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Toonami [Apr14] Pray while you shit

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My walmart randomly got volume 65 of Naruto today, it was an extra 15% off the retail price and I got a bonus 10% off with my discount meaning I got a $10 volume for $7.75ish woo no pics for spoiler reasons

Man God

Non-Canon Member
43 gifs. Same place as last time if you want to look at the spares.


EDIT: This Color spread from waaaay back in the day is the premise for this episode.

This was one of my rotating wallpapers two computers ago. There are some differences between this and the episode..but not many.

This is the final super gif recap from me...for at least the next two seasons. If your internet or device isn't up to it, well, I apologize. It's the birthday spirit!


Ever been dissapointed by a thread? Microsoft digs up a landfill, and we only get 5 people banned from the thread

Now to dump the Xbones in their place.

They needed a place to put the extra Xbox Ones.

They're making room for the piles of XBO's left unsold dontcha know nothin'?

Maybe they will find some of those 900k xb1 there also

Making room for Day One editions.

Mods were too quick to edit the title to guarantee a ban to trolling :(

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Summer! Sea! Swimsuit Festival!!


We begin in front of a swimsuit apparel store. Various members of the Women's Soul Reaper Association are in here looking at swimsuits. Nanao is worried that the suit she likes is too embarrassing but Rangiku tells her not to worry, she doesn't have anything up here to fill the suit out so what difference does it make? Nanao takes offense to this and asks to be left alone.


Yoruichi is looking at an orange bikini herself and it's exactly what she was looking for. Soi Fon is watching in admiration, Captain Yoruichi is so wonderful, has such great taste, the usual. Soi Fon then refocuses on the task at hand, finding her own elegant swimsuit. Yoruichi comes over with her choice for Soi Fon. Soi Fon is LEGIT SHOOK, she wouldn't make a five year old wear something as hideous as that. But wait, Lady Yoruichi is never wrong but there are times when she must stand her ground.


"Thanks, we'll take this one." Soi Fon can only cry.


Isane is jealous of Soi Fon's "petite little body" that looks good in any swimsuit, they never make cute suits for girls her size. Her sister Kiyone comes over with a suggestion. The perfect swimsuit! There's no way, she just can't be seen in something like that! Captain Unohana shows up and thinks it is lovely and shows the sisters the suit she has chosen for herself.


Oh my. More legit shaking before the opening than an entire arc of Naruto. The captain thinks this is a good opportunity for Isane to loosen up a bit and tells her to choose that one. Isane begs off until the captain repeats very slowly to choose...that...one...Isane. Oh yes...of course, Captain.


That's all there is to it, the Women's Soul Reaper's Association decided to come here for a little R and R, says Rangiku. Roll Call!




Oh my.


Of course someone had to be in a school swimsuit, it's anime tradition.


Soi Fon actually doesn't look too bad.


and finally Rukia and Yachiru.


Ichigo is here too...he doesn't believe Rangiku for a second but Nanao is here to explain in the form of a FLASHBACK. The WSRA was secretly building a pool for their recreational activities but it was discovered and destroyed by some mysterious heel. That yaky is such a meanie! Nanao claims the reason they were discovered was because you built it in the middle of his grounds where anyone could see it! Nemu takes full responsibility, as usual and next time will develop the pool with a device that will intercept Captain Kuchiki before he can get to it. THAT IS NOT WHAT SHE MEANT! Isane wants to discuss what they are going to do now and her sister suggests building the pool in another location but Rangiku asks where and no one has a good spot in mind. Captain Unohana comes out of nowhere and mayhap has a solution to the problem. Captain, says Isane who tells her to address her as Executive Chairwoman during meetings. Her solution is a little R and R at a lovely beach in the mortal world.


Yay the beach as epsiode 228 finally gets under way. Nanao asks Ichigo if he finally understands. He thinks they should all get their heads examined. Yoruichi doesn't know what he's so upset about, he gets to spend all this time next to beautiful women wearing next to nothing, you should be grateful. Rukia agrees and says he can finally show some gratitude to all the people who have helped him over the years, even Byakuya, he's here too. Speak of the devil! Ichigo is just as confused as we are and asks how they ever convinced him to show up. They wanted to apologize for building a swimming pool on his property so they offered to bring him here for some fun in the sun. Rukia tells him to take advantage of all that the world of the living has to offer and relax. He grunts in response. Ichigo wonders exactly how is this an apology.


A voice from out of nowhere tells him not to think too hard about this, it's Captain sick guy Ukitake. Ichigo wonders what Jūshirō is doing here but Rukia explains she invited him because she thought he'd like the fresh air and some time away from the Soul Society. Renji says that Rangiku invited the JOB squad to liven things up a bit and Ikkaku says they had nothing else going on. Captain Ukitake has been feeling much better lately so he decided to come and soaking up the rays feels pretty good.


