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Toonami [Apr14] Pray while you shit

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I've been thinking of getting a pro controller. I don't have any qualms with the gamepad, but I know for smash none of my friends will want to use wiimotes

Man God

Non-Canon Member
So after spending the last 3-4 years exclusively playing on PS3, switching back to a 360 controller on PC has been a revelation in regards to battery life. I get like 30 hours of use on a pair of double A batteries, compared to the 10-12 hours my Dualshocks were getting before needing a recharge

DS 4 is even worse, It was dying on my friend from full charge after going through Ground Zeroes in one segment, maybe 7 hours all told?

360's AA length while better doesn't impress me as a long time veteran of the Wavebird and with this new Wii U pro controller. I charged the first one I bought last June twice and played at least 160 hours of VC games and Mario World on the Wii U and dozens of PC games with it. The first time I recharged it was November? The thing is a miracle controller and I'm glad I bought three more when they were on clearance at BB. Who cares if they are white and my system is black, the price was right.

They also work great once you get them set up with PC. I just use the Mayflash adapter.


The Wavebird was a fantastic controller back in the day. Nintendo really did a fantastic job with it, even if it did lack rumble. I'd say it's be my go-to controller if I owned a Wii.

So after spending the last 3-4 years exclusively playing on PS3, switching back to a 360 controller on PC has been a revelation in regards to battery life. I get like 30 hours of use on a pair of double A batteries, compared to the 10-12 hours my Dualshocks were getting before needing a recharge

I like the battery life on the 360 controller, but I have to remember to remove the batteries when I'm not using the thing or else the battery life drops. I've never had any issues with the DS3 and regularly get 20+ hours of life before needing to recharge. Having a 2nd controller hooked up means a quick swap if I do lose power.

The DS4's time is really abysmal.
I like the battery life on the 360 controller, but I have to remember to remove the batteries when I'm not using the thing or else the battery life drops. I've never had any issues with the DS3 and regularly get 20+ hours of life before needing to recharge. Having a 2nd controller hooked up means a quick swap if I do lose power.

The DS4's time is really abysmal.

Yep, this is the same thing I do. I own 2 DS3's and 2 DS4's. I have to swap the DS4's much more often but I'm used to it all by now.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Finally watched Blue Exorcist (very good) and Bleach (surprisingly great)

Easily the best Bleach episode I've seen in...six or seven years?
The only real prolem with the finale of the clone arc is how the clones who had followed Kagerosa who had always planned to "destroy the soul society" at the last second decided "ehh actually we want to protect it like the originals". That could have been handled better beyond that it was a really solid finale


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Wavebird has the best shell (hump excluded) but the bad C-stick and lack of rumble forces me to give the edge to the Pro Controller. It's like 3% less comfortable but it's the full package, baby. Two excellent analog sticks, SNES button layout, a far better d-pad, and four shoulder buttons/triggers.
Yes they're not analog but oh well.

Dat rumble though. Daaayyuuum. Playing Wind Waker and I was like "I forgot what rumble was." Wiimote was like a half-dead electric toothbrush and the CC Pro didn't even have rumble either.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Wavebird has the best shell (hump excluded) but the bad C-stick and lack of rumble forces me to give the edge to the Pro Controller. It's like 3% less comfortable but it's the full package, baby. Two excellent analog sticks, SNES button layout, a far better d-pad, and four shoulder buttons/triggers.
Yes they're not analog but oh well.

Dat rumble though. Daaayyuuum. Playing Wind Waker and I was like "I forgot what rumble was." Wiimote was like a half-dead electric toothbrush and the CC Pro didn't even have rumble either.

DS rumble has been terrible since the first one. 360 controller is good for the first hour or two after you put in batteries but then gets less and less impressive as it goes. Pro Controller rumbles like a mofo though.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
DS with its rumble pack was pretty nice for all one game it supported

I was wondering if anyone would say that referring to the portable.

I was referring to the Playstation controller DualShock, which has had terrible rumble since the second one. Hell the only nice thing about the DS3 is that it feels much better in hand than the SIXAXIS it replaced.
I was wondering if anyone would say that referring to the portable.

I was referring to the Playstation controller DualShock, which has had terrible rumble since the second one. Hell the only nice thing about the DS3 is that it feels much better in hand than the SIXAXIS it replaced.

