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Toonami [Apr14] Pray while you shit

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ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ


24. LOLDSFAN: 2321 ^2 (26 -> 24)
**25. mightynine : 2228 V2 (23 -> 25)**
**26. Ultratech: 2227 V1 (25 -> 26)**
**27. Imperial Bishop: 2098 ^5 (32 -> 27)**

Bishop will have surpassed me by the next count. I'll probably stay delegated to the >20 range since everyone above me is pretty solid.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
"The Third Super-Beast!"


Naruto is shirtless and Tsunade is looking over some medical paperwork. Naruto wants to know the truth dammit, give it to him straight. He's been messing up in his training a lot lately and knew something was wrong. He could only eat five bowls of ramen. He knows he has some sort of incurable disease and wants to know how much time he's got left. She tells him to shut up, he's fine.


This is what she was really worried about. It is Bushy-Brows medical chart. He's been ducking her. Naruto wants to know about himself and she says he's still an idiot and to get out of here...


As our girl Sakura is walking up, file in hand and Naruto is shoved from the office. She wants him to get some clothes on. Good Grief.


Neji and Tenten are waiting outside and Twenty asks him how it went. He's in perfect health. Bully for you says Neji as he walks away. Naruto asks her what his problem was and she says he was in one of his moods. Naruto asks where Bushy Brow is and she has a good idea. Naruto knew before they got there, the dojo of course. The two spy on him from the open vent. He's doing vertical thumb push ups and is on 2954. Yes Naruto, that is legit and he recalls the injuries sustained in the fight with Gaara, they thought he'd be finished when real life Lee collapses. They rush in worried about him and Naruto tells him Tsunade wanted him in for his physical. Must have slipped his mind. Twenty thinks Lee looks horrible though he says he is feeling much better. They take him to the hospital and when the exam is over the Hokage prescribes rest. That means no more training. He's damaged his chakra network and that it almost cost him is career as a ninja. Lee is a rebel though and lives by his own way of the ninja, which shocks Sakura. Your own rules, asks the 5th. Rule one, never forget your goals and that he must work to be the best he can be. Sakura grins and Lee returns his own thousand watt sparkle smile.


Tsunade isn't impressed though but she relents. Lee is off active duty but he can keep training, just don't overdo it. Lee agrees but Tsunade gives him one final command above all, NO HIDDEN LOTUS. He agrees. Naruto asks him how it went but Lee won't acknowledge it. Twenty thinks the results were grim, very grim. Naruto doesn't believe it but the proof is in the look he gave.


Lee is moping up on the same lookout where all Lee back story happens when who should appear but Guy-Sensei! He wants to know what is the matter. He heard the results and that he has permission to continue training. He confirms this but hangs his head because of the no lotus stipulation. Guy remembers the day Lee was crying and we get a FLASHBACK. There's no doubt in Guy's mind that the surgery will be a success and Lee will fulfill his dreams. On the 1/1000, no 1/1000000 chance something will go wrong well, he will die right along with you! His nindo was to train Lee to be the very best. That's a promise. What a pledge! Lee trusted him then, well, trust him now. If you can't use the Lotus, well then train harder so you won't need it. Nothing is impossible on the path of hard work and Lee breaks down. Guy is also crying and gives him the thumbs up, you can do it! They begin training immediately...and the EPISODE FINALLY BEGINS SEVEN MINUTES IN?


Lee was late to the training hall (can't make it there in ten seconds) so extra push ups and when he finishes he notices a new challenger there. His taijutsu is fierce and Lee asks who that is. Guy tells him it is Yagura who has been here for a week. A friend asked Guy to see if he had what it takes to be a ninja. Lee thinks he is good and Guy thinks he has the makings. He absorbs everything thrown at him like a sponge. Yagura notices Lee and says that he's heard a great deal from Guy about him. Lee is a bit embarrassed by this but Yagura wants to learn from Lee by training with him. Lee wasn't ready for this but their mutual teacher thinks it is perfect. Naruto and Twenty are rushing to the scene wondering why Lee is at the training hall with his grim condition and they enter just as the fight kicks off.


Yagura is honored that Lee is teaching him and Lee politely accepts the compliment. Guy wants them to attack with everything they got, including respect through the power of youth. Yagura rushes up and wants to see every secret technique Lee has learned from Might Guy. He attacks with a flurry of punches, knees and kicks and Lee compliments him on his power, though thinks to himself that these are not the blows of a rookie. He goes for a Leaf Hurricane which Yagura nimbly ducks and counters. Everyone is shook as he beat the Hurricane! Guy ends the fight and goes over to Lee. Naruto wants to know what that was...It was a cross block. Catching the leg between the knee and the elbow and crushing the bone it requires perfect timing...where did this young fellow learn this move? He begs off saying he didn't mean to, only a reflex. Is Lee alright? Luckily Lee was wearing his ankle weights and he wants to continue. Guy says he is done and the medics should look at it. Lee grimaces and says he is fine but Naruto goes on about the grim prognosis. What grim prognosis? Twenty is backing down. They comedically fight about this with Guy while Yagura worries about how fast Lee was even with those weights on.


