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Toonami [Apr14] Pray while you shit

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So I have to do the most crazy rig shenanigans to get headphones to work on the tv in my room. My parents are moving the tv in the downstairs living room into my sister's old room which is now an office + parents movie room and the living room downstairs will no longer have a tv. Until the basement gets finished (summer) I have to watch Toonami in my bedroom and my tv only has digital audio out.

So basically to get headphones to work I have to use a digital audio cable to an digital converter box to plug in an rca to 3.5m headphone port cord to plug my headphones into. There were more expensive options to shorten this process but screw that I'm not spending $60 on this.



It's even funnier when you realize where the image came from.

Stardust Crusaders (part 3) and the prior season (parts 1 and 2)

Wonder what this means as far as getting a dub going on. *Weeps into bottle*

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Hiatus X Hiatus and Jojo will join the Toonami lineup in 2020 along with the premiere of the Dressrosa arc of One Piece.
Garbage pacing will ruin it.

People who seem to be watching OP anime weekly who don't read the manga seem to be enjoying this arc so far. Besides OP chapters generally have so much crap shoved into them you usually don't notice the 1:1 pacing unless it's during something like Fishman isle where it was mostly fights with little dialogue which lead to more audience reactions shots.


Dressrosa has had decent animation so far. Wouldn't call it shit. As someone who hasn't read the manga, the pacing seems fine so far as well. We'll see what happens when the major fights start.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Never buying another one of their games again after betraying the 3DS community like this. Awful people.

Please, pleeeeaaaase tell me you're satirizing the idiots in that thread and aren't actually one of them. :(


Well that's good to know. I stopped watching sometime after
the time before they got to Fishman Island
. There were times when the animation did suffer, but it's really not that bad.

Pacing was never really an issue because of the density of the chapters. 1:1 can feel a little slow, but not overly so.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Please, pleeeeaaaase tell me you're satirizing the idiots in that thread and aren't actually one of them. :(

I am joking

It is however tactless to announce a game for one system exclusively and that your fanbase is on and then switch it to every system besides that one with a a vague, oh, if you pay us a ton of money we might make that game available one day.

Probably not buying Moon chronicles though but was looking forward to Cult County...which come to think of it I probably won't buy now that it's not on 3DS.

I'm not boycotting them and I understand why they did it, they probably should have bit the bullet and made the game they promised first before expanding it with this kickstarter.

Certainly not backing them though unless it means the difference between seeing a 3DS version and not seeing it.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Yeah it sucks that Unity doesn't support 3DS.

At least 3DS is still getting Moon Chronicles, Treasurenauts, and Mutant Mudds 2 before any other platform.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Unless MM2 is drastically better than the first I will be skipping that as well.

Treasurenauts though, that looks good.

EDIT: There is always the chance that Nintendo announces Unity for 3DS soon and it ends up there anyways, making RK look like heroes without putting in any real extra work at all.


Yeah if I was a huge RK fan who was looking forward to the game coming to 3DS, I'd be pretty bummed too.

Guess we'll see if this "scope" and "vision" is when/if the game comes out and if it was worth skipping the 3DS for.
I can't actually picture the kind of person I'd have to be to care that a game of this type isn't coming to 3ds. That is to say I tend to buy my indies/DD these days elsewhere whenever it's possible, where I can either have crossbuy or not lose them (or at least be even more inconvenienced) if I ever some how get my shit stolen or lost or broken.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
"Hot-Blooded Confrontation: Student vs. Sensei"


A black and white kung-fu movie confrontation. The man Guy is fighting summons a bunch of wooden training dummies and to face the master he must first go through the puppets. Color returns and Guy is a building made of wood. He laughs and says there's no way a wall of wood could stop his glorious path into tomorrow, he can break through any barrier with the power of youth and came overcome anything with hot blooded effort. He strikes with eyes on tomorrow.


Ineffective. Forget tomorrow, what about today? Must be chakra reinforced. Yagura calls out to him from beyond the wall. He asks if he is alright. He's fine, but he's not Yagura.


He transforms and says he's the eldest of the Ryodouin brothers, Gensho. Two more brothers show up, the second eldest Rokkaku wearing a vest and the one with the giant summoning scroll is Jako. Ryoduiun! exclaims Guy. Then he thinks on it. It's a vaguely familiar name. Jako is shocked that he doesn't remember but Gensho puts out a hand to stop him and says perhaps you remember their father Agira Ryudouin who was beaten badly by some Leaf ninjas awhile back. He failed his mission and eventually died of despair. Rokkaku says their father's hatred of Guy lasted until the very end, Guy's name was on his lips when he passed and the three brothers swore the rite of revenganence. Guy remembers now! A heroic struggle, their father was noble and heroic and will feature prominently in his eight volume memoires about his greatest battles. An honorable battle between equals both fighting for their nindo, yadda, yadda. He sees no reason for this fight but the brothers won't rest until they've done to him what he did to their dead daddy.


Meanwhile Lee is in his dojo wincing in pain. He drops the crutch and does a standing jump kick, then attacks a bare support beam which cracks...and also hurts like hell. Sakura is watching through a slat in a nearby window but Lee knows she is there! Lady Tsunades orders, that's all. Lee comes up to the gap in a flash and asks what she is hiding, which she waves off too enthusiastically. Lee can read the deception on her face!


