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Toonami [Apr14] Pray while you shit

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All this HxH talk made me want to watch the anime and since my brother doesn't watch any shows that don't air on tv, I decided we were watching it together. We're currently on episode 6 right now and he seems to like it. Do gotta say that the anime is fast paced as hell. Just running through all the happenings. Makes One Piece look like a snail in comparison.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
All this HxH talk made me want to watch the anime and since my brother doesn't watch any shows that don't air on tv, I decided we were watching it together. We're currently on episode 6 right now and he seems to like it. Do gotta say that the anime is fast paced as hell. Just running through all the happenings. Makes One Piece look like a snail in comparison.

Remember to watch the first anime first to get an appreciation for it.

Don't do this, it's the reason to this day I don't give a shit about Hiatus X Hiatus, that first anime ruined it forever.
Remember to watch the first anime first to get an appreciation for it.

Don't do this, it's the reason to this day I don't give a shit about Hiatus X Hiatus, that first anime ruined it forever.

Bleach your mind and watch the 2011 series, it gets so much better you need to watch it
Remember to watch the first anime first to get an appreciation for it.

Don't do this, it's the reason to this day I don't give a shit about Hiatus X Hiatus, that first anime ruined it forever.

Ain't no one got time for that. The 2011 series is long enough as it is.


All this HxH talk made me want to watch the anime and since my brother doesn't watch any shows that don't air on tv, I decided we were watching it together. We're currently on episode 6 right now and he seems to like it. Do gotta say that the anime is fast paced as hell. Just running through all the happenings. Makes One Piece look like a snail in comparison.

HxH typically runs through 3-4 chapters at times so it goes lightning fast. It also escalates well. If you enjoy the Hunter Exam arc you should be warned
that is the low point of the series IMO.

HxH is getting dubbed. Someone already has all the rights to it.

The fact nobody has announced it yet kind of worries me. I am assuming Funimation got it. Secretly I hope that they will air it as soon as they start dubbing it ala AoT.


It is far too fabulous
and a legal nightmare
to be dubbed.

Warner Bros owns/finances the anime right? Wouldn't they already own a fair number of the music rights thus decreasing the issues with a lot of (though probably not all) the music references?


Fucking hell

I had a l-o-n-g day at work as basically the only person in, so I had nothing to actually work on and had to look busy for 8 hours. I spent all day on Gaf, basically console warrioring (well, more like just making people look stupid in this thread), and I feel super dirty.

I'm going to start catching up on HxH until it puts me to sleep

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Been taking a break from Naruto watching and it's dragged on longer than usual.

Not because of the episode being terribly boring or anything but an internal dilemma has wracked me to the core, left me legit shook if you will.

Site after site has kept begging me to update Opera and whenever I check if I need an update it always tells me no, you don't. I had completely forgotten that they had switched to chrome based search and did the whole rebrand with 15 and now 20 so this time when I updated it from another site I finally got this new browser last night, right in the middle of Naruto.

It's faster and more stable, sure. It works with all the sites that were bitching for me to upgrade, sure. But its also missing something that I can't live without.

My old school brain can't accept an Opera without having the damn file bar there. I've become the living embodiment of the I can't Deal gif. I thought I could but whenever I stare at it I just get the need to switch back. Luckily they are treated as two separate programs so I just switched over and I'll probably keep Opera 20 around just for sites that throw a hissy fit when I try to use this ancient browser but until then? Gonna ride with this until the internet becomes completely impossible to navigate.
HxH typically runs through 3-4 chapters at times so it goes lightning fast. It also escalates well. If you enjoy the Hunter Exam arc you should be warned
that is the low point of the series IMO.

Oh, i've read all of the manga. I know what to expect. My brother doesn't though and he seems to be enjoying it. He's particularly fond of Killua and Netero.
Is this where someone makes a 'it was me, Dio!' joke now? That seems to be a current Twitter fad.


Man God

Non-Canon Member
"Sealed Sand: The Counterattack!"


Temari starts the episode with some witty banter, Shikamaru's the one the Leaf village trotted out for her. He says he owes her one and there's no way he's letting a girl show him up but she replies that he's still singing that same chavanistic tune as always and tells them to go on and help Kankuro and Gaara who are chasing down the girl. Shikamaru tells her that they are squaring off against their own Four Celestial Dragons and Kujaku tells her that is good to know. Shikamaru's shadow was just a bit too short to reach her though so they'll have to do this fight the old fashioned way but he sent two man squads to each of the fight locations. Prepared like a Boy Scout and if you do something, do it right, this time there will be no casualties. She tells him not to cry like a baby this time if one of your men goes down and he asks her if she's going to hold that over his head forever (insert your own lazybones joke here such as I wish she'd hold something over my head forever or what have you.) and he guesses that's what girls do best. Ino correctly judges her place and thinks she is a fifth wheel just as Kujaku prepares to take them all out and the fight (and opening credits) begins!


