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Toonami [Apr14] Pray while you shit

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Hunter x Hunter seems like a show I'd really enjoy but as with Berserk, I don't want to start it, get to where the author left off and then be left in a perpetual state of suffering as they proceed to publish one chapter a year or whatever silly pace they are going at now. I've heard good things about Gintama but there's no fucking way I'm starting a 200+ episode series by myself. Maybe as a group watch but not solo.


I've been watching Gintama on and off for about a month now. Great thing about that show is that it's very easy to hop in and out of given it's structure. There are arcs here and there but the show is very much episodic.

I'm like 130 episodes in and there hasn't been an episode that didn't make me laugh. The show is hilarious. It really surprises me with it's serious arcs as well.


Gives all the fucks
I hate the fact I most likely would really like Gintama (I should re-read the 7 volumes that I have), but most likely won't get into it any more due to how many volumes & episodes there are. At least with One Piece, it started at the arc right after where I left off/where Cartoon Network ended its original airing. Even if it's slow, I can still catch up at a decent pace, even if Toonami is years behind. I just have no desire to try and play catch-up for something I barely made a scratch on, especially with the limited time I have.


I've wanted to get into Gintama for quite a while, but the number of episodes/chapters I'd need to cover to catch up has always been a hindrance. Same with Berserk. I know I should read it, but there's so much to cover...like it's overwhelming.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
manga is easy as fuck to blow through. You can do a volume in under an hour (20 minutes for Bleach, maybe 90 minutes to absorb One Piece) anime though...if you skip openings and endings and possibly fast forward through recaps some episodes go down to as little as 12 minutes...with a couple of hundred episodes....It takes time.


I really have to learn from Bass. I find since I started working again I need to set time aside to sit back and watch an anime. Part of the problem is I have to set aside other TV shows for it typically.

Good news is summer is nearly here and there is no good TV on in the summer (or videogames) so I can put a significant dent in my back log. Work or no work.

I will probably tackle Gintama then.

I am almost halfway done with OHSHC.
I really have to learn from Bass. I find since I started working again I need to set time aside to sit back and watch an anime. Part of the problem is I have to set aside other TV shows for it typically. Good news is summer is nearly here and there is no good TV on in the summer (or videogames) so I can put a significant dent in my back log. Work or no work.

Don't do what I did was really unhealthy lol I did all that while working 40 hours a week, but I wasn't in school and living alone with room mates I largely ignored.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The damn WWE network has been soaking up my time lately. Now I only turn on netflix so my nephew can watch Winnie the Pooh 2-3 times a day, let alone all the other anime I used to watch to fall asleep to.

Nothing in the world puts you in the mood to hit the hay then a WCW PPV from 2001-1998, which I'm watching in reverse chronological order.

Meanwhile Netflix has added

Madoka, Bob's Burgers/Venture Bros./Adventure Time Season 2, Young Justice and probably another half dozen other shows. Not to mention Mad Men/Breaking Bad which I still need to start and or finish and this is completely ignoring Amazon which has The Shield which I intended to rewatch...and now it's going to have The Wire and Sopranos????

Fuck.... I will never get to Legend of Galactic Heroes at this rate!
I don't watch much live tv and at this point I would need to catch up on that stuff too. Also summer has become exceedingly more tedious as i've gotten older. Want to find a job by July or August, but until then I would have a good bit of time off and thank goodness for that.


Gintama was something I started watching at one point. Then I got lazy and stopped. It used to be my flying on a plane anime. I got to episode 23 before I stopped.

I should probably pick it up again once I catch up with One Piece.



Post if ur ok fox. pls

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Don't know about tomorrow. Might be out with friends.

K, lemme know. What's your NNID? Mine's Andrex.

kingsheet, anyone here with a wii u feel free to add me.

EDIT: Remember though that I'm still HR 2 and or still basically suck at the game. I try not to bash people around with the Great Sword but things...happen!
kingsheet, anyone here with a wii u feel free to add me.

EDIT: Remember though that I'm still HR 2 and or still basically suck at the game. I try not to bash people around with the Great Sword but things...happen!

No problem I think I'm only hr3 or 4 lol been way too long since I played


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Mine is BassForever not sure who I have in this thread but we gotta do some 4 player hunting soon!