I loved Metroid Pinball one of my favorite sleeper gems on the DS


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
I hope you're not doing nasty things with that controller. >.>


Man God

Non-Canon Member
There's a thread that shows up at least every other week talking about how awesome the Wii U Pro controller is. It'll never been seen as a popular alternative because of the platform it is related to but my oh my it is outside of a lack of analog triggers the best controller I have ever used.

It really does have an 80+ hour battery life on a single charge. It really does have an excellent dpad. It really does have impressive rumble. It is comfortable as hell.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
There's a thread that shows up at least every other week talking about how awesome the Wii U Pro controller is. It'll never been seen as a popular alternative because of the platform it is related to but my oh my it is outside of a lack of analog triggers the best controller I have ever used.

It really does have an 80+ hour battery life on a single charge. It really does have an excellent dpad. It really does have impressive rumble. It is comfortable as hell.



Feel free to post about it a little in here if that's more comfortable. I mean we chat Boondocks every week anyway.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
"A Past to Be Erased"


Menma is bleeding out but Nan thinks he is in league with those who attacked the village. Naruto says that's a lie but he saw that mark the night they came in a FLASHBACK. Lightning, fires, axes, murder in the streets against unarmed men and women. He tore the sleeve off of a man who was about to kill a villager who was begging for his life and saw it when the man lifted his knife to strike the man down. Tenten asks why the medical team who examined Menma didn't see this and Neji uses his Byakugan, determining that this type of marking only shows up when the person sweats. Nan tells the kids to go so he can kill Menma in peace. Naruto tells him they can't and that this poor soul doesn't remember anything that happened in his past, his memory is a blank. Neji tells him that they traveled here to find out about his past. Nan tries to get them to leave again since they found out his past but Neji argues it is wrong to get revengenance on someone who can't remember anything, but he can do whatever he wants after they get his memories back. Naruto says he won't give Menma up no matter what but Twenty gets him in a full nelson and covers his mouth. Neji is right, if they get Menma's memories back they can find out who the attacker was and possibly trade him to save the village, a win/win. This man must stay alive. Twenty whispers to Naruto to stay quiet, they need Nan's help and Menma will die if he gets the chance, so go along with it. He nods as Nan stitches up his wounds. When Naruto checks the door someone brought necessary supplies.


That night the ninja's are talking it over. Naruto can't believe it that someone so kind hearted could really be a low life bandit. Tenten thinks that maybe something made him act that good but Naruto wonders if the markings were a coincidence as no one that rotten to the core could act so nice. Neji figures they will find out the truth when he starts remembering. Menma wakes up and asks if he was one of the bandits. He must have heard them talking. Naruto tells him not to worry, it's only a theory and Neji leaves telling him he needs to rest. Nan warns him as he goes on watch saying not to try anything funny with Menma and Neji tells him when the time is right he'll give him his shot. Naruto and Twenty fall asleep and Menma quietly leaves the building. The villagers give him the shifty eye from behind cover but he goes to the wall and continues working on it. What a good guy! He can barely walk but he finishes the final support beam. Fuki, the girl from the other day throws a rock at him, she must have heard the news. She throws another rock at him so he ducks down to the ground. The other villagers come out and claim revengenance before Naruto comes out to shield him. The villagers want his blood too for protecting him but Neji and Tenten arrive. Neji wants to know why the two of them let him move about, Twenty fell asleep and Naruto let his guard down because he figured he couldn't move. Naruto pleads the case of total amnesia before he gets a rock to the head, they'll suffer the same fate if they don't leave. The rocks come in hard and fast and Menma tells them to leave, he deserves this for what he might have done. Naruto thinks that is crazy but there's no time for that as he draws his kunai to deflect a hail of arrows. The bandits are here. Raise the drawbridge.


One of them makes it up to the top of the bridge before getting a flurry of stones to the face. The other bandits attempt paper bombs...no dice and the leader tells them to worry about the Leaf Ninja. Neji tells everyone to hide and Fuki drops her necklace as she runs away. They seemingly broke through in two places but they can't find them anywhere. Neji orders silence and uses his magic eyes. They are in an auditory genjutsu using the wind and a certain tone! The leader of the bandit ninja tells them it is too late from a nearby rooftop and he starts playing the same song Tayuya did. It's a paralysis jutsu, Twenty's body is heavy (is it full of mercy?) and they throw kunai at them. Menma used a song of cancellation and freed them. Naruto makes some shadow clones and the leader takes them out easily...Too easily as Naruto snuck up behind him and broke his flute! The villain is LEGIT SHOOK. Menma the Bard uses his mega buff up song and Twenty and Neji beat the thugs in seconds. Fuki comes back looking for her necklace as one of the bandit mooks comes to grab her.