Ryugan (Voiced by Izzy, name translates literally to Dragon's eyes) taunts the Sand Village for needing backup. Kankuro asks Kiba what he's doing here? Dogs will surprise you, if you come to their rescue they won't rest until they repay the favor, especially Akamaru here. Kankuro tells Kiba to tell Akamaru to heel, he's good. Kiba tells him not to worry about his teammates because they sent backup to them and to worry about the task at hand. Kankuro tells him to quit with the advice. None of these people besides Choji can resist taunting each other and Ryugan feels left out so he calls the Leaf Genin more trash to throw onto the pile but his dark fang blade is more than enough for the job.


Gaara meanwhile is staring down Armor guy who tells him his sand is pretty much useless without all that chakra flowing through it, he could throw it in his eyes, he guesses. He eats this chakra as well but the gourd just keeps producing more chakra laden sand dragging the man up with him. Hoki is still carrying Matsuri with him and he is sensing the various battles down below. First Temari, then Kankuro, and finally Gaara. Luckily he doesn't have to sense Gaara anymore as he rises above the tree line and hammer spins the man connected to him. Hoki wouldn't expect less from the Ultimate Weapon. Matsuri has never heard of this title before but Hoki ignores her saying he's still no match for the weapons forged in the Village of Artisans. Naruto and Lee finally catch up but it seems like they won't be needed.


Shikamaru is cut on the face by Kujaku's wind jutsu, which he finds impressive. Temari tells him it's not her that's impressive, it's her sword amplyfing her chakra. So her whole strategy revolves around that sword, huh. He looks over towards the fifth wheel and says they need to get her in range of their jutsu so they get to work. She blows Ino and Shikamaru away immediately as she dodges backwards from Temari's strike. That's the one she is focused on because Ino and Shikamaru are mid ranged fighter so she can box them out as he figures a plan.


Choji goes for an Arm Expansion Jutsu, Kankuro sends out Crow and Kiba goes for Fang over Fang...and they collide. Kiba and Kankuro start bickering amongst themselves while Choji tries to recover. Kiba gave him the signal, what signal, that sort of thing. Choji doesn't think they are clicking well but blue boy just tells them they should take their imminate deaths more seriously. Gaara lets fly his opponent who makes a big boom far away. His infinite kujaku armor absorb most of the damage but it still takes him a minute to get up. Truly the power of the Shukaku. Hoki draws his sword and says he has Gaara right where he wants him, possibly sending out a signal with it. Shikamaru is looking for something to extend his shadow when he keys in on the waterfall behind his opponent. He goes to whisper something to Temari when a light appears.


I guess it was a signal, either that or Shikamaru's plan was to shoot a laser at her. She bounces it off in another direction. Temari is not thrilled with Shikamaru's idea but after asking her to trust him she says she'll give it a shot. Kujaku starts leaping away right after they finish their planning though and Shikamaru wonders what is up.


Green eyes blue dragon also gets the signal and can only laugh, so does armor guy. Behold the craftmanship of the village (I have the power!!!) and shudder with fear! He drives the giant sword into the ground. So does Kujaku and Blue Eyes. It's a triangle trap with Gaara in the middle. Neji senses something afoot with this weird Chakra. The lines of the triangle run along a vein of water. Ninja Tool Barrier: Reverse Scale Formation! Their swords glow and Gaara's sand pillar is zapped.


A water dragon soaks him! Hoki laughs and explains the plan to Matsuri; Gaara was the prize all along, they tapped into an under water source and summoned a water dragon. Soaked through like that his sand is as heavy as lead and useless to him now. Everyone takes a moment to worry about them but Shikamaru tells Temari that Lee and Naruto were headed that way so just concentrate on the enemy in front of them. Gaara breaks his fall with a pile of sand and armor guy comes over. He tries to form some sand but it just won't stay together. The fight is over as he goes to deliver a hammering blow.


Leaf Hurricane! The hero always saves the day at the last moment claims good guy Lee with a twinkling smile. Damn right he does as Naruto kicks Suiko in the back of the head. Sorry to keep you waiting Gaara. This is our chance to repay the favor and tells the palette swapped Gaara to go save his student. Lee helps Gaara up, impressed that the fighter took Gaara this far as Sakura runs up. Leave Gaara to her and go help Naruto. Absolutely, he's going to get the ball rolling. Gaara tells him to be careful, his armor absorbs Chakra which Lee demonstrates by kicking him right in the breastplate and having tiny wisps of chakra come from his feet. Naruto says who cares about that, when we're out of chakra we'll still have plenty of GUTS (rip and tear) and Lee says where there is a will there is a way.


Kujaku thinks she has this all figured out, the backup squad has no long range jutsu and she'll just need to keep them at arms legnth. Temari continues with her wind jutsu and Ino thinks she is distracted enough to try and jump in with a Mind Destruction Jutsu...Nope. Are you kidding me? You'll have to be a lot faster than that. She keeps dodging backwards. Shikamaru tells Ino to stay put as Shino's insects come in to take a look. They report back to Shino that someone is wounded by the waterfall.


Fang over Fang against Green Eyes while Kankuro goes in with Crow and Choji tries hitting him with his giant hand again...both of which clash. Come on guys. Green Eyes is wondering if those ninja are just mocking him. Armor guy is biding his time and going to unleash the stored chakra against them. Gaara is back to normal and Sakura gets a message from Shino. Ino is hurt? Gaara tells her to go but Sakura is worried about his Chakra loss and tells him not to overdo it. He comes waltzing over to Naruto who wants him to go help his comrades but Gaara says he has some time and that this will be quick while Bushy-Brow gets hit to the ground.


