Incoming movie night, they'll probably announce it Sunday during the Q&A if they don't have a teaser for it tonight. Though if it were me I'd have the teaser for a movie night during the premier of Attack on Titan
Levynewhy am I not tagged yet
seda where is your sense of nepotism
I hate the odd look when you tell someone at work that you play video games. It's like a puzzled/shocked slash quizzical look. Like it's difficult to believe that a 33 year old man would be into such "foolishness".
I can't help it that I'm so precocious and full of wonderment. LOL
May 25th is the Momocon panel too (or maybe it's the day before). Perhaps they will announce: "Movie night. Eva 3.33. Tonight."
(I don't know how long that movie is, it's just an example)
May 25th is the Momocon panel too (or maybe it's the day before). Perhaps they will announce: "Movie night. Eva 3.33. Tonight."
(I don't know how long that movie is, it's just an example)
That's Kon from Bleach with a green hair character that I've never seen before.
For anyone that's played Danganronpa....that shit is fucked up yo.
I've not been legit shook by a game in awhile but I'm only a couple chapters into this one and I'm shooking like jungle booty earthquake music.
What chapter you up to?
The game is awesome. Game has a great, wet pussy soundtrack
son you haven't even started being shook
Only Chapter 3, I started it yesterday to replace Demon Gaze as my commuter game. I got it because everyone on GAF was raving about it. I didn't expect this.
Oh man. Shit has only, like, gone 20% down
Fun fact: Monokumas Japanese voice actress was the woman who played Doremon for a long time. Imagine Mickey Mouses voice coming out of him now
wet pussy soundtrack omg
What chapter you up to?
The game is awesome. Game has a great, wet pussy soundtrack
Can't fucking wait
wet pussy soundtrack omg
You can actually hear the girls ***ing in there panties in that song. Listen closely!
Wait so that bossy cheer leader is booty quaking for who she thinks is the father of Lance and Illana? Da fuck
What's going on in here-
...I think I'll come back later.
What's going on in here???
What is even happening in this thread? lol
For anyone that's played Danganronpa....that shit is fucked up yo.
I've not been legit shook by a game in awhile but I'm only a couple chapters into this one and I'm shooking like jungle booty earthquake music.
SMH at people not knowing wet pussy music. It's music that when it comes on in the club, the girls all get, well, you know...
The Danganronpa soundtrack is full of this type of music. This is an example of actual real club music that produces the same effect
One of these days I'm thinking bout joining yall on the toonami binge of watching from 11-5
Is it as bad and as tiring as it sounds?