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Toonami [Apr14] Pray while you shit

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Man God

Non-Canon Member
Damn Naginata of Kenkon.

Had that stuck in my head for a few years after watching this bit of Inuyasha.

Starting now.




Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
TwiKou892 months ago (edited)

Hoshiyoi's underlings represent the 4 Mythical Creatures of Chinese Culture. It's The Four Saint Beast from Yu Yu Hakusho, and The Universe of the Four Gods from Fushigi Yugi all over again lol. Then again they've been used in many anime and manga just gotta pay attention.
No wonder I am getting 4 saint beast vibes


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
tsukuyomi...isnt tsukuyomi a male, who represents the moon whose sister is amateratsu(which they are married)
fucking up your own religion inuyasha!


The Light of El Cantare
MikeMyers invited me in here for the Inuyasha simul-watch.

Good old NAGINATA of KENKON arc. I couldn't appreciate when I was a teenager that Genbu is an actual Ninja Turtle.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I still need to watch last week's episodes.

More importantly I get to finish off this arc of Naruto! Then after Monday's episode (which I may or may not watch at midnight) I'll be onto the final set of Naruto discs! What a wild ride!


The Light of El Cantare
Fun fact: the pattern on Akitoki's robe is historically accurate to the crest of the real Hojo Clan that ruled as regional daimyo during the era in which Inuyasha takes place.


Fun fact: the pattern on Akitoki's robe is historically accurate to the crest of the real Hojo Clan that ruled as regional daimyo during the era in which Inuyasha takes place.

Past Hojo has a first name (Akitoki) in an era where no one else seems to have a full name.

Present Hojo doesn't have a first time in an era where everyone seems to have a full name.


Gives all the fucks
FINALLY, power came back on at 10:15 PM. Later than what I wanted, but least it came on while I was still awake.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
"The Supposed Sealed Ability"


He's on fire baby! Naruto takes off the top of his track suit and uses it to put it out, can't win them all. Akamaru is just fine, so don't worry. Kiba is ok as well. Hinata asks if it was another genjutsu attack (all signs point to yes) and Shino says that none of them, not even Akamaru, is safe from Yakumo's genjutsu attacks. Anything with a cerebrum. He uses his insects to attempt to breach the door.


Meanwhile in the cosmic loft Yakumo wants the truth from a now legless Kurenai, she'll kill Kurenai if she doesn't! Kurenai takes full responsibility for sealing her genjutsu, the third hokage wasn't involved at all. Yakumo makes another swipe and she's only a torso. Release all your resentment but only take it out on her. Yakumo overheard her and the hokage talking about how the Kurama clan needed to be dealt with but Kurenai says it isn't true! Quit lying, my mother and father were too strong to die in some house fire!


Someone murdered them...as insects start flooding the room. She tries to shoo them away but is unsuccessful. Naruto makes a shadow clone suicide squad and is counting on them for something...


Likely not this though. They all pop as they successfully see him through the barrier. Hinata looks on worried and wishes he'd be safe. He's there and ready for a good old round of Talk No Jutsu as he accuses Yakumo of doing this to Kurenai. Of course she did, this woman killed my family! Naruto says she has it all wrong and that old man Unkai told him everything. Kurenai tells Naruto to shut it but he continues, cutting a promo about how Kurenai has been suffering just as much with this secret. Mummrah pleads with him to keep it quiet...so he clams up for a moment as Yakumo is interested in this truth of his.


Sakura is outside with Guy and the rest of them. One of the medical ninjas and her are patching up Unkai. Kiba comes running out looking for Guy. What happened to the others? Shino and Hinata are standing guard while Naruto went into Yakumo's genjutsu to save Kurenai! Guy has no idea what's going on but Unkai explains. Kurenai tried her best to get Yakumo to walk away from her dream so the monster wouldn't get strong enough to consume her. Yakumo was heartbroken about this so her dad was concerned about this...until the day of the fire. Unkai saw the beast within for the first time that day.


More without than within really. He figured out what the best was that day and became even more afraid. Apparently Naruto just told Yakumo the same thing as she is...LEGIT SHOOK, dropping her paint spreader and clutching her temples talking about the secret. Kurenai thinks this is bad and urges the girl not to try and remember...which she immediately begins to remember everything. Kurenai tells Naruto to stop it but he's grabbed from behind by giant formless shadow hand things. The darkness covering up one of the canvas starts flowing off, revealing...


