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Toonami |Apr15| Watching Toonami protects your brain from sorcery

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Another flashback, hmm. Intense hacking backfires.
Disrupt the real world instead of disrupting something trivial.
Zipped up into a Kenny-style hoodie... =D
Mom going to choke a pickpocketer.
LOL Gamagoori sitting with nothing but his sauna underwear.
I have a feeling that Nonon is going to steal the other's thunder.
His uniform looks like something out of Yu-Gi-OH!
He didn't disappear. IT'S OPTICAL CAMOUFLAGE!!!
That's one BIG eye.
"The poor THANG???" What? Nonon thinks she's from the South or something?
Limit of processing capacity. Unable to escape. Too bad that forfeit was anti-climactic, but it was anticipated since that's his nature to just gather more info. The ultimate reconnaissance guy.
This feels a little too easy. I guess Nonon is kind of cool.

Eh... I don't like NetherRealm mechanics of MK. That and Injustice were not my thing, although I respect top level play at tournaments.

KNOWING THE RULES TRUMPS KNOWING SHAME, you foolish naked loudmouth.
I half-expected to there be some sort of Russian fanfare.
Wink. ;)
[Deep electronic thumping] BWONG~~~
Snobby Kindergarten.
Like... GIANT eyebrows as a kindergartener, holy shit...
LOL flute missile.
Let's go EVEN FURTHER BEYOND reckless into really REALLY reckless. And then it evolved into having rockets and looking like MegaTwerp.
The teacher calling on Kenshiro to do something about the evolution. Sounds like he's panicing.
The gloves are off, you STINKING BITCH~!!!

Things are picking up speed now, and I'm kind of enjoying the ride. At least it's a little fun to watch.

Man God

Non-Canon Member





Old School








Yeah, apologies for the late post. Usually I'd start with the SAO post immediately after writing klk, but I was busy using the rewind function on my DVR for a good while and just cracking up endlessly and rolling around laughing, haha... Ahem... Here we go:

IRL Sinon looks pretty normal.
Shino Asada~~
Damn, fucking school bullies having nothing better to do than to extort money out of others.
Wow, triggering a panic attack? What happened... This sounds like serious PTSD.
OH MY FUCKING GOD, IS THIS JYB? He sounds like fucking Renton or Nobita from Doraemon.
Leafa is Shizuka in that show as well.
Miniguns should be banned. OK, then your sniper should be banned too. OK, at least she admitted that wasn't sound logic.
Gotta beat the Top 20 in the upcoming MLG CHAMPIONSHIP to EARN SIX-FIGURES FOR THE PRIZE. Serious professionals doing SERIOUS BUSINESS.
I feel ya. It's like soloing dungeons in DFO after level 60. Things are just easier in a party.
Man, this Kyoji... I don't like his appearance and his face. I just have a bad feeling about this.
Wow, that apartment advanced security lock on that door. I'd love to live in a place like that.
Dropping that skirt... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Screams. She defended herself, as her life was in danger.
Holy fuck, fucking went and hurled, what the fuck... O_O
Looks in the mirror and says she's awful. Are you OK with this? She definitely needs salvation, heh heh heh... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

OMG, you're going to quit ALO? If you convert, your items will be reset. YOU DON'T SAY, ASUNA???
No worries, Kirito will be back with everybody after this job.
99% NOT true. Probably someone trolling. You can't kill from the virtual anymore. At least I hope not...
WOOOOWWW!! TALK ABOUT SUPER LUCKY, THAT BASTARD! Nurse Aki feeling his ASS and be like "You finally got some meat on you."

PS. You're on the clock, so you better control your hormones while diving. Yeah, got'cha...
Okay, hot stuff. Strip! Don't be shy. I've seen all your goodies before. GOOD LORD, SOMEONE HELP ME. I had to pause for a bit just so I could calm down

Don't you worry about your body while you're gone. I'll keep a close eye on it. Wink ;) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Man, Kirito should just ditch Asuna for Nurse Aki. This'll be way more fun than just chilling in ALO.
Winning the Black Ops 3 World Championships will cure your panic attacks.
Yeah... that is super creepy saving those files. Not cool at all. I'm guessing that person is the culprit?