Huh, I had already added you.

kingsheet, anyone here with a wii u feel free to add me.

EDIT: Remember though that I'm still HR 2 and or still basically suck at the game. I try not to bash people around with the Great Sword but things...happen!


I'm HR4 and probably really rusty, don't worry about it lol.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
"Sand Alliance With The Leaf Shinobi"


Team Gaara is in pursuit of the Four Celestial Dragons while the Konoha strike team are converging on the area. The veterans of the bring back the sauce affair all owe favors to those involved..well, besides Naurto I suppose who thinks about Gaara, Kiba thinks about Kankuro, Lee thinks about Gaara and also has a Kimmimaro FLASHBACK, which leads to a Tayuya FLASHBACK and an Ukon/Sakon flashback, with the Sand Ninja intervening in the various fights. Naruto...just likes Gaara I suppose. Shikamaru then has a FLASHBACK to the beginning of this whole project with him saying goodbye to the ninja as they leave for home, it comes full circle with Temari telling Shikamaru that she'll come along to rescue him the next time the big cry baby gets in trouble. Naruto is going to pay them back for that one, and not in the beat you up sort of matter. Shikamaru finds a position near the area where the four ninjas were supposed to be and Naruto gives him lip for resting here. The other six genin give him shit in turn for speaking out and not obeying the leader. Meanwhile Shino's bugs are doing the majority of the tracking and the opening finally starts up.


The Four Celestial not dragons have set their own ambush for the Sand Ninja. The lady of the group says that they've definitely taken the bait and a glimpse from her spy glass proves it, three of them including Gaara. The leader tells them to do whatever they like with the other two while he leads Gaara into "the reverse scale position", which just sounds dirty. She wants first crack at them and the leader agrees. She talks to herself thinking that Hoki's clever little plan sounds like a waste of time. She thinks she can beat all of them and says her own name, Kujaku before taking out two swords and using her Kujaku: Double Edged Swords: Tempest Wind! I think you can see where this is going as Temari takes out her fan and the two tempests collide. Kujaku flies down and says that wasn't bad at all for a kid. Temari tells her brothers to go ahead while she swaps wind jutsu with this lady. Temari's Cyclone Scythe Jutsu is cut in half by a Wind Slash, rebounding on Temari. It's basically the Backlash Wave for wind currents but Temari blocks it with her fan. The villain taunts that she's only just begun and worried that Temari is having second thoughts. With her expert swords she only needs to use a fraction of her chakra to make her jutsus, how long can you last?


Gaara and Kankuro continue on and they see the remaining Celestials with Gaara's student strapped to the back of the leader. She's the bait for the trap and she'll watch it all unfold. Just then she notices her sensei. Meanwhile the blue haired youth is preparing his own Jutsu (with his Izzy voice) Dragon Eye: Fang Release:Dark Sword. So this kid is mini Renji, bet you've never seen a sword like this.


Kankuro taunts him saying he's just a kid and figures out that it's a segmented sword with a wire running through it, like one of those bamboo snake puppets he used as a kid to scare people. He wants to know what he has planned with that kid's toy and hopes he has something better up his sleeve and he's the puppet master here. Kankuro tells Gaara to go ahead while he'll play with sonny over here. The kid tells him that he shouldn't be too confident and Kankuro promises a spanking in his future. The kid responds saying he is going to wipe that makeup right off his face. He begins right off with the magic coffin trick...which the dragon snake bursts right out of. The sword is alive and amplifies his chakra ten fold. Kankuro apologizes to his brother as this could take longer than he expected.


Hoki tells Suiko, the one kind of dressed like Naraku that this is the place for the trap and to draw him into the "Reverse Scale Position". This one takes out his gigantic mace and begins swinging it at Gaara. This is as far as you go Gaara unless you go through me. If you insist as Sand starts leaking out of the jar.


Naruto is bored again but Shikamaru responds that an ambush requires reconnaissance and that's what Shino/Hinata/Neji/Sakura are doing. A bug starts hovering around Neji, apparently this was some predetermined signal and he starts looking with his Byakugan in a direction saying they've found them and he has spotted Temari and Kankuro and their opponents. Hinata has found Gaara and Shino gets the message that there are three separate battle zones before sending the swarms to Shikamaru. Shino explains in a FLASHBACK that this pouch has the scent of the female on them and as long as it's on him they'll find you. THis is the message he was waiting for and asks the bug what the good word is.


