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Toonami [Apr14] Pray while you shit

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Gives all the fucks
People hating on Conception 2 SMDH

AsexualGAF has taken over this thread
Some people just don't know the joy of trimating with two girls at once to give birth to star children that have different job titles in order to take them into battle inside dungeons and then having your kids form together into a giant robot because video games.

They grow up so fast.


Some people just don't know the joy of trimating with two girls at once to give birth to star children that have different job titles in order to take them into battle inside dungeons and then having your kids form together into a giant robot because video games.

Everything in this sentence is right up my alley. I might need to look up this game now even though I have way way way too many games I need to play and I'm sitting here watching S1 of Mushishi instead of finishing Infamous.
People hating on Conception 2 SMDH

AsexualGAF has taken over this thread

lol i read a review of it somewhere that said something like the boob jiggling was so bad it gave the reviewer whiplash. i think it was polygon but im not sure.

Also i loaded up persona 3 for the first time in a few months, turned the corner from where i was, and got falcon punched by some cyborg guy that one shot my whole team by 2x their health. i may need to grind some more lol

Man God

Non-Canon Member
"Vanished Memories"


A torrential downpour, a burning village being raided by foes. People fleeing, those begging for their lives being cut down in the streets. A lightning bolt illuminates one man making his way to the woods on the border of the town and they pursue him, knocking him down with a kunai throw to the shoulder. His daughter steps in front of him and begs for them to leave her father alone. The blond bandit holds up while the other one approaches, telling him to remember his job. He takes the father's necklace and he begs them to spare his daughter. The bandit tells him to save his breath and cuts him down. The kid cries and the bandit draws his sword up to strike her down. The blond bandit tells him not to touch her before throwing a kunai in his shoulder. Make that through his shoulder as the other bandit falls. He gives the necklace to the girl telling her its all right as he smiles. The girl nearly falls into the river as the ledge collapses but he saves her...only to fall down as his portion of the ledge gives out!


Naruto is reaching for a plant. Legendary Menma Pickled Bamboo Shoots, Naruto asks Teuchi in a FLASHBACK. Yep, but the shoots are hard to find only growing high up on the side of steep cliffs, really hard to find. That's only because I wasn't looking for it, he'll try his best because he wants to try that on top of his ramen no matter where it is. Naruto almost grabs the plant but nearly falls down the cliff before catching himself. He's got the plant but sees a person on the rock jutting out of the river. Is he alive? He falls into the river himself!


The Konoha hospital at night...hello nurse Sakura! All this thunder but no rain, it's creepy. As she says this Naruto pops up out of nowhere with a terrifying look in his eyes.


Hey keep it down this is a hospital zone says Naruto. You made me yell, you moron! Naruto is impressed that the medical core finally gave her a uniform. She poses and asks if he likes it, she's been waiting forever to get one and he says it looks good. Anyways it's a lucky break that he found her as he's got someone here you've gotta look at. He points to the blond kid lying prone a ways off. Sakura is shook and says it looks like he has hypothermia. Oh, you know the guy, that's a funny name? That's not his name you idiot, it's when your body tempurature...oh why bother...yeah, Hypothermia, a guy I used to know. Naruto picks him up in a fireman's carry and says that'll make things easier. Sakura ever a stickler for the rules tells him not to bring an outsider into a Leaf Village hospital but Naruto can't just leave him on the ground and he has an important mission. He brings the shoots to Teuchi who identifies the shoots as the real do so Naruto tells him to slap them on a bowl of Ramen for them as he grabs his chopsticks. Hate to break it to you but it'll take three to four weeks to pickle them. Naruto is shocked. Boiled, then fermented slowly. So even a little taste is out of the question?