He immediately faints and apologizes, saying he feels a little dizzy. Sentarō and Kiyone are tending to their captain while Ichigo tells him that coming here might not have been the best idea. Isane suggests some ice to cool him down and her Captain agrees, noting a snack bar up the beach a ways and asks if he minds. Ichigo says no problem, he knows where the place is and Renji will go along with him.


Ichigo walks in asking if they could spare a little ice? Sure says the girl behind the counter. It's Orihime! Ichigo doesn't want to be rude but why are you here? Working part time! The cook asks her if she minds keeping it down out there, it's Uryū! Chad's working here too as he comes by carrying a box of drinks and grunts. Ichigo doesn't get it but Renji, clearly clued in says that no one told you anything. Captain Unohana hired them to help out while they are on vacation. Uryū knows that Soul Reapers are his enemy but when Captain Unohana asks for a favor you can't refuse her and Chad says she is VERY PERSUASIVE. Renji says she thought it would be easier to rent out the entire beach for the day and that they couldn't spread their wings with humans running around all day. Ichigo is amazed that they rented the entire beach! Orihime brings the conversation back around, Ichigo wanted ice. He explains to her that Jūshirō got too much sun and fainted. She says of course and calls for someone to wake up and get her some ice.


Aww shit it's Tōshirō. He knew this was going to happen if he overdid it. Ichigo wonders what this punk is doing here and why he's not on the beach. He's not big on sunshine and heat. Orihime explains that when he saw her working in the snack stand that he'd help them out by making ice with his Hyōrinmaru. Ichigo is freaking out, asking if he's allowed to use his Zanpakutō for something like that. Hitsugaya wants to know if he came to ask questions or get ice. Reign over the frosted heavens, Hyōrinmaru! It's all yours. Isn't it a little big? Orihime wants to know if she can have half, she's thought up a recipe for a Curry frappé and wants all of them to try it. What a recipe, says Chad, sounds lethal.


Sometime later Captain Ukitake is back on his feet and Rukia is glad to see it. He tries to prove how much better he is feeling by doing some stretches but immediately feels awful again. Ichigo tells him to take it easy. Rukia's brother reminds Captain Ukitake that he had an announcement to make. The first annual beach art competition! See who can build the best sculpture using sand and other beach objects. Captain Unohana will be judge. jury, and executioner That's it so get started by breaking up into groups of two and three! Renji wonders if they came to the ocean just to play in the sand and Rangiku wants a test of courage or to smash watermelons. The winner will receive an envelope full of cash from the head captain...and suddenly everyone but Rukia lights up and they rush off. Ahahahaha, it's all about the money. Meanwhile those rich as fuck siblings don't even bother moving off and Rukia asks her brother if they want to give it a try. Prize money means nothing to him but an artistic challenge is intriguing. Captain Unohana tells the three remaining junior members that they aren't going to win this sort of thing just standing around. Nanao would rather watch and Isane says she isn't good at this sort of thing but Captain Ukitake wonders where Soi Fon and Yoruichi have gotten off to?


Nanao says she saw them heading for the ocean right after they arrived and that they went diving for fish, is there any need to worry? Captain Unohana is only worried about the fish. Orihime is looking for a bucket, they'll need one to wet the sand. Rangiku says they don't need no stinking bucket what do you think these are for? All they need to do is make some cleavage by pushing our boobs together and we can carry all the water we need! She'll show Orihime how! Just grab your boobs like this and...


It's broad daylight, what do you think you are doing? Booby buckets. Disallowed! But why? This behavior is hardly appropriate. Who cares about that?!? She's just jealous that she can't make her own booby bucket. Rangiku suddenly notices something...different about Nanao and asks if her boobs were always that big. She blushes and wonders why she asked but Rangiku is onto her and grabs her. Bad touch! She pulls out the pads and shows Orihime as Nanao screams to be left alone.


Ichigo, Renji, and Ikkakumon are working on their sculpture. Ichigo thinks it is done but Renji doesn't think it's done until the first guy digs a secret passageway inside. Ikkakumon says he's got this and Ichigo tells him to knock himself out, he's been done with those kiddy games years ago. Kiddy games sounds like an excuse to him, someone's afraid of losing! Renji tells those turkeys to bring it on and they all dive in. Yachiru sees her opening and gets her subordinate with a crab...with predictable results. Ikkaku ruined the castle! Renji yells that baldy has been buried alive and Ichigo is going to dig him out of there. Yachiru gives the v sign, just as she planned.


Rukia thinks they are acting like rowdy idiots over there. Why can't they work quietly like everyone else? Her brother says they are no concern to you and to concentrate on her work. She agrees and apologizes. Not bad if I do say so myself!