Wow, OK~ whew. That was something. Really didn't expect to hear JYB there. I don't know about y'all, but so far, this has not been boring at all, not by a long shot. There's lots of stuff that's been pretty watchable and didn't put me to sleep. I kind of like this silly fun stuff. I don't think I'm a bad person for liking this show a little, am I?


Sketchbook Picasso
After playing Xenoverse lately, I must say, I enjoy Kai feeling like Dragon Ball Episodes more and more. It's always great to remember this show is more than golden hair and big muscles. I really like Toriyama's comedy, and when I think about Dragon Quest and Chrono Trigger along side such, it just feels VASTLY different from the memories that DBZ leaves behind.

Kill La Kill
The thing I like most about KLK is actually how it constantly throws monkey wrenches into plot expectations. You expect 1 fight per episode... you get 2, since one guy gave up.

Satsuki being miss high and mighty badass even when shes in kindergarden is kinda grating, actually. It's like she never grew into who she was... she was probably born with her head held high. I'd appreciate it more if she shows SOME kind of normal-ness, with moments of the lady she'd become piercing through. As it is now, it almost feels as heavy-handed as the fanservice.

Why is Nonnonon or however her name is spelled suit so surprising? You fought a bladed blind Zaku a while back! Heh. It WAS really huge, and a fun design, though. Take to the skies! Aerial battles are always interesting.

SAO II: Honesty, the SAO trolling is so thick here. I don't get annoyed by it nearly as much as many, it's not a bad show to look at, and it feels closer to the kinda shows I wish took up more of Toonami at times. Much as "In the normal world" Inuyasha is fun non-action, slice-of-life-with-a-twist, I can find times like this in SAO similarly pleasing, though not as much by a long shot.

Anywho, I liked Shino's attitude when she was TRYING to stand up to the bullies well enough. It would be so easy to play her as the nerdy gamer girl who shudders at all in real life, and it only strong in the game... but she's actually more complex than that. Even as a kid, she was brave enough to try and fight to save her mom, even after seeing a man shot right before her. I find her personality development more pleasing to see in action than Satsuki, actually.

I'm kinda surprised at the "why not get psychotherapy?!?" or "Why was her mom scared of here?!?" surprise... beyond simply Anime, these attitudes prevail a lot of Asian works, from games to Korean and Japanese dramas.

DeathGannu's identity seems all but spelled out so far. It'd be nice if there was a swerve here. But eh. Looking forward to seeing if they twist the knife on this subject.

Inuyasha: The Funny Act!
Beyond how this had low / no pacing issues (
hey, that bath scene was paced too fast! ;-)
) I really enjoyed how swiftly they were rifling off Takahashi-style emotes left and right. I'm surprised there's not websites that collect these things somewhere. Maybe a tumblr...

...ANYWAY, Kagome, why you still in middle school? (
which makes previous spoiler feel even... eh... er...ech.
) Does it ever feel like she's experiencing Mid-grade problems, rather than high school-grade ones? Your life is gonna be REALLY boring if you say farewell to Feudal Fairy-Tales before you even get into High school.

I really felt exhilarated over the episode though. I loved the busy-body pacing of Kagome TRYING not to feel lonely. I loved the Rush of trying to get her backpack back. And even Inuyasha's "Here's your bad" plain, just kinda... mellow look. If SAO smacks me with a relationship I don't care about much, Inuyasha presents me with one I actually enjoy watching play through it's familiar, but slowly developing motions.

I wonder if Takahashi felt as if episodes like this were a chance to have Ranma-like stories again?

I rarely pay attention to this show...

One Piece
... Or this one actually, lol. Dang front-loaded distracting block! Did Nami basically kill Kalifa? I felt like this when I saw this years ago on the Sub, as well...

I enjoy Nami at this time of One Piece, she feels like dead weight in the more modern stuff.