Teuchi tries to teach him a valuable lesson in patience as nurse Sakura finds him busy on his important mission, domeing him for his insolence and trouble making. She continues the abuse by pulling his ear and wondering what he was thinking dumping that guy on her and coming here to stuff his face. That was the plan. The medical ninja with the boy attempts the Back to the Past jutsu (more filler continuity) while nurse Sakura and Naruto look on. Naruto asks what the ninja is doing and Sakura explains that he is probing his memory before Naruto remembers that reverse hypnosis thing they used on him awhile ago. The medical ninja asks the patient if he can remember anything now but he just shakes his head no. It seems he has completely lost his memory. The doctor is going to try more tomorrow. Sakura and Naruto continue the conversation in a nearby office and Sakura tells Naruto that the boy has total amnesia. No memory of his name or the village he came from and if that jutsu didn't work it's a severe case. Naruto asks if there was anything on him to identify him with and she says no. The only thing he had was an ocarina split in two. You could fix it pretty easily he says. Sakura continues on that the amnesia might be shock related and his memory could return before handing Naruto a release form to sign. What's this for? For liability. We don't treat outsiders ever so it is your fault if he causes trouble. Naruto hopes he doesn't live to regret doing a good deed.


Thunderstorms with no rain once again haunt the hospital that night. The boy wakes up and notices the cracked ocarina as the lightning flashes...


and crashes down on a nearby building, waking Naruto up! It's a fire near the hospital. Sakura is helping with the evacuation as the boy starts leaving his room. The fire is on his floor though and he's also in a state of shock over the fire. Collapsing to the ground and asking for forgiveness. Sakura is yelling on the floors if anyone is still there but the boy can't hear her. Sakura goes out to talk with Shizune and the 5th Hokage who ask if she got everyone out. She just checked. Naruto asks if everyone is ok and Sakura says she thinks so. Naruto doesn't see his friend anywhere...and neither does a mother of a baby who comes running up. The boy is in the middle of the blaze and hears the baby crying so he ninja runs through the flames and into the nursery. He starts playing the ocarina and the sound travels. Sakura is talking Naruto out of going in there, the baby is in the furthest ward when they hear the sound of the flute.


The boy with the baby appears in the nearby window. He jumps for it and Naruto springs into action with his Shadow Clones. He attempts to catch the two but they land on the pile instead. Look who he's got with him, says Sakura. Well done says the Hokage and the mother rushes over to grab the baby and thank the boy, who says's you're welcome. She can never thank him enough.


A mystery outsider with amnesia, well this is a fine mess you've put us in. He's just one guy, says Naruto, you know you're going to let him in. Shizune points out the obvious security risk and how it's unheard of. Naurto tries to claim what he did at the hospital proves he isn't a spy but Shizune doesn't believe in exceptions to security policy. Naruto has taken responsibility for him. Tsunade asks Sakura if the boy has remember anything, he hasn't. Naruto attempts to bribe the Hokage with rare pickled Menma Bamboo shoots which Shizune has never heard of. Naruto was picking them after his last mission!


You were supposed to be reporting back here after your mission, not pick bamboo! You can let go now. Tsunade asks Naruto if he is serious about taking care of the boy, he is. Tsunade says they can't just kick him out after he saved the life of one of their own and the genin are pleased, you won't be sorry grandma. He's hanging out with the boy at the ramen shop and introduces himself. The boy is embarrassed as he has no name so Naruto decides to name him Menma after the Bamboo Shoots. Menma thinks it is as good a name as any so they complete their introductions. Teuchi brings out the ramen and Menma thinks it looks delicious as Naruto tells him it is the best in the world. Teuchi taunts him with the lack of the rare bamboo and that he hasn't tasted anything like it. Naruto promises to take Menma again when it is ready.


They next head to Naruto's apartment. His home is your home but it's a little messy. Looks like a bomb went off. Naruto tells him its not that bad, don't be so picky and that tomorrow they'll work on getting his memory back. Menma has a hard time falling asleep but Naruto is dreaming about eating more ramen. Menma got up early and cleaned the apartment because he couldn't sleep. He's hanging his laundry out to dry...but Naruto is LEGIT SHOOK when he notices Menma had washed his drawers and tells him from now on he'll handle it. They head out for the day on a mission to get his memory back...with a food tour of Konoha. First Sand Dumplings from the Land of Wind, then Stone Rice Cakes from the Land of Earth, and so on. He wants to see if any of the different cuisines looks familiar to him but no. He apologizes but Naruto tells him it's not his fault. Mena wants Naruto not to worry about his memory, it'll come back when it comes back and is more curious if Naruto has any work to do. He's supposed to clean the Hokage faces again. He volunteers to help but before he does that he goes to help an old lady with her groceries. She also needs help with her garden as the weeds are too much for her old back. Naruto helps out as well. More old people need help in this part of the village.