Gensho does a set of hand signs and some of the logs that make up the prison now have spikes coming out of them. Guy dodges them easily...but then more come, which he dodges. The brothers take turns but a headband appears and good guy Naruto shows up with Tenten and Neji. Break it up, phony Yagura. Neji uses his Byakugan to see Guy-Sensei who is trapped in the chakra infused prison. Not for long says Twenty.


They dodge. Hang in there Bushierbrows-Sensei. The three genin get surrounded by a wall of the chakra infused wood. Naruto mocks them as overgrown chopsticks until he gets planted right in the kisser right when Neji tells him to wait. Yes, they are training dummies. Naruto wonders if they are ninja puppets but Twenty doesn't think even three people could control hundreds of puppets and Neji agrees with her. He uses his magic eyes and figures out the trick, a seal on the back of their heads animates each one, and they only have a basic set of moves and can't think on their own. Remove the seals and they are gone. Naruto fights mass with mass making a bunch of shadow clones which start ripping off seals one by one. Neji sweeps a bunch and clones remove them. Twenty throws a bunch of kunai at another group shredding them. This is too easy! The three brothers aren't done yet though and taunt them from the roof of the prison. Ninja Art: Wooden Dummy Manipulation Jutsu as all three make hand signs.


The dolls are much more aggressive now, some are being controlled manually. One takes down Twenty while Naruto attempts to use a vintage Uzumaki Barrage but the dummy spins in mid air, killing the shadow clone. The three are standing up but are trapped when suddenly the noise of shattering dummies comes from one side.

It's the green beast of Konoha, Rock Lee! He Leaf Hurricane's his way in front of the three embattled ninja. How did he know where they are? When Sakura snitched that Guy was going to the Land of Mountain Streams he knew at once he'd take the harder mountain path. Naruto points out to Lee where his sensei is. Undamaged sections of the dolls are reinforcing the walls of the prison.


It's now a full blown fort. Lee says he will handle this but Naruto worries about his leg. Lee feels powerful today but the Genin will cut him a path first. Neji tells him the weak point is in the center of the building and Twenty tells him to be careful it may be a trap...which he will gladly fall into. DYNAMIC ENTRY! The dolls move out of his way and he falls on his face. The eldest brother tells the younger ones to leave it to him and begins the Ninja Art: Wooden Dummy Jutsu Possess and Repossess, whatever that means. Lee enters a dark room when the lights come on and a familar voice comes on. It's Not Yagura. He says Guy's teachings about hard work and effort is a lie. Equivalent Exchange is hooey. You never get back what you put in. Nobody disses Guy-Sensei, come out here and fight. Nope, he'll fight with the wooden dummy...which uses the Leaf Hurricane on him. Not Yagura is Megaman! Lee thinks Yagura is truly a genius.


The trick is laid bare. Not Yagura is making the two green beasts fight each other via his Jutsu! A battle to the death between teacher and student even if they figure out who they are fighting. Two men enter, one man leaves. Lee's leg is about to fail him so he only has one choice, forgive me, Guy Sensei. Meanwhile Guy sees the dummy in front of him unwrap his bandages, well, the bandages that aren't there because it's a dummy. It's the LOTUS. Guy figured it out, the dummy is Lee. Guy escapes the Dancing Leaf Shadow. Lee figures it out after being hit by multiple Severe Leaf Hurricanes. They have once chance and guy uses Morse Code to explain the plan. They've been tricked and one must destroy the other. If they attack each other with such force that the dummies can't handle it then they might have a chance, so he'll lead you to the brink of death once again. Lee asks Guy if he can break his promise so he can protect the most important person in the world to him. Guy begins crying. If Lee dies, he will die at your side. Let's die like lovers as they both open the THIRD GATE OF LIFE and then open the FOURTH GATE OF PAIN.


They go all DBZ and clash a few times. The dummies start to break apart from the pure stress of it all. Not Yagura can't handle it anymore. They open the GATE OF CLOSING. That's it, bring every ounce of your hot blooded chakra to bare against your opponent. The dummies are scrap. So are the ones outside of the fort which starts to crumble. Bad guys are beaten without putting up a fight, they limp from the building. If it's Revengenance you sought you should have fought me man to man. Your daddy was outnumbered yet he fought on like a true warrior, refusing to surrender. He had his kung fu and his honor. He fought their dad in single combat out of respect for him and after he lost he was content, wishing to fight him again. They got the death bed message wrong whether they believe him or not. Not Yagura accepts this notion that he wanted his sons to learn from Guy by fighting him, not revenge. Ooops. Your father taught me something important during their battle together. Natural talent isn't the greatest gift, hardwork and determination is. The two green beasts smile as Naruto compliments the teacher student relationship. Sakura comes running up with the medical core and Naruto asks her to help take Lee back. That's why she is here. Lee is only concerned with Not Yagura though, what even is his real name? Guy orders him to the stretcher though and Naruto wishes he had a teacher that cared about him as the episode ends.

NEXT EPISODE: "Crisis! The Hidden Leaf 11 Gather!"






Unconfirmed Member
Garbage pacing will ruin it.

Dressrosa has been pretty good so far in anime form. The adaptation definitely feels a lot better so far than the last couple of major arcs did. It helps that there's a TON of shit going on in this arc, so it fills up episodes pretty well even at the 1:1 pace, for the most part.
If everything goes according to plan, I should have the last ToonamiGAF endorsement signatures by the end of tomorrow. The number will be low like last time. I'll post the pics on Sunday night.
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