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Toonami [Apr14] Pray while you shit

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Man God

Non-Canon Member
I think I said before once or twice that a good "plot twist" should:

1.) Not be totally predictable
2.) Should explain/detail events that happen before the twist.

Or in other words, they shouldn't just be totally targetless curveballs for the sake of a 'twist'. You want to catch people by surprise, but it should make sense regarding the narrative as a whole, especially how the twist was approached.

I felt the GitS 'twist" yesterday, while not a series changing event, fit these pretty well. As the conversation between LM and Serano continued, I was getting a little confused why it was going into so much detail about their prior meeting and other useful pieces of information. It was starting to feel too convenient for the viewers for a moment, and almost seemed like lazy storytelling (here's a buch of helpful information that we are for some reason discussing now!) . But as soon as the ending of the episode rolled around, the reasoning behind 'LM's' actions and the whole episode make a lot more sense.

Well done.

Well, this episode could have gone one of three ways.

1. The way it did. Major had the information from the Laughing Man, but she needed Serano's testimony to get anything done against the powers that be.

2. It could have been her monologuing the laughing man info dump to the chief or someone and then have them snatch Serrano up later.

3. She could have kept it all to herself and brought it out later at the end of the case and they decided just to pursue Serrano as he's the only one alive with the info they need.

The show tries to fool you into thinking it's going to be 3 but if you look VERY CLOSELY the Laughing Man's eyes are not quite the same as they were previously. It helps that they have the same hair color.


if you look VERY CLOSELY the Laughing Man's eyes are not quite the same as they were previously. It helps that they have the same hair color.

Skimmed back over the episode and I think you are right, or at least I've convinced myself they are indeed a little different. These stills don't show it too well but:




(minus is still being a little dumb this weekend)
Just an update on the new GTO manga. According to a user on another board it seems it takes place a few years after the manga ends, and Onizuka is in prison. He was teaching in high-school and he went to prison for "doing something" to one of his students lol. There a few scans out too.

Man I hope this gets translated soon.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I completely forgot I was only halfway through Shonan 14 Days until you brought up this new manga. Will finish that the next time I have time.


Quick reactions of what I recorded and watched:

Bleach: So... Friendship is Magic? Yup, apparently so. Also, nobody can beat the main villian except Ichigo, so lets give him his power back.

One Piece: Franky's really mellowed with age. Par for the course of having a tragic backstory.

Blue Exorcist: Convineint timings ahoy! Also more "power of friendship". Hurray.

Black Lagoon: Hurray fake German Accent! Nazis, Paintings, and piratey, Ahoy!


I feel bad about leaving the Live watches. Granted, I do plan to show up when I can. I'm having so much trouble with my sleep pattern right now that early sleep on Saturdays would greatly benefit me. Hopefully, once the schedule changes again it'll be more favorable towards the shows I'm really interested in.


Seems like a useful fan site. Links to legal methods for watching/catching up. Shows the schedule, upcoming things, ratings, and even trending stuff.


Wow. That's a nice site.

Edit: :O. Lazybones is on to something...We've obviously been duped. Inuyashi has been playing all this time.


Gives all the fucks
Guess who STILL doesn't have electric at their house, despite being told it'd be back at noon...

Was hoping to catch up & such, but that sure isn't going to be happening until tomorrow or Wednesday. & it didn't help I finally decided to work on Chapter 1 of Bravely Default, only for the game to freeze & reset during the middle of a battle after an hour of playing. Oh well, at least re-reading the entire Azumanga Daioh manga has been enjoyable after all these years.

Anyways, time to charge the laptop up & get more videos loaded so I can watch them at home.


Inuyasha watch continues 8pm Eastern. Episodes 139-140.

My summary of SAB's cover art.


I fell asleep last night (thanks Bleachbama) so I gotta catch up to EVERYTHING now ;_;

I had a ex-gf whose last name was Moe, lol.

MikeMyers - Thanks! You know, I almost drew Kagome where FemKu ended up being on the "cover"... "SIIIITTTT". As much as I agree US action cartoons have a place on Toonami... I never think about them first.. second... barely even 5th when drawing stuff, ha.

You should just random have LORD SESSHOMARU appear in drawings for other pages. For no reason

She'll give Mayuri a job, but not Chad and Renji! Too lewd?

Okay to be fair Chad/Renji would totally win


Gives all the fucks
Anyone wanna confirm these were the episodes Toonami aired last night?

One Piece - 249
Blue Exorcist - 8
Black Lagoon - 4


No, it's the worst show on the block and most people here are boycotting it.

Really? I watched the 1st episode and didn't really enjoy it, missed recording the next 3 and was wondering if I should catch back up and jump in. If it's trash then I don't want to waste time on it.
I haven't paid attention the last two episodes but I do know that was sarcasm and in fact a few members here would have nothing they actually want to watch at the moment if it wasn't around.


Really? I watched the 1st episode and didn't really enjoy it, missed recording the next 3 and was wondering if I should catch back up and jump in. If it's trash then I don't want to waste time on it.

Can't tell if you are replying sarcastically or not, but I'll post plainly.