The Hokage is curious about a stack of presents on her desk. They are all thank you gifts from around the village for Naruto and that boy says Shizune. What have the two them been doing. Naruto thinks Menma is an unusual guy for being so hardworking and kind. Menma just wants to live his life the right way, no regrets, you know. Naruto asks if that means he's remembered something, but no. Suddenly Naruto gets smacked on the face with something wet. Is it bird poop?


No, it's blood as a Chunin comes crashing down. Naruto grabs the man and Menma helps him. Naruto asks the ninja what happened and he replies weakly that there is someone in the village as a rain of projectile weapons comes toward the cleaning cart. Naruto carrying the wounded ninja and Menma jump for safety and Naruto asks Memna to stay with him as he leaves.


He hits the treeline and ducks behind a tree to stop some kunai...which are attached to paper bombs! Kaboom. He dodges some more kunai and then tells the assilant to come out and fight before a Kunai attached to a ribbon breaks the branch he is on. Menma shows up and starts playing his ocarina. Naruto hears the flute and is buffed up by the song as his chakra network goes into overdrive. He leaps at supersonic speeds towards the pale faced attacker, and catches him almost immediately with a kunai straight to the back.


That's gonna leave a mark...on the bark because it was a substitution jutsu. Menma shows up behind Naruto and asks if he is ok but Naruto is more curious about the music and just who Menma is as the episode ends.

NEXT EPISODE: "Bringing Back Reality"






^ Did those episodes of Naruto ever air on Toonami's original run?

Also anyone know the music that plays during One Piece's Toonami bumps? I really like it.


Yeah I heard something that Toei was going to make an announcement? What was that about?

Allegedly its VA and key visual.

Given the last time we had this song and dance, it'll probably wank off the upcoming Black Moon arc musical for an hour and have Fumio Osano (IE: Osa-p) dodging questions like David Cameron at an Anti-Asshole Rally.

Seriouly, this show better be everything it's cracked up to be (which is to say, how Stardust Crusaders is being adapted) otherwise all hell is going to break loose.


I just want Furuya to be casted as Mamoru again for this adaptation.

I'm convinced at this point Furuya is immortal, that motherfucker still looks and sounds the exact same after all these years.

He and Keanu Reeves must have found the fountain of youth, too bad the latter the didn't drink from the fountain of good acting skills.


I just want Furuya to be casted as Mamoru again for this adaptation.

I'm convinced at this point Furuya is immortal, that motherfucker still looks and sounds the exact same after all these years.

He and Keanu Reeves must have found the fountain of youth, too bad the latter the didn't drink from the fountain of good acting skills.

I'm pretty sure he and Kotono Mitsuishi confirmed their being around back when this was first announced.

Mind you in the time between then and now Empires have fallen but what's a few years to anyone?


Yeah I remember that too, but that was so long ago.

Hey how come you don't drop by the SM thread anymore? Started my R watch recently.
Okay maybe sucked was a little too harsh. I guess you could call Conception 2 "the Blue Exorcist of RPGs". It's not bad, just average. And Atlus made things worse by putting that black and white haired girl in the demo. I know some people find the whole "naive everygirl" thing appealing, but, man, was she annoying.
Okay maybe sucked was a little too harsh. I guess you could call Conception 2 "the Blue Exorcist of RPGs". It's not bad, just average. And Atlus made things worse by putting that black and white haired girl in the demo. I know some people find the whole "naive everygirl" thing appealing, but, man, was she annoying.

