbox owner who's trying to convince himself that Halo 2 and Fable are good. What a poor, poor soul.


Goreomedy said:

Why are you on GAF, if you don't appreciate fevered game and industry analysis?

Actually im a sales whore, and have interest in what people have to say about there gaming experiences so I have direction about which games might be fun.

With all the great games out now the level of cynism on the thread is overbearing though and I found to be way off the mark with reality. Although I dont think I will change anyones mind, I was hoping what I said rings true to some people out there.


PhatSaqs said:
I agree. Overanalysis is the mantra here at GAF. But the threads are so damn entertaining its hard to stop reading 'em :lol

It's like my older sister and he soap operas.
I let her know that most of them are shitty and a waste of time.

I'm sure she realized that a long time ago, but she still watches them.


Soul4ger said:
This kid is clearly an Xbox owner who's trying to convince himself that Halo 2 and Fable are good. What a poor, poor soul.[/QUOTE

if you read my post you would see that I am no longer a kid, and dont need others to validate what I like. Hell, i liked blinx, was bored with full spectrum warrior and quickly tired of burnout 3, but what I dont do is make blanket statements that full spectrum warrior sucks and your fooling yourself if you say you enjoy it because it had bad level design, the characters were boring, had no story and you didnt get to shoot things.
Flatbread said:
With all the great games out now the level of cynism on the thread is overbearing though and I found to be way off the mark with reality. Although I dont think I will change anyones mind, I was hoping what I said rings true to some people out there.

What you said has been said many times before. Nothing will change.

GAF is just full of self-important pricks that really bag the games they don't like. That's just the way it is. If GAF is affecting your enjoyment of the games you play, don't read GAF any more. Delete the bookmark and play the games you enjoy.

If people bashing the games you enjoy hurts your feelings, you're being overly sensitive about it.


Most opinions on games in the GAF forums relates directly to how they feel about the company that made the game, which camp..err console it wass made for, or made just to protect another game released earlier or coming soon.

If there were only 1 console, 1 game producer, and 1 distributor, we'd all argue over specific genres. Everyone is a critic.


Running off of Custom Firmware
With the amount of money I'm spending THIS WEEK ALONE, I've purchased the right to have a fucking opinion. :D


Console Market Analyst
Flatbread said:
With all the great games out now the level of cynism on the thread is overbearing though and I found to be way off the mark with reality.

You mean, you find that their opinion disagrees with your own. And because of that, you suggest we should all play fewer games.

Hey guys, if you don't like Halo 2, limit your play time with other titles. Don't talk about games so much. In fact, stop visiting GAF. Become a casual gamer. They seem to be a helluva lot happier than enthusiasts!


Goreomedy said:
Hey guys, if you don't like Halo 2, limit your play time with other titles. Don't talk about games so much. In fact, stop visiting GAF. Become a casual gamer. They seem to be a helluva lot happier than enthusiasts!

By the number of posts some of you have around here, I would say the casual gamer spends more time playing games than the "enthusiasts". hehe
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