Man God is being sarcastic. Seems like a lot of people are enjoying it from what I perceive anyway. It's definitely a nice change of pace from the shonen marathon before it, if anything. Sometimes it goes a little over the top, like (episode 2)
Speeding the boat off a capsized ship as a ramp to fire a torpedo at a helicopter
but it's definitely more than just that and f-bombs. I'm finding myself enjoying the character banter quite a lot too. How Benny casually shrugs off Revy's tantrums, how Dutch talked smack to a minor character in episode 3, how a Nazi captain commands his crew (and insults a superior officer), things like that. I dunno, dialogue is smooth and things flow naturally. I'm glad it's not all shootbang and swears.


Sketchbook Picasso
Thanks. I think Equivalent Exchange already happened yesterday as I was able to have most of the day to myself getting chores & college stuff done & then making sure I stayed ranked #1 for a Strider leaderboard contest, so the day was overall good until the power went out. I'm just glad we were prepared this time & had a backup generator to plug the water pump in since it overfills and causes a mini-flood in the basement if it's not running.

We're suppose to get another storm tonight, so hopefully won't be as bad.

Ass, so you were paying for a good day! Oddball EqEx. Well, lets hope the "Good" side of the deal just continues now, then! I used to be in a place that got rare basement floods, those really suck.

@SAB CA Here at ToonamiGaf we appreciate all buttshots.
It's totally for the Toona'GAF People, ha.

Those sketch dumps are legit.


I'm... glad this exist.

SAB, I look forward to and enjoy your sketch dumps every week so I hope you don't mind some criticism.

I'm not a fan of the collages and larger formats. I prefer it when you just do one small black and white box for each show. Less is more and those always look more polished to me. The limited space forces your creativity and the one color both looks cooler and cleaner than the crayon looking large color boxes. Also, Having them all black and white makes them look like they all belong as a set.

Well, tough, because that's the way it is! *RASBERRY!* LoL, no, seriously, I can totally understand that. I feel there's a bit of a plus and minus to each format, and I've always been better at naturally drawing smaller. Add on top of that the fact that it forces a bit of "pixel precession", which I also have due to doing spritework, and it agrees very well with each other.

The bigger pics however are a bigger hit on Miiverse for sure (That old DeviantArt curse: Anything with color INSTANTLY gets MUCH more attention and views :/ ), and trying to blur the lines between achieving Black & White mini clarity + something that actually plays with color, tone, etc is a constant challenge. Especially in the tight time-table allowed.

I am simultaneously fascinated and horrified by the Crayon look that AA gives, ha. On one hand, COLOR! And it does a good job replicating natural media. It rocks with Pencils, too, I love the grayscale. But then... CRAYON / Oil Pastels. It's like I'm drawing back in Elementary / Middle School, before I had better tools! Sometimes I get to escape the feeling (Kamiki, from last week, this week's Major, the Dandy Mega's) but other times...

Anywho, thanks, a little critique is appreciated! I've always loved artist who can sketch what looks like a finished work instantly, and these dumps each week basically show how close, and how far I am from that, simultaneously, ha. That's not the main point, but it's an ever-constant aspect that I'm constantly mulling over myself, so I like getting to talk-back on it some!

You should just random have LORD SESSHOMARU appear in drawings for other pages. For no reason

LORD SESSHOMARU lowered to mere cameos? Well, If I call him LORD SESSHY, I think I can get away with it. Don't be surprised if one night consist of Sessha-Sama commenting on every event of the night... because he can.
Cosmos Starts at 9EST and I can't miss that so maybe just one episode today , I ended up ordering pizza so I don't have to go out anymore but if we're starting at 8:30 then I can only watch one.


No Scrubs
Can't tell if you are replying sarcastically or not, but I'll post plainly.

Man God is being sarcastic. Seems like a lot of people are enjoying it from what I perceive anyway. It's definitely a nice change of pace from the shonen marathon before it, if anything. Sometimes it goes a little over the top, like (episode 2)
Speeding the boat off a capsized ship as a ramp to fire a torpedo at a helicopter
but it's definitely more than just that and f-bombs. I'm finding myself enjoying the character banter quite a lot too. How Benny casually shrugs off Revy's tantrums, how Dutch talked smack to a minor character in episode 3, how a Nazi captain commands his crew (and insults a superior officer), things like that. I dunno, dialogue is smooth and things flow naturally. I'm glad it's not all shootbang and swears.

It's a great change of pace and the action isn't bad either. I agree with everything you said, it's a fun show.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Overall I'd say it's the second best show on Toonami but that's because I really like One Piece.

GITS:SAC and FMA:B are very close as well. Cowboy Bebop and FLCL are better than it.

I'd say it's also the most ideal Adult Swim/Toonami Midnight Run show possible. The only thing that even comes close is TTGL.


Really? I watched the 1st episode and didn't really enjoy it, missed recording the next 3 and was wondering if I should catch back up and jump in. If it's trash then I don't want to waste time on it.

He is being sarcastic. Watch Episode 2. It is amaze balls.
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