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Toonami [Apr14] Pray while you shit

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Man God

Non-Canon Member

Why does he have a tigersword dick?

Fire Shooting Tiger Sword Dick, In Attack Mode.

New page so final Naruto. It's been a hell of a ride. I'll compile all the stats and post them after I wake up from TOONAMI.

EDIT: Also hilariously enough (and I watched it again to make sure I didn't miss it) Choji/Kiba/Akamaru/Kankuro are not in this episode. Not even for a single frame when Hoki steals the Dragon Sword.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own

Bass, Vile from MMX (not bass) Bass:powered Up, Bass.exe, Final boss from MML2, also not Bass. Wait, is there even a Powered Up Bass?

EDIT: Four more posts and I'll finish up Naruto so I can concentrate on the Birthday Surprise Bleach tomorrow.

Thanks, also how did you get your tag lol


Blue Exorcist: I don't know if it's because I watched it by myself, but I feel like it's getting better. The episode wasn't that bad. Nice to see Yugioh caring for his brother.

Black Lagoon: Revy!
Her threatening Rock like that made me dislike her. Also lol when the OT name came in.


Revy is waifu material tho so she can do whatever she want

Also she was throwing down that truth last week. Remember she seen some shit

Man God

Non-Canon Member


Gaara half transformed is growling at Seimei. So that's the Shukaku (He doesn't know the the half or should I say 1/32nd of it) it's the first time he's ever seen it. Matsuri is worried about her sensei but Naruto tells her to hit the bricks and that Gaara is only trying to keep her safe and she needs to get out while she can. Shikamaru and Temari hop in and notice the transformation has begun. Kankuro, not seen in the last episode, thinks this is bad. Sakura notices Naruto and she and Hinata go running over there. He's glad to see them. Temari acknowledges Matsuri who tells her elder that Gaara needs help. Naruto stands up to volunteer and starts walking in pain towards the battle. Sakura tells him he's badly hurt and won't last a minute out there. He continues on until she tells him to at least let her patch him up and the credits begin for one final time.


Temari predicts things will get really ugly real soon. Shikamaru was afraid of that and orders Sakura to hurry up. Neji uses his Byakugan and is mystified by what he is seeing. Lee wants to know what he is seeing, Gaara is transforming into some sort of half beast and the opponents chakra is increasing exponentially. Matsuri is giving the other group the exposition dump; he's Seimei, founder of the Village of Artisans, is stealing the Shukaku's chakra to become the ultimate weapon. Naruto calls him a lousy thief. Lee notices that he's wearing the same armor as the guy he faced with the power to absorb chakra. Shino tells them to be careful but Shikamaru doesn't think they have many options. Seimei is psyching himself up to fight the Shukaku. This fight will prove that even his power is no match for the Utimate Ninja Tool. Gaara laughs at this and has a FLASHBACK to the end of his last fight with Naruto. What gives him the strength to go on? An unlimited reserve of Chakra from the Nine Tails plus his own vast resources the power of friendship! He cares more about them then he does himself. That's why he needs to stop you even if it kills him. Why would you do this for anyone but yourself? Because they saved him from his loneliness, they were the first to accept me for who I am. They're my friends! Gaara's FLASHBACK has it's own FLASHBACK of his watcher after Naruto in the FLASHBACK has his own FLASHBACK. Is that what made him so strong! Gaara closes his transformed eye and the Shukaku fades back into sand. He stopped it says Temari. Shikamaru wonders why as he'll likely need that strength but Kankuro tells him that he'd rather rely on his own powers and not that of the monster within him that he can't control.


Seimei just laughs and thinks he can't control his own power. Gaara thinks that to protect his friends he'll need to do it on his own and Seimei thinks he's a fool for allowing his emotions to guide him. A shinobi must set aside such emotions to gain true power and that's the only thing of value in this world as you're about to find out. He strikes out with some more dark dragons and scores a few hits. Gaara's time is nearly done, freak of the Sand village. Hmm, why so cocky? He has no chakra left. Gaara agrees that he is almost out but asks if he thinks he spent that time under the dome sitting on his hands...Meaning?


SAND TSUNAMI! Nothing happens. Out of sand I suppose. He cuts a promo saying he's Gaara of the desert and wherever there is rock or earth he can create more sand! The valley cracks and giant slabs fall down and gosh, that's a lot of sand. The ninja evacuate to higher ground...which is now the low ground, leaving Naruto LEGIT SHOOK.


Kujaku Hurricane Formation! That was an unexpected amount of chakra left, but that just means more to feed on. He turns on his tiger sword dick armor and starts sucking in chakra from all around Gaara. Neji notices that with his Byakugan and that's the last of it. Naruto wants to intervene but Shikamaru orders him to stay out of it. Temari tells him that Gaara is stronger than he looks and Naruto hopes so.


Extreme Tempered Ultimate Attack: Shukaku's Pike! He throws it right through the tiger's mouth!


Right in the sword dick! The armor shatters and he has a spear sticking out of his gut! How did you, no, it's impossible! Gaara tells him it would be impossible for a Ninja Tool who turned his back on being a human to understand. He has a Phoenix Wright style breakdown before the rest of his armor disappears and he falls into the sand. GIANT SAND BURIAL!