AOTS? No, that's not...
Was this episode directed by a guest director or something? Nothing else in the show feels nearly as fun in a dark, dry way. There are so many little sight gags, "less is more" comedy moments, and actions and thoughts that seem in line with the shows personality, but in a fun way. If the show had more eps like this, that poked fun at the overblown absurdity it normally presents, I think it'd feel a bit more relaxed, and maybe be tolerated by an even larger group of watchers.
SAO II's biggest problem is that its tied to SAO I which gives everyone this lowered expectation for it. On paper I like everything that happens in the GGO arc and in the hands of someone a bit smarter it could have been really good. People are looking for this roller coaster of awful like S1 and S2 is generally halfway competent with its two major problems being the somewhat slow pacing which would be fine in another series... But is offset by the fact it's SAO and our MC is Kirito and its hard to trust things like Sinon's problems or Deathgun's identify/motivation when we've already seen in S1 how bungled that season's support cast and villains were handled.

That theme of "if this was not connected to SAO" is going to be extremely prevelant in the final arc of this season being as bold as saying were that arc ejected out of SAO II and given a Summer Wars rewrite with similar concept and movie treatment it would be really good.


I don't think Sinon's history is too awful, but it comes across as silly and without any nuance. However, I can accept it.

Kirito's nurse was the worst thing about the episode, and Asuna saying that their fairy game was 'their home'


Gives all the fucks
In complete fairness, SOME of SAO2 worked last night. Her being afraid of guns because she shot a guy as a kid (& again, this is in a country where fire arm laws are MUCH more strict in comparison to US) makes sense. A kid having to live with the fact that they KILLED someone, even in self defense, can screw them up. So holding the gun to bring back that memory makes sense since PTSD can do that. That, I'm willing to accept.

......what DOESN'T work is doing this AFTER showing us she was playing in a MMO that is LITERALLY NOTHING BUT GUNS and being rather good at it (I still stand that the battle in the 2nd half of 2 was surprising decent). They mentioned that she joined the game because she wanted to get rid of her fear. Again, that makes sense. They could've shown her starting out and trying to get used to virtual guns and seeing that, hey, it's just a game, so it's okay since people won't die (...this time).

I guess the main issue is, her plot points are completely out of order. Her moment of badassness should've come closer to the end, showing that she no longer fears them and has gotten over her trauma. It's just polarizing to see her be so skilled and act NOT AFRAID in one episode, but then in the next, act the complete opposite. They should've shown the trauma first, then have her join GGO, & end with the fight in or similar to episode 2.

.......also finger gun is still extremely stupid. If the bully brought a model gun as she mentioned, that scene would've worked SO much better. Sinon probably still would've known it was a model, but her mind wouldn't be able to tell the difference due to the trauma & wouldn't be able to convince herself it was fake.

I don't think Sinon's history is too awful, but it comes across as silly and without any nuance. However, I can accept it.

Kirito's nurse was the worst thing about the episode, and Asuna saying that their fairy game was 'their home'
Yeah, her backstory wasn't terrible or anything, it's just it should've been a bit toned down or shown earlier. The idea is there, it just wasn't executed very well.

Also how is it SAO2 nurse was MORE pervy than Master Roshi? "I've already seen your goodies", like holy crap, I'm usually fine with characters who're pervy (well long as it's to legal characters or close to their own age), but man that just did NOT sit right with me, considering this was to a teenager. Would've been just as bad if the genders were reversed.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Gooood morning everyone.

Dragon Ball Z Kai:
Screw your space pirates, screw your Fake Namek, we're on the real deal and ready to gather the Dragon Balls all over again.
Also, Vegeta is back! And we get a taste of Frieza's new voice.

Kill la Kill:
Senketsu's powers are getting crazy. It has a massive AoE attack, and now it can fly. At least she's half-way done with the Elite 4. Every game always has the lame one...