That's why you have to teach her and have her become a mother of your star children


Gives all the fucks
Okay maybe sucked was a little too harsh. I guess you could call Conception 2 "the Blue Exorcist of RPGs". It's not bad, just average. And Atlus made things worse by putting that black and white haired girl in the demo. I know some people find the whole "naive everygirl" thing appealing, but, man, was she annoying.
Oh yeah, you played the 3DS version. Even as someone who's playing the game and finding it decent can agree that the 3DS demo wasn't that great. Vita demo was the first chapter, which lasted much longer, did a better job of easing you into the game & its story, & Torri isn't around yet, who easily has the worst voice acting in the game (or rather, worst direction as to how to act). I'd post more, but I'll leave discussion of the game in its OT, as I've posted some general thoughts in there.

In all honestly, "Blue Exorcist of RPGs" isn't that far off. It's decent with some humorous moments, but it's held back by some stuff & could have been better. But considering how easy I can get back in & out of this, it fills the RPG void since I've been gravitating towards handhelds lately with college & all that.

& to get the thread back on Toonami-related stuff, here's Sailor Moon AC chargers.
There's nothing on the list I necessarily have against being on said list, though I do not enjoy dungeon crawlers that are first person . I wholly disagree with the ordering, but that was likely always to be a given.
My List

10.Style Savvy
9. Fire Emblem: Awakening
8. Bravely Default: Where the Fairy Flies
7. Ace Attorney: Dual Destinies
6. Mario Kart 7
5. Animal Crossing New Leaf
4. Kid Icarus Uprising
3. Super Mario 3D Land
2. Legend of Zelda : ALBW
1. Pokemon X/Y

(Numbers aren't necessarily true, subject to change or in any ways important)


Wow, I completely forgot about Fire Emblem. I would say I liked it as it still has the core gameplay the series in known far, but It falls short to every other localized Fire Emblem outside of Shadow Dragon. I still ranked it as my #2 game last year.

I also forgot about Soul Hackers, and while the battles mechanics were a step down from other SMT titles, I dug the tone/story and characters. Nice to have an SMT game not totally focused on LAW|NEUTRAL|CHAOS in those regards.
List time?

In no particular order

1) Bravely Default
2) Super Mario 3D Land
3) Animal Crossing New Leaf
4) Pokemon X/Y
5) Ace Attorney Duel Destinies
6) Kingdom Hearts Dream Drop Distance
7) Star Fox 64 3D
8) Fire Emblem Awakening
9) Prof Layton 5
10) Pushmo

Man God

Non-Canon Member
3DS is more of a top 25 system for me so far. I mean everytime I try to make an actual ordered top ten list I can't find room for key titles like AA5, Senran Kagura Burst, all of the excellent Mario games, RE:R, MH3U...and it goes on and on.


The 3DS version of Ocarina of Time is fantastic too. I don't see other people mention this much, but the sped-up text speed alone makes it the definitive version in my eyes. All the other improvements are just icing after that. I also appreciated the gyro controls for precision aiming with the bow. Too often on the n64/gcn version I have to make a slight adjustment with the aim that's tricky to do with the analog stick. But fine aiming with a slight wrist tilt makes it a non-issue entirely.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The 3DS version of Ocarina of Time is fantastic too. I don't see other people mention this much, but the sped-up text speed alone makes it the definitive version in my eyes. All the other improvements are just icing after that. I also appreciated the gyro controls for precision aiming with the bow. Too often on the n64/gcn version I have to make a slight adjustment with the aim that's tricky to do with the analog stick. But fine aiming with a slightly wrist tilt makes it a non-issue entirely.

Easily the best game on the system until 3D Land came out.
3DS is more of a top 25 system for me so far. I mean everytime I try to make an actual ordered top ten list I can't find room for key titles like AA5, Senran Kagura Burst, all of the excellent Mario games, RE:R, MH3U...and it goes on and on.