Kankuro thinks they need to work together but notices the mutt is gone. Oh isn't that adorable? But what good are broken pieces of the Black Ant? Is it a signal? Kiba tells him to back him up with the Crow and asks if Choji is ready. Shikamaru is also ready for his counterattack. Kujaku is convinced his jutsu will never hit but you never know until you try. Temari uses her Cyclone Scythe Jutsu, which bends away from her before hitting. Better work on your aim!


Oh, looks like they have. She's LEGIT STILL...and surprised that his jutsu reached. Let me show you! The Waterfall was lifted up, producing a shadow and extending his reach. Temari cuts her finger and starts Summoning Blade Dance. Right into the drink as it starts raining. Temari smiles and says that's one down as she giggles and Shikamaru thinks she is something else. Sakura is healing Ino Pig's minor wound. Ino feels useless, she didn't do a thing. Sakura knows that feel.


Gaara is getting ready to fit without his gourd of sand. What is he going to do? Using sand from his armor and he makes a single spike, all the weapon he needs as he throws it at the man.


All the weapon indeed! Gaara is going to finish him off but Matsuri screams and Naruto tells him to go help the girl.


Team Kiba is going for the same Fang over Fang, Partial Expansion, Crow attack as usual. Green eyes calls them annoying and strikes out with his Fang Release: Dark Sword but Choji catches Kiba...and the fake Akamaru as Kankuro laughs and the real deal starts barking at the villain, who curses as the resurrected Black Ant sneaks up behind him! The Puppet Show has begun! Secret Black Move, Iron Maiden! FATALITY. Show's Over. We Did It. Yup. Bark.


Gaara is running after Hoki and Matsuri. Neji and Hinata (who finally appeared in this episode with about 30 seconds left) track the shinobi carrying the child. Shino says he is heading towards the valley and relays the message to Shikamaru, who starts heading that way with Temari. Team Kiba goes as well and Naruto is going after Gaara, with Lee going to catch up as soon as possible. Gaara pulls out his student's rope javelin thinking that the man has no where to run and worrying about Matsuri as the episode ends.

NEXT EPISODE: "The Ultimate Weapon Reborn"







Man God

Non-Canon Member
Anime only frequently just plain runs out of time when it comes to killing bad guys. Especially henchmen but the main villain of the last two arcs also basically got ruined by Naruto in about ten seconds.

Their plan was actually pretty slickly executed if you watch the whole scene. He sends his Ultimate Green Eyes Blue Dragon Sword at Choji's fist and Kiba/Akamaru's Fang over Fang, which Kiba dodges by landing on the hand, only for it to be revealed as Crow in the fist and Akamaru cutely barking next to him, then whammo, puppet!

Ino being extra special useless throughout this is maybe the best part of the anime only material. She realizes all this and makes the decision that she needs more tools so she joins Sakura in studying under Tsunade. It's never explained in the manga at all why she decided to become a medical ninja.

Also the cut down version of the guy disappearing into Black Ant could use a Banned or NOPE attached to it.


Fucking hell

I had a l-o-n-g day at work as basically the only person in, so I had nothing to actually work on and had to look busy for 8 hours. I spent all day on Gaf, basically console warrioring (well, more like just making people look stupid in this thread), and I feel super dirty.

I'm going to start catching up on HxH until it puts me to sleep

Yeah I spent a loooong time working on a group project after school/work today.

Come home and the day is already over. :<
Final VA signature I'll be getting
is happening Friday afternoon. Won't be using the same paper I used weeks ago. I really want to use the new banner. And I won't upload the pics Sunday evening (or in this thread at least). Instead, I'll hold on to them until the May thread is created


Speaking of HxH. I hope someone makes a YOU CAN SMILE AGAIN.jpeg Out of Netero's face in episode
126 right before he does that

I am glad you enjoyed the manga Schadenfreude. I finished it a few months back and I am really hoping the animate the 'final' arc since it is a good place for the anime to leave off on. Your brother is in for a treat.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Also I'm honored that this thread would even consider getting me a tag for this project and would be happy with any result. The only thing I ask (if possible) would that it links to the gif of Sakura blasting Naruto through the door as explanation.
SO this Off The Air thing they are airing is expectedly insane.

I think I mentioned it in a previous thread, but every once in awhile my body is like "Nope, you already get up at 4:30, time to get up at 2! Enjoy work today asshole :D"

Once when that happened I turned on Off The Air and just....watched. I've never done weed or any other drug in my life (not going to get into a semantics argument here about caffeine, etc) but I felt DEPRIVED that I was not watching that thing stoned out of my gourd. At one point, they actually played a music video that had Gary Numan in it. I was like "Whaaaa he's still around? And why is he dressed like he's 19??"

Battles - My Machines (Featuring: Gary Numan)

I like to think that is pretty much what "Bro, I told you about stairs!: The Music Video" would look like.
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