Sword Art Online II:
Okay, so Sinon, or rather Asada, plays Gun Gale Online as a form of therapy as she suffers a form of PTSD so severe, that even someone pointing a finger gun at her is enough to make her lose it. I mean, I can understand having a panic attack when holding that toy gun, but pointing a finger at her seems overdone. Plus, this is SAO... it's not really equipped to handle situations like this.
Though to be fair, the stuff with Asada wasn't horrid... the stuff with Kazuto though FUCK THIS NOISE! It's one thing that people in the virtual world want his dick, but now people in the real world too?! Reki Kawahara once said he can't write a female character without her falling in love with Kirito. ... Maybe you should fix that!

Inuyasha: The Final Act:
Adventures in the present! She got into her entrance exam! ...
I kind of know how the series ends and now I'm wondering what the point was

Naruto: Shi- I don't care

One Piece:
Nami uses her mirages and a shitload of lightning to take out Kalifa. Another CP9 is down, only a few more left.
And Zoro is free, blood is going to flow! Mwahahahaa!

By the way SAB, (manga stuff)
Kalifa isn't dead. In fact, nobody is. Even Kumadori who got the absolute shit beaten out of him by Monster Chopper managed to survive. It was all showcased in a cover story. I wish the anime did these...
The idea of her being an online bad ass but unable to see one in the real world isn't a bad idea. After all in the game the people she shoots or if she gets shot its all pretend/fake and nobody really dies vs irl a real gun can really kill someone. The series also in the OP/ED does a good job of depicting Sinon as almost two personalities, her in game persona who's this top tier bad ass ggo player, and her irl persona where she's a meek girl afraid of guns who can't escape her past of murdering someone in self defense.

There is no excusing the finger gun thing though, that was stupid. The bully should have had a fake laser gun type weapon or a "look what I got from my trip overseas" and had one of those pop cap guns that makes a loud noise and smokes when you shoot it. Maybe have the bully even be a bit cruel about it and throw the gun at her with us "ooh afraid here use this show me how you used it before". Really play up the ptsd and guilt angle, heck my suggestion would further help establish Sinon's "irl me and ggo me are different people" angle for Kirito to swoop in and do the "no the you irl and the you in ggo are the same person believe in yourself" shenanigans piece. It actually wouldn't be that weird in the context of sao where Kirito talks about his home being alo.


So the bully points a finger at her, and she starts clamming up. Clearly we're supposed to be perplexed why she's freaking out, because yes, being scared of a finger is weird. This moment is meant to display a level of irrational fear. If it was a model gun, it may have been more difficult to place that irrationality - anybody might get scared if they thought it was real.

It's not hard to acknowledge how the event in her childhood could have impacted her long term. That said, it goes just a little too far in that a finger doesn't look or sound like a gun, and it's difficult to acknowledge that a person could be triggered so easily. Looking somewhat silly is inevitable (and perhaps not unintentional).

(If a finger gun is enough to bring back scarring memories, I'd figure there would be many other potential triggers rather than just sounds and images of guns.)

The later scene in her home where she starts screaming at nothing reminds me of Attack on Titan -esqe drama, where any subtlety in thrown out the window for an in-your-face demonstration.


Gives all the fucks
So yeah, I don't usually do Sunday morning reviews/analysis, but one thing that just frustrates me is when you have a decent idea and you KNOW it can work, but it's just executed poorly & you know it's not the fault of the idea itself, but how the writer/creator/etc. does it & you can think of many other ways it could've gone better.

The idea of her being an online bad ass but unable to see one in the real world isn't a bad idea. After all in the game the people she shoots or if she gets shot its all pretend/fake and nobody really dies vs irl a real gun can really kill someone. The series also in the OP/ED does a good job of depicting Sinon as almost two personalities, her in game persona who's this top tier bad ass ggo player, and her irl persona where she's a meek girl afraid of guns who can't escape her past of murdering someone in self defense.
Yeah, I agree with this & they stated that she played the game to help with her trauma. Again, this makes sense, but it was such a brief mention & we don't see ANYTHING of her overcoming the trauma in the game. Our introduction to her is being a skilled sniper. It probably would've worked better if we saw her slowly get better at the game, while still trying to get used to guns in real life.