Yep, 3DS really has a fantastic library of games, when smash bros comes out this summer though they will all be in the background
The 3DS version of Ocarina of Time is fantastic too. I don't see other people mention this much, but the sped-up text speed alone makes it the definitive version in my eyes. All the other improvements are just icing after that. I also appreciated the gyro controls for precision aiming with the bow. Too often on the n64/gcn version I have to make a slight adjustment with the aim that's tricky to do with the analog stick. But fine aiming with a slight wrist tilt makes it a non-issue entirely.

as a remake it's great (though the Water Temple is still obnoxious even with all the fixes they made), but the original game itself is a little..........bare. sometimes that actually works in its favor because whenever it DOES have trademark Zelda Padding, it's not all that significant. but honestly i don't think any of the dungeons really compare to the later games; it's a more consistent title, i think, but it doesn't reach the highs of the later games at all.


as a remake it's great (though the Water Temple is still obnoxious even with all the fixes they made), but the original game itself is a little..........bare. sometimes that actually works in its favor because whenever it DOES have trademark Zelda Padding, it's not all that significant. but honestly i don't think any of the dungeons really compare to the later games; it's a more consistent title, i think, but it doesn't reach the highs of the later games at all.

I actually agree with that. Almost every other 3D Zelda game has better combat and better dungeons. (The only exception might be Wind Waker). I have a long post somewhere defending my stance that I really liked Twilight Princess. Each Zelda game can be pretty divisive. Skyward Sword maybe most of all.
I never played OOT on n64 beyond messing around with a brothers completed save file . So the 3ds was my first time going through it and with years of people never shutting up about it not only being the best Zelda, but nay even the best video game ever etc. Ultimately it was quite good and the 3ds version looked great .Ultimately I think Twilight Princess is overall my fave 3D Zelda, but I still need to play MM.
I actually agree with that. Almost every other 3D Zelda game has better combat and better dungeons. (The only exception might be Wind Waker). I have a long post somewhere defending my stance that I really liked Twilight Princess. Each Zelda game can be pretty divisive. Skyward Sword maybe most of all.

i'd say Wind Waker's early dungeons are on par with OoT's early dungeons (well the first two; fuck Jabu Jabu), and i'd say everything from the Tower of the Gods onward is better than everything in OoT with the exception of the Spirit Temple and maybe the Shadow Temple (but that one's a big maybe and only applies to the Tower of the Gods).

i feel that everything outside of the dungeons kind of wrecked Twilight Princess for me, and even then the fact that the items seem to get dropped as soon as you leave the dungeon you acquired them in is annoying.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The combat in WW is great with the only true problem being that almost every attack only does 1/4 heart damage on the standard difficulty. The dungeons are a disappointment though.

TP is probably the best mix of everything 3D Zelda has but is king of nothing.


It's hard to believe Toonami is airing today. Where are you guys?!?!

This may be the least posted month in some time.


My 3DS List

1. Picross e2
2. Picross e3
3. Harmoknight
4. Super Mario 3D Land
5. Picross e
6. Super Street Fighter 4
7. Pushmo
8. Zelda: OOT 3D
9. Resident Evil: The Mercenaries 3D
10. Fire Emblem: Awakening

The top 5 is super easy and strong, but the quality decreases sharply after that.
It's hard to believe Toonami is airing today. Where are you guys?!?!

This may be the least posted month in some time.

No SAO rage and no new Dandy has slowed the thread down, but with Attack on Titan and new Dandy this summer things will pick up.

Also Twilight Princess is a great Zelda game, the second half feels rushed yes but its still a fantastic title. Wind Waker is probably my least favorite 3D console Zelda and that is only because of how boring sailing in the vanilla version was (still haven't played the wiiu version)


Just for fun, an off the cuff top 10 11 (cause I can't leave Danganronpa off!) for Vita. This is a lot harder because there are more quality games for the system, but fewer slam dunk locks like the 3DS

1. Lumines Electronic Symphony
2. Wipeout 2048
3. Spelunky
4. Zen Pinball 2
5. Persona 4: Golden
6. MLB 13 The Show
7. Velocity Ultra
8. Tearaway
9. Dragon's Crown
10. Hotline Miami
11. Danganronpa


I love how that GT list completely ignores the existence of Download games, and focuses way too much on JRPGS (which make up half the list). I give their effort a 5.9/10, so if anyone rounds up to 6 I can get angry
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