Perhaps adding some muscle definition would make a bolder statement says Byakugan. Rukia is amazed at her big brother's talent, it's so polished and doesn't think she can hold a candle to him but at the very least she must compliment his artistry and not distract from it. Isane says they may not be brother and sister but they are two peas in a pod.


Nemu is on a cliff overlooking the sea when suddenly...yikes. Captain Ukitake thinks it has gotten a bit too hot out here and is worried he'll collapse if he doesn't take it easy. He doesn't want to spoil everyone's day. He tells Sentarō he is going to lay down for awhile and asks to be roused when it's time for the judging. He immediately falls asleep right in the middle of the beach on a blanket. Kiyone comes running back, complaining about a lack of flush toilets at the snack bar. Sentarō yells at her for making too much noise and she yells right back, asking him what he is doing? He asks if she is blind, he's building a sand wall so the sea breeze doesn't disturb the captain while he is sleeping. She calls him an idiot and says they need to keep the sun off of him, not the wind. Did you think he'd blow away? She goes off to pick some flowers, the petals will block the rays of the sun without overheating him. Well yeah, he's going to light some incense so the captain will rest more comfortably and have sweet dreams!


Nanao doesn't get it. It somehow touches Captain Unohana's heart though in a way she can't explain. Isane thinks it looks like someone is playing a bad joke. The human job squad comes in with the lunch delivery and Orihime hopes everyone is hungry. Fried noodles and rice balls prepared by yours truly, says Uryū. Chad has drinks as well.


Did they have to set it up...there? Nanao says what you're all probably thinking, it looks like a funerary offering. Captain Unohana thinks that Captain Ukitake's team is the obvious winner. Nanao wonders if he was even in the competition and they discuss it as a Jaws rip off begins. Something is approaching from the water. Ichigo and Renji are trying to revive Ikkaku, who is muttering about that damn crab when a scream goes up.


Something has got the lieutenants! What the hell is that thing? It's a watermelon like Hollow with tentacles!


Oh, oh my. Watch where you are putting that tentacle! Get that tentacle out of my swimsuit. This hollow is quite lewd. Rangiku is pissed that she didn't bring her camera as she could have sold that shot for a nice chunk of change. Ichigo can't believe she would say something like that at a time like this. Unohana never actually believed that "it" would appear. Ichigo asks her if she knows what it is and she says there were rumors about a strange Hollow with immense spiritual pressure had appeared at this beach but she just figured it wouldn't be much of a problem. Looks like you figured wrong and wonders why she would rent the entire beach if something like this might show up. Rukia chides him and says they need to rescue the lieutenents. Chad and Uryū rush forward, Uryū has his bow drawn and Chad gets his arm out while Ichigo warns them to be careful. It catches the arrow and absorbs Chad's El Directo like it was nothing. Nemu says spirit energy attacks have no effect on it. Uryū asks how that is possible but she says the vines of that Hollow absorb spirit energy and the only way to inflict damage is with a direct attack. Ichigo says they can cut it with a Zanpakutō but he didn't bring his combat pass. He asks Rukia and Rangiku but they came for a day at the beach and didn't bring theirs. Rukia apologizes for leaving Chappi back at the snack bar.


Luckily Renji is on the scene. He's genre savvy and knew something like this would happen so he brought Zabimaru with him. Roar, Zabimaru!


Should have expected that. Rukia tells Ichigo to watch out and they dodge a vine. He asks her where her brother is but she hasn't seen him since they were working on their art project. How could he disappear at a time like this, and where is Jūshirō??? He's taking a nap as his two third officers guard him with their hands outstretched, their duty is to protect the captain at all costs. Ichigo thinks they'll have to take care of this monster themselves as Orihime is grabbed next! She's being held upside down as she cries out for Ichigo! Uryū says they will keep it busy while Ichigo goes and gets his substitute pass.


As he heads back to the snack bar a tentacle appears in the sand ahead of him. Aww shucky ducky, it's another one. It grabs Ichigo around the waist. Another tentacle heads to strike him, show over, protagonist dead.


Not so fast. Yoruichi and Soi Fon brutally dispatch the two beasts in record time. Isane and Nanao land on their feet gracefully while Orihime lands on her butt, covered in juice. Yoruichi complains that Ichigo should have been trying to help instead of standing around doing nothing as he yeah buts her. Soi Fon explains that they were hunting sharks when suddenly Renji dropped in out of nowhere so they figured something must be up and came back here. Yoruichi wants to know what is going on over here and wonders where that monster came from as Captain Ukitake finally wakes up and stretches. Nice nap. Chad remarks on how he slept through all that yelling and fighting but now he wakes up and Uryū says sometimes he wonders about that guy. Captain Ukitake looks around and is happy that they've started the watermelon smashing.