& the idea of social online, but meek offline isn't far fetched, so again, I'm willing to accept that. I think the problem is from what we've seen, the game itself has had no effect on helping her. But I'm sure the show will tell us it did later on.

There is no excusing the finger gun thing though, that was stupid. The bully should have had a fake laser gun type weapon or a "look what I got from my trip overseas" and had one of those pop cap guns that makes a loud noise and smokes when you shoot it. Maybe have the bully even be a bit cruel about it and throw the gun at her with us "ooh afraid here use this show me how you used it before". Really play up the ptsd and guilt angle, heck my suggestion would further help establish Sinon's "irl me and ggo me are different people" angle for Kirito to swoop in and do the "no the you irl and the you in ggo are the same person believe in yourself" shenanigans piece. It actually wouldn't be that weird in the context of sao where Kirito talks about his home being alo.
EXACTLY. As much as I hate one-dimensional "we're bullies because screw you we're assholes for no reason", the scene would've worked better if SOMETHING ACTUALLY REPRESENTING A GUN was part of a scene. & then they could've have a scene where she stands up to the bullies because she's no longer afraid of guns and is finally fed up with them (which might happen later on, I don't know).
I think in the context of "had to murder a guy as a 5 year old and treated like a leper by your mother/society because of it" a no subtelty in your face moment IS justified. You just can't have said scene have been a follow up to an already unsubtle scene with the bullies. I also feel the scene with the bullies needed to be the unsubtle scene for a few reasons, so perhaps the subtle trigger could have been in her home after she first logs out of ggo, then have the origin explained, then the bully scene with the extreme melt down to show that despite many years and attempting to use ggo as therapy she's still trapped in her own mind by what she did as a child and society (in the form of the bullies) won't let her forget it either.

Again there are many ways these scenes with sinon could have been done which could have worked a lot better. SAO in a sense has the AOT problem where its few subtle scenes are buried beneath far too many unsubtle scenes which cause the latter to lose the impact they should have.


By the way SAB, (manga stuff)
Kalifa isn't dead. In fact, nobody is. Even Kumadori who got the absolute shit beaten out of him by Monster Chopper managed to survive. It was all showcased in a cover story. I wish the anime did these...

Going back to the discussion of filler last week. It is really puzzling they consistently do this when there is perfectly good filler material quite literally softballed to them.

The only anime that actually has pretty good filler more often than not tends to be Inuyasha. At least tolerable by most standards.


Gives all the fucks
I think in the context of "had to murder a guy as a 5 year old and treated like a leper by your mother/society because of it" a no subtelty in your face moment IS justified. You just can't have said scene have been a follow up to an already unsubtle scene with the bullies. I also feel the scene with the bullies needed to be the unsubtle scene for a few reasons, so perhaps the subtle trigger could have been in her home after she first logs out of ggo, then have the origin explained, then the bully scene with the extreme melt down to show that despite many years and attempting to use ggo as therapy she's still trapped in her own mind by what she did as a child.

Again there are many ways these scenes with sinon could have been done which could have worked a lot better. SAO in a sense has the AOT problem where its few subtle scenes are buried beneath far too many unsubtle scenes which cause the latter to lose the impact they should have.
Fully agree. The three biggest things should've been A.) rearrange the scenes while changing a few things (the biggest of the three), B.) fill us in on more certain details, & C.) introduced us to Sinon earlier before she was super good at GGO.

I still stand that there WAS potential to be had here. Last night's episode I wouldn't call bad, but there was clearly missed opportunities.
Going back to the discussion of filler last week. It is really puzzling they consistently do this when there is perfectly good filler material quite literally softballed to them.

The only anime that actually has pretty good filler more often than not tends to be Inuyasha. At least tolerable by most standards.

The issue is apparently when Luffy and the Strawhats aren't the focus ratings tank super hard. Ratings tank during filler anyways but more people are seemingly willing to tune in for filler adventures of Luffy and co and less willing to watch canon "where are they now"'stories :/

Fully agree. The three biggest things should've been A.) rearrange the scenes while changing a few things (the biggest of the three), B.) fill us in on more certain details, & C.) introduced us to Sinon earlier before she was super good at GGO.

