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Toonami [Apr14] Pray while you shit

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Man God

Non-Canon Member
Someone post the blue exorcist nope gif I need it asap




Soul Eater Not isn't as bad as I'd been led to believe (apart from the atrocious artstyle, jesus - they lost the sharp-ass stylish look for CUTE, but it's not fucking cute, so whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy) but I'm stilling holding out hope for Soul Eater: Resonance.


I read the op and then get the hell out of those. Too much declaring winners, losers, drawing lines, speculation, drama.


My NPD takeaways-

- Current Gen is is taking off like crazy. Those MGS5 numbers- more than half of all copies sold were PS4! Titanfall sells 1 Million! I feel a lot better for companies like Rocksteady who are skipping last gen and wonder about Gearbox who are sticking strictly to last gen.
-LOLOLOLOLOL at PS4 outselling XBone in Titanfall release month, and LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL at Nintendo just staying silent at their hardware numbers. God, WiiU is so fucked it's not even funny.
-Nice to see FFX HD chart so high, even if I am sad that PS3 outsold Vita 4:1. Nice numbers for South Park as well- that game looked doomed 2 years ago when THQ died, but Obsidian pulled through.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
"Memory of Flames"


He slaughtered Todoroki's little brother and murdered his entire family five years ago, he saw it with his own eyes in a FLASHBACK! We get a slightly extended version of it with him walking home that night carrying his lunch bag and with people outside of the gate gaping. It also continues with him escaping the blaze with his lunch bag on fire. He opens it up to find a bunch of keepsakes, including his brother's little fish key chain. Then we get a training montage with him learning of the Ninja Dropouts and taking it out on a bunch of of straw dummies in the training grounds. They recovered the bodies of his parents but the fire was too fierce and his brother was so small that no trace of his brother was found. The voice in his head tells him he needs to let it go but he can't as he sits down and screams his brother's name. Back in the present day he mocks the irony of it all, so close to revengenance but his duty prevents him from reaching it. He knows his duty, and knows he will likely be sentenced to death but seeing him here with that calm expression on his face sets his blood boiling. The man who killed his family and his lost little brother! Gantetsu wonders about this lost little brother but Todoroki has lost it again and goes for the kill before Naruto superman tackles him, knocking the sword away. Naruto tells him to stop it and reminds him about his mission again. The captain doesn't care about that anymore. Naruto tells him it is wrong but Todoroki has those crazy eyes and mentions that they are deep in the woods, no one will ever know and picks his sword up again. Naruto is here, Naruto will know. NO ONE WILL KNOW. Better off if no one was here... Naruto tells him to calm down but he is perfectly calm and there's only one way to be sure. Naruto is prepared to fight his former ally.


Sakura and Lee meanwhile want to know what the holdup is. Put up or shut up. Quit playing hide and seek, too scared to fight us? They come out...and they are a bunch of children. They want them to give Gantetsu back. Lee notes that those weapons aren't toys and tells the kids to wait before they strike and Sakura wants to know what connection they have with Gantetsu. A young one with a spear rushes them but Lee sidesteps him and then more advance so they retreat to a nearby tree. Lee puts up his hands and Sakura tells them that non shinobi kids shouldn't handle weapons like this. The two aren't sure how to proceed as Lee especially doesn't want to harm the children.


More ninja on amateur violence. Todoroki orders him to let go, he needs his revenganence for his brother. Gantetsu comes over asking about said brother but Naruto tells Gantetsu to stay out of it...as he walks into a net trap. The shadow clones are also taken out by projectiles with piano wire streaming behind them and Naruto and Todoroki are caught up in their razor sharp web. Todoroki wants to know who it is and what they want and Naruto can't bust free. The Ninja Dropout walks out of the shadows and tells them that resistence is futile. Who the heck are you?


Ninja Dropout Monju says this fine specimen of man. He's here for Gantetsu and doesn't care about Naruto or the captain now that he has him. The web will shrink as it gets warmer, first comes the suffering then they'll be cut into little pieces. He rides a wooden contraption with a rope line connected to the net out of there, exit stage right. Gantetsu calls out for Todoroki as he disappears. It's getting warmer and Naruto doesn't want to die, not like this. He reiterates his mission but Todoroki calls him a fool to think of that at a time like this. Naruto is pretty damn sure that Gantetsu wasn't lying about not being friends with the Dropouts anymore. Todoroki thinks he should have killed him when he had the chance but Naruto wonders why the hated criminal would call out your name as he left, it's gotta be something important. The captain doesn't want to hear any excuses from an animal like him but Naruto thinks that Gantetsu has proven himself to be a good and honest person so far. Naruto vows not to die before hearing what Gantetsu wanted.