Not so fast as someone delivers a kunai right to the back. It's good guy Menma who gives her the necklace back! Here this is special to you, right? She remembers the night in the ran and screams for him to look behind you! He mule kicks the charging bandit and he's glad her voice is back. She thanks him and he tells her to hurry back to the others. Naruto comes running back and tells him they took care of the bandits. Menma is worried about their leader, the one named Shin. Naruto apologizes, he chased after him but he got away. He did? That's terrible, now that he got away he is going to use his last resort, blowing a dam at the top of the river to flood the village, he doesn't care as long as the mine is intact. Naruto thinks this is horrible and that they would have to move mountains to stop that. Mountains by Jove, Menma is onto something and wants Naruto to accompany him to the mine. There's a stash of paper bombs there and he's going to blow up the mine and stop the floodwaters.


Something is shaking and they hope they are in time. Menma wants to confess something to Naruto (gosh I wonder what this is given their last two minutes of conversation...) that has been eating away at him. He remembers everything that happened in his past. That's great and all but can't it wait? No, it can't. He was orphaned at a young age and Shin's clan took him in. They were a small band of ninja in the Land of Rice Paddies but they made a name for themselves through grit and determination. But a year ago the Hidden Sound Village showed up and started poaching members and the feudal lord stopped giving them missions. Shin was still leader of his clan so he set his eyes on this village and their mine as we head back into another FLASHBACK of that fateful night. The plan was just to scare the villagers off but they resisted and things turned ugly. He wanted to escape and tried to run but then he ran into Fuki and her dad, killed the bandit and fell into the river. He wishes he had died at that moment, the image of all those villagers dying was too much and he wanted to forget everything. He used a secret clan jutsu to make himself forget everything...but it failed, it didn't last and his memory came back after only a few hours.


Naruto stops after hearing this, furious. You could remember this whole time? Get off of me! He can't believe he didn't come clean and tell him the truth! Your lies put people in danger! The truth was too shameful and he wanted to stop Shin's group. He used that moment to make a new life for himself and protect the village. He needed help so he brought the mighty Leaf Ninja here to stop shin and keep more of these villagers from dying. Fate spared his life for a reason, his purpose now is to protect these people and that's why he lied to you. He wanted to round them all up during their raid of the village but he'll stop the flooding since he is here. He apologizes to Naruto, handing him his ocarina and tells him that he'll need to take care of Shin no matter what. Naruto wants to know why he gave him his flute but Shin says this is goodbye, someone needs to set us up the paper bombs inside the mine. Thanks to you and your friends my life is going to mean something.


Betraylton! Twenty feels the rumbling and Neji can see the explosions at the dam. The villagers are worried that this is it. Naruto grabbed onto a branch and sees the flood coming as Menma is surrounded by paper bombs. So long, my friend Naruto. Menma nooooo! The villagers ask what is going on and Neji tells them that the mountain exploded and blocked the flood. Naruto is LEGIT SHOOK and screams out Menma's name like he was the sauce. That scum Shin won't get away as he makes a phalanx of Shadow Clones. He takes them out with his ribbon kunai and scoffs at the idea he'd fall for such an easy jutsu...which Naruto was using as a distraction for his Rasengan. He throws out his ribbon kunai again which clashes with the Rasengan. Naruto says if Menma isn't here than he'll have to finish him.


With a Rasengan to the eye. Ouch. The next morning villagers have tied up the bandits and they eulogize Menma. Neji says he gave up his life for these villagers and Twenty thinks that deep down he really was good. Fuki clutches her necklace and says goodbye mister and Nan owes him big time. Neji thinks that wiping away his memory was the only salvation Menma needed and Naruto just turns his back and walks away.


Back at the village he is eating two bowls of ramen with Menma's ocarina. He promised he'd have this ramen with him and he keeps his word. Shizune appearing from behind a tree is worried about him but Tsunade thinks he'll be fine as long as he has his appetite. Shizune thinks he'll never be able to eat Ramen again without thinking about it but Tsunade thinks that is ok, having those sorts of memories is what being alive is all about as the wind suddenly picks. Naruto thinks it is delicious as he cries his eyes out and remembers Menma playing his ocarina as he says goodbye to his dear friend.

NEXT EPISODE: "The Targeted Shukaku"





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