Well Shit that's handy. Also apparently a drag as he doesn't like the battle having begun. He sends Kiba and Choji west (one of these fine mofos owes nothing to the sand having taken out his opponent on his own.) Ino and him will go Northeast and Naruto and Lee head northwest. Begin operation return the favor.


Shikamaru senses something and tells Ino to hold up a minute. Why would they turn on their pursuers if they were really trying to get away? It's a trap! He paints a disappearing message on a nearby tree that Shino's bugs can detect and relay back. Temari is losing her battle and has no choice but to attempt her ultimate jutsu, Wind Style:Sea Dragon Jutsu! Wait for it, wait for it. The clouds darken and then clear up and she sends a cyclone down on her opponent.


Which she reverses because that's what she does. Kankuro is in similar trouble with one puppet down against green eyes sword dragon over here. It eats his face! The game is over already, what a shame. It's a puppet of course. Crow shoots some stuff at him before getting an arm chopped off. They trade insults about their ninja tools and he slyly uses the arm to attempt to attack him...only to be blocked by another dragon head. Oh so it's an ultimate green eyes sword dragon. Kankuro thinks Crow is at a serious disadvantage without his Black Ant puppet. Gaara is meanwhile blocking everything mace guy has and puts him in a Sand Coffin after the bad guy gives him too much lip...which he breaks out of. That was refreshing. His armor feeds on Chakra. Temari is taking a nap and her opponents wants her to sleep forever as she miraculously rolls out of it.


Shadow Possession Jutsu! Shikamaru almost came too late. Fang over Fang predictably knocks away the Ultimate Green Eyes as Choji and Kiba/Akamaru arrive. We're allies from the Leaf Village but Lee and Naruto still haven't caught up. Shino senses no traps as the battle lines are drawn and Naruto hasn't forgotten Gaara for all he did as the episode ends.

NEXT EPISODE: "Sealed Sand: The Counterattack!"







Man God

Non-Canon Member
I think I'm going to pack it in for the night but I do want to do some MH3U with anyone here who wants to...just not tonight.

The Believe It count for the anime only arcs: Zero.

The I can't Believe it count? Around a half dozen.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Sorry, yeah. Got caught up in laundry. :(

If I'm around I'd love to play with you and Bass tomorrow.


The damn WWE network has been soaking up my time lately. Now I only turn on netflix so my nephew can watch Winnie the Pooh 2-3 times a day, let alone all the other anime I used to watch to fall asleep to.

Nothing in the world puts you in the mood to hit the hay then a WCW PPV from 2001-1998, which I'm watching in reverse chronological order.

Man, that sounds like torture!
I'm not even sure that's the worst period of WCW PPVs though! 94-96 was really bad as well. The only thing I hate about the WWE Network versions is that they change most of the music. I want to hear DDP come out to fake Smells Like Teen Spirit!

Man God

Non-Canon Member
They forgot to edit DDP's theme out when Kanyon uses it in 2000 during the Positively Kanyon days.

Also I'm enjoying it a lot, it's a strange mix of a hate watch and pure nostalgia. Some take me a week to go through because they are boring but others make great backdrops to the various games I'm playing before bedtime or very rarely are actually interesting enough to keep my attention all on their own.

Before the network I was using Fairy Tail and Inuyasha before it for the same purpose, mainly while getting ready for Pokémon Bank.


They forgot to edit DDP's theme out when Kanyon uses it in 2000 during the Positively Kanyon days.

Also I'm enjoying it a lot, it's a strange mix of a hate watch and pure nostalgia. Some take me a week to go through because they are boring but others make great backdrops to the various games I'm playing before bedtime or very rarely are actually interesting enough to keep my attention all on their own.

Before the network I was using Fairy Tail and Inuyasha before it for the same purpose, mainly while getting ready for Pokémon Bank.

Listen, one day, when they add Thunder.....

That is going to be special. I wonder if it's actually worse than Impact is nowadays.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I could never stand to watch Thunder myself and will watch them greedily when they start showing up on the Network.

Even at my peak wrestling period I still skipped Thunder almost every week.