Lee is getting bandaged up by Sakura. The bone is alright and Lee thanks her before picking up his crutch and starting to leave. How soon can he start training? Sakura says no, could have caused permanent damage to his Achilles tendon and that he needs to rest, which makes him gloomy again. As he walks by the Ramen stand he hears Naruto giving Twenty the business about her assessment of Lee. Ok, ok, but when he came out with that look what was she supposed to think? She just assumed. Naruto thinks the reason he is down is that he has to coach a trainee who isn't even in the academy. Neji picks up at this and asks. Twenty gives him the rundown and Naruto was impressed by that move...what was it called? The crossblock. THE CROSSBLOCK as he points his chopsticks enthusiastically. He pulled it off without even thinking about it. No wonder Lee is depressed. Neji thinks that can't be it, he would have quit long ago if that's what it took to get him down and cuts a promo about Lee. He was always told he didn't have enough talent, no ninjutsu or genjutsu and crappy taijutsu but he worked at it brother. Neji would have given up long ago if he was Lee but hard work, perseverance mean more than raw talent. If he can recover from his injuries Lee may surpass us all. Twenty is giving him the adoring eyes and both her and Naruto agree. She's still worried that if he pushes himself he might become seriously injured and Naruto tells her to quit being so negative, the voice of doom. Lee is uplifted by this talk. Tenten continues with the blush face and says they have a lot to be grateful for when it comes to Lee and we get another FLASHBACK.


Guy is teaching them about self rules. Lee is eager to learn. Guy tells them that life is nothing but a series of rules and the most important ones are those from within. He also has a reward for them all...It's the green suit of tights just like his own! The ultimate in comfort and ease of movement, OUTSTANDING ventilation and moisture wicking properties. One session in these and you'll want to wear them all the time oooh yeah. Naruto remembers his own experience in those tights, they were comfortable and he did look good in them too!


Twenty lies through her teeth. Sure you did. It's true says Neji, if you weren't here...


To youth! To effort! And here's to the chicken that crossed the road! But seriously folks! Buckbaaaucck! The rest of Team Guy is sure glad Lee is around. Tsunade has a C rank mission...for Might Guy? He's the only one available. He has no problem with it and wants to bring someone along. Lee on his crutch is walking when he sees Yagura. He tells him not to worry and that they will train again, but Yagura just walks on by. Thanks but not necessary. You did well considering the ankle weights but there's nothing I want to steal from you. You're just a hardworking grunt, a pale imitation of Might Guy. Lee is pissed but Yagura continues the promo saying that Guy knows that and has given up on Lee. That's a work brother, Guy whole purpose is to make sure Lee becomes a fine ninja too. Yagura laughs and asks if that was the case why would he ask me on a mission and not you! Oh burn. He would never! Sorry, hard work is no substitute for real talent as he laughs and walks away. It's a lie I tell you, Guy-sensei would never as Lee walks in on the two walking out of the gate. He doesn't believe it.


Looking busy with a fake set of hands Tsunade is savoring her sake and is just about to take a sip when Shizune comes in yelling, causing her to spill. Yagura was attacked and is in the hospital. What but he was on a mission with Guy. No, in a twist that should surprise exactly no one he was attacked BEFORE he ever made it to the village. The trainee is an impostor. She works her real hands and picks up the ninja cards of the only ones left, discarding Lee. She mobilizes the team sending them after Guy and the phony Yagura and tells Shizune to have Sakura watch Lee and make sure he doesn't get wind of this.


Neji, Naruto and Twenty are jumping through the trees. You sure Bushierbrows-Sensei went this way? He says he was heading for the Land of Mountain Streams and this is the most direct route. Twenty says there is another more dangerous way through the mountains but he'd have never taken it. Cut to Guy running through the mountains laughing hysterically. You still with me Yagura? He is. The trick is to be sure of your footing while never slowing down, Lee can do it blindfolded, he's wonderful at this sort of thing. Yagura slips and falls and Guy hears it, sliding down in the mist below to find him. He's worried that he let his raw talent blind him to the fact that he's a mere trainee when he runs into an odd sight. A training dummy.