I still stand that there WAS potential to be had here. Last night's episode I wouldn't call bad, but there was clearly missed opportunities.

SAO as a whole is truly the master of wasted potential. There are so many nuggests of good ~ brilliant ideas buried within terrible writing that it makes the series more frustrating when you can see these really good ideas and see them executed so poorly. Its part of why so many of us praise Log Horizon as its a series that saw all those nuggets and for the most part has masterfully handled them.


Going back to the discussion of filler last week. It is really puzzling they consistently do this when there is perfectly good filler material quite literally softballed to them.

The only anime that actually has pretty good filler more often than not tends to be Inuyasha. At least tolerable by most standards.

I believe them not doing that is based on how horribly the first cover arc did for them. Supposedly ratings bottomed out during the Buggy mini arc and Toei decided never to visit them again and instead just make filler.

It does suck, because most of the cover stories would be awesome to see animated. I still want to see Enel's grand voyage to the Moon.

Edit: What Bass said.


Has the AS's website version of naruto always had the opening?

Because I'm watching it to catch up and that it's there surprised me.
Watching Shippuden on demand to see the half I fell asleep during, why would they want to make a monk part of a ninja team? Are there no other ninja from the leaf to cover Sai?

Why does Kiba look wrong???

Cause he's not wearing his signature jacket

Well the rest of this episode was as terrible as the first half
I remember having a much stronger reaction to this episode of SAO the first time around. Now I just find myself frustrated, because I see very clearly how this can actually work as an effective backstory with some changes that are pretty minor.

1. The finger gun is stupid. I understand what's supposed to happen here: we're supposed to say to ourselves that Sinon is having a very extreme reaction to something minor and be curious as to what the reason is. But the the idea of someone freaking out over somebody else's hand is so deeply silly that it overpowers that intended reaction, and all that's left is complete disbelief. As usual, SAO needs to be way less dramatic about this whole issue; give the bully a toy gun. Preferably one that doesn't actually look very real to maintain some of the scene's intent, like one that's made out of wood or something.

2. The other reason the finger gun doesn't work is because we don't empathize with Sinon yet; the decision to place that scene as the first thing in the episode is baffling. Like I said, I know it's supposed to create this curiosity in the viewer, but it's so extreme that we need to understand her fear to relate. "She's being bullied" is not enough, and we certainly don't empathize with her because the camera was following her around all last episode. Hell, that last one just raises questions. If the robbery scene came first, this might not be as much of an issue.

3. And speaking of the robbery scene, good god is it overdone. Subtlety, what the hell is that? Sinon shoots this drooling psychopath (yeah, drooling, because of course) three times, including once in the head, before he goes down, with blood everywhere. We get the point if she just shoots him once; taking a life is traumatizing, especially for a child. But three times? The show is so excessive and melodramatic about this that it's actually less effective because it seems so ridiculously over-the-top.

4. I think, at its core, Sinon using GGO as a form of therapy is a good idea. But the extremity of her reaction in the real world versus being the most badass sniper in the game doesn't make a lot of sense. The show attempts to address it by saying she allows herself to build up this character around her like a wall, but I don't really buy it when we're talking about a VR game. GGO is supposed to feel completely real, so Sinon's ability to bridge that gap between "afraid of even hand gestures in the shape of a gun" to "greatest sniper ever in a virtual reality game" is completely unconvincing. And again, another easy fix. The problem exists because the show is so dramatic about everything; if her reaction to guns in the real world was less extreme, because the therapy was working, this could definitely work.

But this is Sword Art Online, so none of these rather simple changes were made.


This week’s theme was "nurses". We got alien nurses, sexually assaulted nurses and even a naughty nurse who peeks at your junk while you deep-dive into MMOs. Now, on to the reviews!