I could never stand to watch Thunder myself and will watch them greedily when they start showing up on the Network.

Even at my peak wrestling period I still skipped Thunder almost every week.

I didn't really watch WCW at all back then, only watching Raw rarely as well- I was like 10 years old and my mom thought it was garbage (to be fair, she wasn't wrong).

And the amazing thing is how awesome WCW's roster was in 97-98- look at the roster for WCW/NWO Revenge, and it's basically the deepest roster in wrestling game history. And they managed to totally fuck it up!

My big request for the network is 2002-2004 era Smackdown- I didn't really get the chance to watch it every week, but man that show was creatively and work-wise blowing Raw out of the water.

Also, the fact that with no AAA When Worlds Colide, and thus no way to watch El Hijo de Santo and Octagon vs Eddie Guerrero and ART FUCKING BARR, the network is basically useless. Watched that match this weekend on youtube, and my god, that is the best wrestling match of all time.
Working full time leaves me not really feeling like doing much at all when I get home. I work 6:00am - 2:00 pm so I have to get up at 4:30 on Weekdays. By like 6pm and after dinner? Im fucking tired G. Sometimes I'll hit up the computer to play something and that will keep me awake until time for bed (usually around 9:30-10), but most of the time I end up almost dozing off as I try to do one of the following:

A) Watch Berserk 1997 anime
B) Further attempt to watch the episodes of One Piece I've never seen between the start and where Toonami is.
C) Catch up on some Live TV if I missed it (Teen Titans Go, Steven Universe, AT, Regular Show, Clarence, Hells Kitchen, Kitchen Nightmares, Toonami things I didnt stay up for)
D) Play something on the console to further my 52 games in 1 year list. I'm currently at 15 games finished I believe.


Working full time leaves me not really feeling like doing much at all when I get home. I work 6:00am - 2:00 pm so I have to get up at 4:30 on Weekdays. By like 6pm and after dinner? Im fucking tired G. Sometimes I'll hit up the computer to play something and that will keep me awake until time for bed (usually around 9:30-10), but most of the time I end up almost dozing off as I try to do one of the following:

A) Watch Berserk 1997 anime
B) Further attempt to watch the episodes of One Piece I've never seen between the start and where Toonami is.
C) Catch up on some Live TV if I missed it (Teen Titans Go, Steven Universe, AT, Regular Show, Clarence, Hells Kitchen, Kitchen Nightmares, Toonami things I didnt stay up for)
D) Play something on the console to further my 52 games in 1 year list. I'm currently at 15 games finished I believe.

Your missing option E)- engage in a social life :D
I've punted most TV shows over the past few years because of lack of time to commit- Now, if you aren't a disposable show I can watch whenever like Storage Wars or something, or Sports/Wrestling- you need to make a real compelling case for me to watch you. I almost dropped Game of Thrones last season, because I was getting sick of the Theon segemnts every episode that dragged on forever and still haven't lead to anything.
Also, i've given up hope of ever finishing every game I own. Now, my goal is just accumulate as many steam games as possible!
Your missing option E)- engage in a social life :D
I've punted most TV shows over the past few years because of lack of time to commit- Now, if you aren't a disposable show I can watch whenever like Storage Wars or something, or Sports/Wrestling- you need to make a real compelling case for me to watch you. I almost dropped Game of Thrones last season, because I was getting sick of the Theon segemnts every episode that dragged on forever and still haven't lead to anything.
Also, i've given up hope of ever finishing every game I own. Now, my goal is just accumulate as many steam games as possible!

It sure says something when I didn't even remotely consider that E option lol.

I'm with you on the accumulating games portion. As far as right now, I just am participating in the 52 games thread so that I can hopefully have an excuse to finish many great games that I've always wanted to. Unfortunately many of those games are long, tens of hours RPG affairs. I'm taking some time off next week and the week after for my birthday, so I might be able to knock out a couple. I doubt I will ever complete my entire library's worth. To do that, I have NES games in the range of the double digits worth of stuff that I never finished when I was a kid.
Why can't it be Saturday already? I'm hankering for some One Piece. Looking at trailers for One Piece Unlimited World Red didn't make it any better either. I want it now. ;_____;


I think ManGod deserves some prize for getting through Naruto's filler hell and actually doing gifs and detailed write ups about them.
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