Lots and lots of training dummies for kung-fu. It brings back fond memories of his fiery youth, he spent hours pummeling dummies...but not dummies that turn and face him as he walks by. He wonders why they are up here and for what dark purpose. They attack him but he was prepared and taunts his new wooden friends. They only do the same movement and have a range of 3.5 meters so he isn't worried...as one extends an arm and nearly cracks him in the skull. His wooden friends can walk. KILL GUY. DEVOUR GUY. Naruto asks Neji if there is any sign of them. Nope, not even with his Byakugan. Naruto thinks they are moving fast but Twenty brings up the dark possibility that they took the mountain route instead.


Oh crap they caught him. Wait no, he's above them. So they can move, they'll never reach him up here. The wooden friend jumps what a surprise. They all jump up and he scraps them...until they hit the ground and VOLTRON together into bigger tougher training dummies. Guy looks scared...until you realize he is just trembling with excitement and the million watt smile commences. He could use some high altitude training as he busts them up. Sakura is watching Lee train with a grimace of her own. He's doing the thumb push ups again and thinking to himself that if he trained harder Guy wouldn't have forsaken him for the newer younger model and that he took Yagura only to teach him a lesson. Yes, that's it. Guy is breaking through them. Their defenses are rudimentary and their attacks are easy to spot...or so he thought. Their is no end to them as a building forms around him made of training dummies and the episode ends!





NEXT EPISODE: "Hot-Blooded Confrontation: Student vs. Sensei"


Raxus did you watch the GBF finale. I have no idea what to do on Mondays now

Dem feels

Sorry I didn't get back to you sooner.

Honestly, I had mixed feelings about it. I loved the mech fights but at the same time not finishing an honest to goodness Mejin fight was a let down. I like all the character arcs concluded but I was puzzled how Gunpla survived after the incident. It was seeing all the Gundam characters pop up in the background in the Eve episode too. Overall, enjoyable but I really am craving a Gundam series with some meat on it's bones after all the fanservice.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I'll celebrate it with something special!

Possibly just the final episode of Naruto Filler Recap, but still! It's a Saturday so it's not like I won't have time to do something.


Hey guys, you know how I said One Piece just couldn't get any more real?


It just got realer. It is so nice to be watching two great arcs in the manga and on Toonami.


I saw a girl wearing a Gaara t-shirt the other day....but it was Gaara from OG Naruto. What a total loser, amirite? /Naruto Superfan

Last week, I saw a guy with a pink spikey mohawk, wearing a pair of baggy black jeans with a wallet chain that were halfway down his ass (letting his tighty whities free to the world), wearing a My Little Pony shirt, and a pair of Pink Beats by Dre that were being worn sideways, as to not interfere with his mohawk.

It was incredible.
Last week, I saw a guy with a pink spikey mohawk, wearing a pair of baggy black jeans with a wallet chain that were halfway down his ass (letting his tighty whities free to the world), wearing a My Little Pony shirt, and a pair of Pink Beats by Dre that were being worn sideways, as to not interfere with his mohawk.

It was incredible.
A flamingo. You saw a flamingo.


Last week, I saw a guy with a pink spikey mohawk, wearing a pair of baggy black jeans with a wallet chain that were halfway down his ass (letting his tighty whities free to the world), wearing a My Little Pony shirt, and a pair of Pink Beats by Dre that were being worn sideways, as to not interfere with his mohawk.

It was incredible.
You have just witnessed a man incapable of giving a fuck.


A flamingo. You saw a flamingo.

You have just witnessed a man incapable of giving a fuck.

Sometimes, I see incredible sights, like this asian girl that looked like a 10 year old boy, short hair, (think Uma Thurman in Pulp Fiction but minus 3 inches) a baggy My Chemical Romance Hoodie, fingerless gloves, and a Vita that was playing Persona 3 Portable on it (I walked behind her to confirm this).

I wish I had a proposal ring on me at the time.

Mostly, I just realize that 17-19 YOs are just deplorable human beings who are still technically teenagers but no longer in High School.


You probably already own like six different things you can hook to your TV that will play that content.

Yeah I'm not really impressed. Was this supposed to be that Ouya killer? Actually anything can be considered an Ouya killer lol.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
"Amazon Fire, watch Sword Art Online"

"I'm sorry Dave, I'm afraid we can't watch that."

The dub is on Netflix and I'm sure voice search will work for that.

I got my mom the latest Sony box for christmas (with a Blu-Ray player) so this would seem more up her alley if it had HBO Go and, well, you know, a Blu Ray drive.

Would also need a competent version of Tetris to interest her.
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