The whole valley is shaking...legitimately! He turns into pyre flies. Naruto and Matsuri cheer for the conquering hero, who collapses. Sakura checks his pulse and he'll be fine, he's just fainted from using too much chakra. His siblings are proud that he did that much all while repressing the Shukaku. We get a FLASHBACK of Gaara talking to Kankuro about what an influence Naruto was and how he wants to give back to his own village. Until he met Naruto his ties with others only brought them pain and sorrow but Naruto pushed him to redefine those ties. He finally understands the suffering and sorrow, the joy, these feelings he can share with others. Kankuro was the one thinking this and is glad his brother finally found someone who can understand him. He said this last bit out loud so Naruto turns around and asks him what he said. Kankuro begs off and says nothing at all while Naruto gives him a quisitive look.


Kakashi shows up, late as usual and is impressed by the results. He probably just got credit for an S-Rank mission without doing jack. They came to all this trouble rushing to the rescue and it's all over. Jiraiya thinks Naruto is coming along pretty well...not that he's not still an inexperienced knucklehead. Kakashi says he is hard to please and J-man replies that you know it.


Back at the Leaf Naruto wakes up in a hospital bed for the scene where filler reconnects with the canon material. He hears a wooden sandal make a noise and looks over to see Jiraiya staring out the window. He wakes up screaming and shouting Pervy Sage. Long time no see, Naruto. Don't give me that long time no see garbage, you were supposed to be overseeing my training, making me your protégé! Where have you been all this time? He's had a lot to do! Been busy with his research. Yeah, yeah, spying on pretty women for your stupid books eh? J-man takes offense to having his work called into question but anyway Naruto is way off base. He was gathering information on Akatsuki! Akatsuki? Yes.


He has a good idea what they are up to and thinks they have about two years before they make their move. He's going to use that time to make a real ninja out of Naruto. Naruto is speechless. Jiraiya asks him if he is ready for some serious training and he says he's been ready for months. Gaara is in the bed next to him and has been listening this whole time.


Sometime later the four Sand Ninja are talking to Shikamaru at the gate. Temari says they owe them one but Shikamaru figures they'll need help with something sooner rather than later. At least this time Shikamaru didn't get all choked up, that's an improvement! Sheesh, women always got to get the last dig in. Gaara asks what about him. Shikamaru says that he leaves this morning with Jiraiya to begin his training. One of the legendary Sanin asks Kankuro. Yeah it's going to be such a drag, he'll be stronger and more obnoxious than ever when he comes back. Temari says see ya and they start walking off but Matsuri comes running back. Please tell Naruto something, thanks to him she finally understands what Gaara was trying to tell her. Shikamaru doesn't get it but she thanks him for helping her see the value of real effort and dedication, and she bows. Terrific, another Naruto fan.


Naruto is cleaning his apartment, something he wishes his amnesiac boy toy was still around for. Anyways, that about does it. He looks at the picture of Team Seven turns out the lights, shuts the door and locks it.


Shikamaru is reporting to the Hokage about the mission. Maybe not a perfect ten but impressive nonetheless. Thanks but I need more experience...You bet you do so she's going to assign him to a lot more missions to grind out those levels! Get ready to really apply himself. Shikamaru is shook about how much work that sounds like and the 5th can only chuckle.


Sakura is back practicing her medical ninjutsu, working on the fish again. She revives it and it flops back into the pool. Ino sneaks up behind her and wants to have a word. She's been wondering about something. She can't go on like this being useless and thought that Sakura looked important out there, how everyone depended on her. She wants to be Hokage King of the Pirates a medical ninja. She knows it is tough but she is a quick study and a hard worker and wants Sakura to ask Lady Tsunade for her. Sure. Do you mean it??? You know what this means don't you, it means you're my little protégé! Huh, your little what? It's a fancy word for flunkie, someone you boss around because I'm going to be your boss, yeah, your boss. She's gonna work you hard. Ino gets pissed and says she's going to leave her in the dust. If anything is in the dust it'll be your ugly face! Yeah, yeah, you and your big forehead!


At Lee's dojo another young lady is pissed off. It's Twenty! Why me, it's unfair you know as she aims a punch at Rock Lee. Rock Lee swats it away and asks what she is talking about? She aims a high kick which he ducks. Why was I the only one who (Lee block a jab with his forearm, she ducks a straight kick) didn't get to go on that mission? He barely blocks a side kick as he tells her she was otherwise engaged as they trade punches which they block. She was with another squad as he ducks a roundhouse. They both trade roundhouses which miss by inches. Everyone went except me! Choji Shino and Kiba are observing and Choji remarks that she seems a little upset. Shino says it's hard to be the only one left off of the team and Kiba says that Naruto is leaving the team to go train which Akamaru growls at. Choji always up on the gossip heard that and that J-man is training him. Kiba says that is correct and that little jerk is just going to get stronger which also makes Akamaru growl. Shino thinks things will be different around here..and quieter. Choji thinks things will be sad but Lee hears this and disagrees. He'll have to work hard to keep up with Naruto, a hundred times harder. But he'll be ready. This distraction is all Twenty needed to plant a DYNAMIC ENTRY on Lee. Shino agrees with Lee we must use this time wisely and use the powers of friendship and teamwork to grow stronger. Kiba tells Akamaru that they have their work cut out for them and he barks happily. Choji is ready as Tenten asks Lee if he's okay, he responds in a higher register that he's just fine.