Lee and Sakura are still surrounded by the Goonies. Sakura tells them to stop it as a spear is chucked at her head. Lee wants to talk it out but first they need to put down their weapons. One of the younger kids says no way but their leader (who is clearly not important to the other plot line at all nor is he voiced by JYB doing his younger teen voice) tells them that they might have a point. He apologizes to the genin, he thought they were ninja dropouts. Sakura says they are leaf Shinobi on a mission to escort Gantetsu to the captail. They gotta let Gantetsu go though, he's the one who saved us from the Ninja Dropouts. Saved you? Just who are you anyways?


They are orphens caused by the ninja dropouts. Gantetsu saved all of those who were orphened by the gang. Just recently he returned to their mountain cabin with a little girl, the latest victim of the Ninja Dropouts. The little girl wakes up wondering where she is and what happened to her mother. They all know how she feels and are her new family. This is what caused Gantetsu to leave those animals named the ninja dropouts. Clearly not Akio knows what the ND's will do if he tries and leaves but Gantetsu has a plan. He'll take all of the loot and then turn himself into the police. The gang will do everything they can to get their loot back and the police will have a chance to round up the entire gang. They came out into the forest because they were worried about Gantetsu. Sakura is satisfied by this explanation and Lee says they will take out the true bad guys in this whole affair. Not Akio doesn't really care about them and is more worried about Gantetsu. Lee suggests that they find Naruto who is clearly not in the clutches of the Ninja Dropouts right now and Not Akio agrees as Lee tosses him the spear back and he asks Lee what the plan is.


Naruto and Todoroki are almost dead as the sun comes up higher and higher. Naruto sweats on the nearest band and it loosens! He tells Todoroki and he's right! Naruto begins to wet the wire with his mouth while having a minor montage about Gantetsu. He doesn't think he is evil and wants to see him one more time. Todoroki at least agrees on seeing Gantetsu one more time, progress! Oh it's to get Revengenance. The two break their bounds with their teeth! They did it! Naruto wants to go rescue Gantetsu now and Todoroki says he is going to cut him down like a dead tree after Naruto departs.


Gantetsu and his captor are gliding down their rope highway when they pass over a clearing. It's the kids and the other two ninja! Gantetsu is LEGIT SHOOK to see his wards out here. They've spotted this man riding another man. Gantetsu uses his powerful body to tip the contraption and break free! Not Akio rushes over but Monju stops him, warning him to be careful. Yes Sakura, he's a Ninja Dropout and he introduces himself. One of the little kids tells him to let Gantetsu go. He doesn't take orders from anyone but will cut the boy some slack because he is a little kid. Monju just wants his loot back and wonders who these kids are. Not Akio wants his own revengenance and charges with a small knife but Monju sidesteps and judo chops him, then makes some hand signs and ties him up with wire. Gantetsu pleads with him to let the kid go but Monju wants to know what he means by revengenancing his family! What's that about? Gantetsu growls as Sakura springs into action, having had enough of this pretty boy. Ninja Art: Mesh Cage deflects the two kunai she threw. Lee comes in with a jump kick but bounces right off. Of course he did, this cage is impenatrible. He wants answers from Gantetsu who won't give them but then he starts tightening the cords around the boy. Gantetsu screams out the boy's name...Not Akio! He tells his former colleague that these are the sons and daughters of their victims, homes attacked by the Ninja Dropouts. What? You rescued witnesses? You stole out money and gave it back to them??? It doesn't belong to us, it belongs to their families! Monju is pissed at this dirty traitor.


Naruto comes flying in landing on the cage and telling them to hold it down there. Lee and Sakura are impressed and Naruto wasn't going to miss the fun. Todoroki sees Gantetsu in the cage but then notices the boy next to him...Oh shit, It can't be...

NEXT EPISODE: "To Each His Own Path"







Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
So had orientation today, my schedule is 11 to 7:30, if it was 12 then that would be as perfect a schedule as it could get, I get paid 2 times a month, which means I will be getting some fat checks all at once which is just a psychological thing to me even though its just my regular pay built up over time.
I have weekends off but this saturay I HAVE to work as there is easter brunch an ALL hands have to work that day, which I might get out early, might not, but if I do work the whole shift I wont get out until 7:30 so I might miss you know what somewhat.
So had orientation today, my schedule is 11 to 7:30, if it was 12 then that would be as perfect a schedule as it could get, I get paid 2 times a month, which means I will be getting some fat checks all at once which is just a psychological thing to me even though its just my regular pay built up over time.
I have weekends off but this saturay I HAVE to work as there is easter brunch an ALL hands have to work that day, which I might get out early, might not, but if I do work the whole shift I wont get out until 7:30 so I might miss you know what somewhat.

Tell your boss you're a Toonami fan and he/she will let you off early.
It worked for me.

Not really. :_:

That is a realistic drawing of mewtwo that someone photoshopped into that picture an gave it glowing eyes haha

Here's the guy's DeviantArt gallery. It's legit.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Tell your boss you're a Toonami fan and he/she will let you off early.
It worked for me.

Not really. :_:

Here's the guy's DeviantArt gallery. It's legit.

oh I know that, I didnt know it was the same artist, I thought someone stole his artwork for mewtwo and put it in the picture
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