The house on fire, Yakumo standing in front of it. Her parents were comforting her but she just wanted to master genjutsu, is that so wrong? Her dad tells her that everyone has a path in life and perhaps hers lies on a different road. Her mother agrees and adds there is no need to force yourself to become a shinobi. She doesn't want these kind words, she sees right through them. Everyone is disappointed in her and how can she live with failing her family? Her eyes chance and...


What the everloving what comes out of her mouth. It's a demon dressed as Yakumo! He sprays a miasma that turns into fire, burning her parents alive. Yakumo remembers everything. The thing insider her killed her parents, her own hidden genjutsu. Kurenai disagrees saying they are two separate beings! Yakumo wishes that was true but thinks the being lives in her heart. She thanks her sensei as she picks up a nearby kunai and gets ready to kill herself with it. Naruto and Kurenai yell for her to stop but it's too late.


Or is it? Painting Yakumo wants to live! Everyone is legit shook. Unkai is talking about a complete medical workup they did on Yakumo after the fire. The creature inside her apparently came from her deep subconscious, a manifestation of her id. He went to the 3rd to ask for advice in a FLASHBACK. Unkai explains that the monster is most likely from her feelings of not living up to expectations of the clan and will most likely come back again and again to kill off the remaining members and then probably the rest of the leaf. The Hokage understands but will not order violence against an innocent. Unkai is worried about the monster growing any more powerful but the third thinks they can work with the girl and possibly control the beast within or if that's not possible, seal the genjutsu. He then talks about the precedent of the nine tailed fox. Unkai doesn't think there is anyone alive strong enough to seal this beast away but Joekage has just the ninja in mind for this difficult mission. This person will have to bear the resentment of Yakumo if they fail to get her to control her powers and is forced to seal them away, ending the lineage of the Kurama, then the third wept. Kurenai Yuhi accepted that mission. Kiba is surprised and relieved, so this is the reason for it all. Guy knew about the sealing of the powers but not of the danger. Unkai says only he and Kurenai know the full story now that the third is dead. Sakura says that Kurenai risked everything to keep this secret and Kiba says they gotta go back and help however they can and runs off. Guy tells Sakura to go help Naruto and her other friends and Unkai says it is all up to them.


Hinata is knocked back, she saw or sensed something strange in there, it feels different. Shino's insects are also acting strange and Akamaru is barking. Hinata senses an incredibly powerful chakra forming on the other side. Paining Yakumo wrestles the knife out of her hands and asks her why? It's not her fault. The ones who imposed the burden on your psyche and try to get rid of me must be crushed. Who are you? One who crawled into a tiny fracture in the corner of your mind, and there it was nurtured. My name is Id!


Cosplaying as Yakumo, she's finally awake says Kurenai who explains it in a FLASHBACK. Not long after she took the job they were training in a field. She was worried about the girls strength when she delved deep into the girl's psyche and saw it, feeding on the crack in her mind. She was legit shook. Her orders were to kill the monster inside her. It's more powerful now but she'll die before it'll get loose in the village. That's why she quit Squad Eight, says Naruto. The beast goes to finish off Kurenai but it won't happen on Naruto's watch, who gets a kunai out and stabs the wall behind him, freeing himself. The demon uses his multipurpose breath weapon on him, knocking Naruto back. Naruto doesn't know what this thing is but Team Eight is waiting outside and he's gonna deliver back to them his sensei. He tries Shadow Clones but his jutsu doesn't work here. Kurenai tells the boy to be careful while she talks to Yakumo, the only one who can truly defeat the beast within. Everyone has this beast in the darkest part of their soul that comes out when we're at our lowest and no one can control it. Naruto is throwing random ninja tools at Id during this speech. But it can be tamed by your will and can make your dreams become reality. Obliterate the monster! She doesn't know how but Kurenai says she's the only one who can do it. She makes a hand sign, says "Abate the Darkness in my mind" jumps over in front of Naruto and...


Drives the painting tool right in the demon's skull. But why, I only wanted what was best for you? It turns purple and expands, threatening to eat them up as it explodes. Yakumo releases the genjutsu on Kurenai and falls down, hugging Kurenai who thinks she did a great job.


The painting of the sword piercing Kurenai melts, revealing the two of them embracing. Naruto is impressed and the room fades back to normal. In her heart she knew who was trying to save her, she kust needed to realize it. The rest of the ninja bust in and Naruto asks if she'll go back to being their teacher. She says she will now that the final mission of the third is over. Sakura thinks it is great and notices the look in Naruto's eyes as he grasps his own sealed stomach, remembering Sauce and Orochimaru, saying "and I will too." to himself as the episode ends.

NEXT EPISODE: "The Weight of the Prized Artifact!"



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