Dragon Ball Z: Kai - KLK must be rubbing off on DBZ as Bulma spent the first half the episode in just her underwear (not that I’m complaining or anything). With Vegeta quickly healed up, everyone is converging on Namek. While things are moving swiftly overall this episode was pretty tame and serves as just a setup for what’s to come. Bring on the Frieza fights! Rating: Kulilin

Kill la Kill - The Inamuta battle was mildly humorous but he’s not really much of a brawler anyway. His true purposes was to gather combat data on Senketsu. It should be pretty clear that Lady Satsuki didn’t expect him to actually win. What this episode is really about is the lovely and demented Nonon Jakuzure! Sarah Williams deserves an Oscar for her voice performance. She so perfectly captures Nonon in English, it’s astonishing and you gotta love just how over-powered her Symphony Regalia is. I also love the little character moments between Mako, Gamagori and Inamuta in the stands as they watch. Funny stuff. A great episode that leads into an even greater episode next week! Rating: Floating text is everywhere

Sword Art Online II - Sinon is surprisingly demure in the real world compared to her GGO persona. I wasn’t expecting that. I like the idea of her being afraid of guns due to a childhood incident, however, in typical SAO fashion they go overboard with the concept to the point where she’s throwing up at the sight of one and being afraid of finger pistols. Seriously?! Yet, what’s even more inconceivable is Kirito’s older nurse getting all hot-and-bothered at the sight of him! An okay episode sans the Kirito power-fantasy stuff. Rating: Obvious villain already revealed?

InuYasha: The Final Act - Up until now I’ve found Final Act to be a pretty decent show albeit mostly confusing and one note. However, this episode was 100% fantastic. First up, the comedy was legitimately funny. It contained REAL character moments with heart and emotion! The relationship between Kagome and InuYasha has actually matured for once! The animation was stellar, especially the subtle little character reaction shots. Best of all, I knew at all times what exactly was going on and what the stakes were. To me, this felt like a classic episode of Ranma 1/2 where the focus is more on the characters and their relationships rather than just battles and power-ups. I can’t stress enough how amazing this episode was. It really had everything. Even the music was great. Bravo! Rating: No joke rating here; 10 out of 10

Naruto: Shippuden - This was basically a “everybody meets Sora” episode because who doesn’t like seeing Rock Lee and his Ninja Pals? Apparently Sora is an even a bigger douche than Naruto and Sausuke combined which is hard to believe. There were a few moments of decent comedy but it’s overshadowed by the endless and dull exposition scenes that are all completely framed in the most boring way possible. That final scene of the big bad announcing his intent to kill everyone and then eating a sweet potato had me laughing out loud which I doubt was their intent. Better than last week but not by much. Rating: Who’s parents AREN’T dead?

One Piece - I really enjoyed this conclusion to the Nami/Kalifa fight. It’s great to see Nami kicking butt with confidence and smart tactics. The scene where Franky gives the thumbs up to Nami ripping off Kalifa’s clothes while looking for the key was hilarious. I also liked the plan of shooting Monster Chopper into the ocean to change him back. Great idea! I hadn’t even considered that. But the best part was that epic final shot of Nami, Sniper King and Zoro looking completely badass. If I have any complaint it’s that so far the battle between Luffy and Lucci has been really lackluster. Another great One Piece episode! Rating: Forecast Sunny

Attack On Titan - Sasha is glorious. Rating: Potatoes


Was prom fun? Ours was a blast, but nothing really happened expect just hanging out afterward. It was way more a friends partying and not "Let's hookup" sort of night.

Pretty much. I mean, I just talked with friends and played stuff like CAH, and even the couples weren't really hooking up (well, the ones I was with?)


Satsuki being miss high and mighty badass even when shes in kindergarden is kinda grating, actually. It's like she never grew into who she was... she was probably born with her head held high. I'd appreciate it more if she shows SOME kind of normal-ness, with moments of the lady she'd become piercing through. As it is now, it almost feels as heavy-handed as the fanservice.

I'll just recommend you continue to watch. Her being a badass, even at such an early age, does get addressed.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Who has alive parents in Naruto? Sakura, Ino, Shikamaru, Choji, Kiba, a couple more. Non-Canon™ characters? Almost none of them.
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