Orihime licks the juice covering her and says he's right, it does taste like watermelon. Byakugan tells them they finally figured it out and Rukia still doesn't get what her brother is saying. Captain Unohana apologizes and tries to explain. The other captains and her thought everyone deserved some fun so they came up with this watermelon smashing event. Byakugan says that they thought you'd enjoy it. Ichigo is shook and asks about that story earlier. Captain Unohana just made it up to add to the excitement. Nemu says that it is a special watermelon developed by the R&D department for use against hollows. Uryū says she has to be joking and Chad wonders how a watermelon can stop a hollow. Yachiru says it isn't a day at the beach without watermelon smashing so she put in a request to the Acting Assistant Chairwomen and guess what? Nemu was able to fulfill that request. Rangiku asks Unohana if she went to all that trouble just to throw a surprise for us? That's right, she hopes they all enjoyed it as much as she did! Nanao is shook, she was supposed to enjoy that? Isane is also displeased with her captain. Yachiru runs over to Ichi and asks if he wants to eat some watermelon. Ichigo isn't convinced that you can eat that but Captain Unohana says there are more surprises to come.


One watermelon for each of you! This way no one is left out now you can all enjoy smashing watermelons to your hearts content. Yachiru is excited to smash all these watermelons and jumps for joy. Ichigo screams that he doesn't even like watermelon!


So this is where you've been hiding as Rangiku comes bouncing in. Give me a break, says Ice Boy, if you think I'm going out there and sweating in that heat you're crazy as he goes back to finish his shaved ice and the episode ends.

Happy Birthday, Gucci!


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Oh wow.
Can you imagine the reactions when this episode first aired on Adult Swim? Which was.... *checks* not that long ago. October 2011.

Also, Renji gets jobbed by a fucking watermelon. Yeaaaaaah...

Man God

Non-Canon Member
True story, I was entertaining the night this episode aired and when I turned the tv over stopped on the channel just as the words Booby Buckets came out. I laughed my ass off.


I'm gonna be honest with you.

No matter how stupid bleach is, I still think it has some really strong visual character design.

I mean, uh, boobs.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I'm gonna be honest with you.

No matter how stupid bleach is, I still think it has some really strong visual character design.

I mean, uh, boobs.

Agreed. Also while I love the curves displayed in this episode my absolute favorite gif is this one:


Man God

Non-Canon Member
i remember the days when I was convinced that rukia was going to one day be an interesting character

le sigh

She's still really good whenever they remember to focus on her...which is almost never.

Bleach and Naruto are opposites in a way. Bleach has eighty million characters and uses all of them in rotation, but you wish it only focused on the core instead.

Naruto only has a handful of characters it focuses on when the show is best when it involves the extended cast who are much more interesting most of the time.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
43 gifs. Same place as last time if you want to look at the spares.


EDIT: This Color spread from waaaay back in the day is the premise for this episode.

This was one of my rotating wallpapers two computers ago. There are some differences between this and the episode..but not many.

This is the final super gif recap from me...for at least the next two seasons. If your internet or device isn't up to it, well, I apologize. It's the birthday spirit!
Yup, I remember that drawing very well


Oh wow.
Can you imagine the reactions when this episode first aired on Adult Swim? Which was.... *checks* not that long ago. October 2011.

Also, Renji gets jobbed by a fucking watermelon. Yeaaaaaah...

I bet he'd get jobbed by Rangiku's watermelons too. ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
So I was doing internet things, as I do and I came across this naruto shippuden thing, im guessing it's from rock lee's show or maybe not.
sorta kinda spoilers in it, specifically if you dont know the names of the 9 beasts and dont want to know them, not a huge spoiler by any means tho.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Top Ten list of Bleach Characters in this Episode that I didn't know who they were or how to spell their name.

10. Byakugan, Of course I know who he is. How to spell his name? Forget it.
09. Cat Woman. See above.
08. Captain Unohana. Same, forgot how to spell it.
07. Ikkakumon. I call him Baldy.
06. Yachiru. Will never forget her. Butchered spelling her name.
05. Isane. Knew who she was in the broad sense, completely forgot her name. Giganto is my nickname.
04.Nanao. Only remember her from filler like this.
03. Nemu. Completely blanked on her name. I call her doll face.
02. Kiyone. Knew that she was Isane's sister. Completely forget her squad.
01. Sentaro. Who the fuck is this jobber? Completely forget his rivalry with Kiyone over the third chair.
Top Ten list of Bleach Characters in this Episode that I didn't know who they were or how to spell their name.

02. Kiyone. Knew that she was Isane's sister. Completely forget her squad.
01. Sentaro. Who the fuck is this jobber? Completely forget his rivalry with Kiyone over the third chair.

I forgot all about these characters.
Not that they mattered anyways.


Agents of SHIELD kind of killed that movie dead for me since I had seen a certain episode first.

As someone who is watching that show, there is still a fair bit of the movie that isn't spoiled. It's still worth watching it. And if you are watching Agents of Shield, why wouldn't you?
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