Neji and Hinata are predictably training with Neji backing her into the wall before stopping. He says its enough for today but they've barely begun. He reminds her that "he" is leaving today and they won't be seeing him for awhile.
about thirty episodes of Shippuden for her


Naruto is having one final meal at Ichiraku with Iruka-Sensei. He has quite the journey ahead of him. Yep. Iruka tells him to keep focus out there, no goofing off and he replies that focus is his middle name. Jiraiya pops his head into tell the lad that it's time to hit the road. Naruto chugs the rest of his ramen and tells Iruka he'll pay him back. As a matter of fact when he's Hokage he'll buy. When you're??? Iruka can't even finish that as he mentally wishes Naruto good luck as the two ninja walk towards the gate. Naruto raises his hand to the Hokage faces, pointing at the fourth. Just you watch. Sometime this year would be nice yells Jiraiya and Naruto runs to catch up. Hinata appears from behind the pole right there. She blushes and thinks she'll have to work hard to keep up with you, but she'll do it, the final words spoken in the original Naruto.
















Bleach gets widescreen gifs! Never heard this opening before, it's pretty good!

Man God

Non-Canon Member
The conversation is pretty brutal. Ino is trying to be all heartfelt and Sakura is just taking it right to her. Hinata hiding behind the pole also reminds me of that scene from Rock Lee's show.

EDIT: This Bleach episode is racy. It is pretty damn funny though. It still kills me that there's an entire episode based off of this random color spread from waay back in the day. I'll post it in the middle of the day. All gifs. The hardest part will be remembering all their names. Will probably open up the Bleach wiki and just copy/paste a cheat sheet. Spell check is going to have a field day with this one.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Choji's VA is great during the filler and has perfect delivery. Makes up for all that chubby's rule crap he had to say during the early days.

Anime only has zero uses of Believe it, I knew it became rare after the first set of negative reactions to it came in but I expected at least a throwback or two but nope. Quite a few I don't believe its though.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
The conversation is pretty brutal. Ino is trying to be all heartfelt and Sakura is just taking it right to her. Hinata hiding behind the pole also reminds me of that scene from Rock Lee's show.

EDIT: This Bleach episode is racy. It is pretty damn funny though. It still kills me that there's an entire episode based off of this random color spread from waay back in the day. I'll post it in the middle of the day. All gifs. The hardest part will be remembering all their names. Will probably open up the Bleach wiki and just copy/paste a cheat sheet. Spell check is going to have a field day with this one.

Cant believe Hinata doesnt show up until that many episodes, but im surprised you never seen that bleach opening, I like it alot, though I liked the one before it alot better

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Thanks. Going to do the Bleach Beach episode for Gucci's birthday and then go into retirement.

If they ever bring back Big O season 2 for no reason I've got season 1 sitting right here and will do that. maybe something like the Inuyasha movies which already aired on Adult Swim and which won't spoil anything but other than that I'm out of the game unless someone wants to drop all of Bleach on my desk and wants all the previous filler arcs done.

The only other notorious filler runs I can think of include the really sad final season of Rurouni Kenshin which destroyed that show Bleach style.

I might do Rock Lee and his amazing friends but only after all the important characters have shown up in Shippuden...and that's months away.


Cant believe Hinata doesnt show up until that many episodes, but im surprised you never seen that bleach opening, I like it alot, though I liked the one before it alot better

I gave up on Bleach both watching the sub and the dub much later on right around the time the last Arrancar was revealed. Unlike Naruto Part 2 which I gave up even earlier I don't bother to even keep my nose into Bleach, not even reading it when I pay for a legal translation of it every week! Sometimes people online tell me things and I try reading it again, like right after Aizen bit the dust but its just impossible to follow. That means there are...over a hundred episodes of Bleach I haven't seen.
Thanks, also how did you get your tag lol

Really Fox <_< lol think about it why he got his tag is obvious

Also from left to right specifically its

Bass EXE from Mega Man Network Transmission series

Vile from Mega Man X series

Bass from classic Mega Man series in the powered up style (which doesn't exist in that game)

Rogue from Mega Man Starforce series

Mega Man Juno from Mega Man Legends series

They are all rival characters and bosses in the games they appear in, Juno is actually the final boss of the first Mega Man Legends game
Congrats mangod, in other news not sure how easily i'll be able to watch or comment on toonami this weekend since i'm kinda out of town and until today the internet has been spotty. also been rooming with people and in need of going to bed early


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
He did it.
That son of a bitch actually did it!

Congratulations Man God, very few can claim they survived the filler hell.
Man, what was Pierrot thinking.... Imagine if there was a Naruto Kai? Combining the canon of Naruto and Shippuden, with crazy fast pacing.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
I just got through watching "This is how you DON'T play Final Fantasy X". I want to burn things now...
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