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Toonami |Apr15| Watching Toonami protects your brain from sorcery

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Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon S: Episode 96:

Ah yes, we have come to an infamous episode, at least where it concerns the Western release of Sailor Moon for this is one that established the cousin connection back in the day. Fortunately there is nary a mention of that choice and that is for the best. Anyway, we have now reached that point in the mini-arc where the Inner Scouts each get a focus episode, which is usually more then they ever got in the manga with a few exceptions. Anyway, the first guardian chosen is Mako for whatever reason as she is the latest so get a girl crush on Saint Juste-Sama and the Inner Scouts, uh, kind of start dealing with the topic of homosexuality and with the exception of Ami they come across as some close-minded jerks about the issue. Of course I suspect that many of the other scouts harbor these same feelings and are just kind of jealous but Usagi really looks bad here, ironic given her counterpart.

Anyway, we are given some insight in Mako that I honestly thought had been mentioned before but maybe I am thinking about the manga and that is because she is go tall and tomboyish she set out to do very feminine and traditional activities. We also get deeper insight into Hakura and Michiru and we see them actually playing the secret identity game Clark Kent style. By that I mean the civilian identities act so differently nobody would believe that the two are one and the same. We also learn that The Outers are on a mission to stop the premonition seen in the season opener and they will execute their command by any means necessary, especially Uranus. Michiru does being up the idea of ending the hostilities and joining up with the Inners but this is shot down because Hakura doesn't think the Inners have the stones for sacrifice. Perhaps not but the Inners are learning very quickly how cruel and callous their counterparts can be an tensions are rising as the first cross exchange of blows occurs. All and all, this was a surprisingly top shelf episode, highest recommendation to watch.

Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon S: Episode 97:

Right, so this time around the focus is on Ami and this time we are in for a subversion of her usual episode and it actually give a new layer of depth for her. As it is known Ami's hat, her identity, is usually centered around be the insecure girl genius who is a the top of her class and plans on becoming a world class doctor. This episode see her question that very identity for the first time after a long lecture with the Vice-Principle. Ami comes to the realization that studying may become her entire persona and the her dreams may be more because of the legacy of her mother.

I do have a bit of a problem with this episode as it puts forth a contradiction in the personality of Ami, that she is so non-confrontational that she will hold back against opponents she feels are of a weaker skill set, which is the crux for her offense against Michiru. We have seen previously that in spite of her demure appearance and a supposed lack of confidence, Ami is fiercely competitive and she hates the thought of losing to somebody, especially in academics. Also, footnote here, this is the first episode to specifically identify Michiru and Hakura as partners. Anyway, strong recommendation to watch. Yea, I am seeing why the Super season is the most highly praised thus far.


If anything S is awesome because almost everyone gets to be an utter purr to Usagi and Mamoru and usually just to push Usagi's buttons.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
If anything S is awesome because almost everyone gets to be an utter purr to Usagi and Mamoru and usually just to push Usagi's buttons.



The killing in Self Defense and getting zero help for mental health thing might just about be the only thing not played up for the camera in SAO.

Seriously, the fact that there's a mental health public service thing in Japan that works (kinda) in Psycho Pass (btb; why is that on toonami not a thing?) is what makes that story Sci Fi.

Bring Psycho Pass to Toonami pls

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Been watching Rosario+Vampire whenever I'm grinding out quests in Xenoblade (I pause it for awesome music time+cutscenes) and boy howdy is the audio mix loud as balls on the dub track on Netflix. Lowered my volume from 80 to 60 percent and its still louder than most shows at 80!

This show is bananas...and not in a good way. I'm trying to finish up the entire Netflix anime catalog of dubbed shows and I've seen everything good.

Man God

Non-Canon Member

start listening to podcasts instead man!

...I do that (and even more audiobooks) pretty much all day at work, in the car, in the shower, walking the dogs. I run out frighteningly quick. This is what I do to relax!

I'm taking a break from old wrestling for a bit and if I want to grind in Xenoblade I can't be watching subs. I might see if I can get a free trial of Hulu and watch One Piece to break it up.

When I'm not playing Xenoblade I'm catching up on subbed One Piece. I've got around 35 left.


Gives all the fucks
Been watching Rosario+Vampire whenever I'm grinding out quests in Xenoblade (I pause it for awesome music time+cutscenes) and boy howdy is the audio mix loud as balls on the dub track on Netflix. Lowered my volume from 80 to 60 percent and its still louder than most shows at 80!

This show is bananas...and not in a good way. I'm trying to finish up the entire Netflix anime catalog of dubbed shows and I've seen everything good.
All I've heard/seen from pics is that it's one of those anime adaptations that kind of bumps up the fanservice when the manga didn't really have or was toned down in comparison.....which then sadly sacrifices the otherwise decent story it had going for it.

Always find that interesting, considering an anime version tends to tone down content sometimes (especially Shonen Jump stuff).
Been watching Rosario+Vampire whenever I'm grinding out quests in Xenoblade (I pause it for awesome music time+cutscenes) and boy howdy is the audio mix loud as balls on the dub track on Netflix. Lowered my volume from 80 to 60 percent and its still louder than most shows at 80!

This show is bananas...and not in a good way. I'm trying to finish up the entire Netflix anime catalog of dubbed shows and I've seen everything good.

The manga shifts from a harem series to an action series. It's a lot better, but it's still not that great, especially toward the end.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Wait for clients to call/email and then drive out and fix whatever goes wrong, rinse, repeat. I mainly work from home so if I can do something over the phone or by email I get to be incredibly lazy. Audiobooks are perfect because I just pause when a phone call comes on, take it with me to the car if I have to go somewhere far, rinse repeat. I also drive almost an hour and a half most weekdays to watch my nephews and help my mother and walk my sister's dogs for an hour.

My work doesn't pay well but I'm self employed, have a ton of time off most weeks and get to enjoy the company of my family most days. That and plenty of time for audiobooks.

On non Toonami days off when I'm doing housework or playing a game I don't need to pay full attention to I've been known to listen to public radio/podcasts/audiobooks for 20 hours straight. Especially back in the day with MMOs/Diablo/Pokémon.

EDIT: Rosario+Vampire is a show OBSESSED with its fourth wall breaking narrators (who details how long the fight in the episode lasts) and panty shots. (it changes the color and pattern of said panties almost every episode) One nice addition to this otherwise awful piece of harem genre is that the dub is really funny in parts and even has some of my favorite, dubbed Funimation songs! Space Dandy is a werewolf!


That sounds wunderbar Mangod. This office life ain't for me. I'm outta here in a year.
Probably to another office, but at least one in English I guess. What good's a law degree eh?

Man God

Non-Canon Member
My brother is a lawyer but because of his wife's job ends up practicing small town law. It's a real pain for him.

Meanwhile I make even less but have no loans, a place to live, and get to see my cute nephews whenever I want.


I can't concentrate if I'm listening to Podcasts, so I normally just have music on in the background. Now that Baseball is back, I listen to the Phillies if there is a day game instead.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I can't concentrate if I'm listening to Podcasts, so I normally just have music on in the background. Now that Baseball is back, I listen to the Phillies if there is a day game instead.

If I had a more convenient delivery device for MLB's audio feed I'd probably listen to more west coast beisbol at night to get me to sleep.
I can't concentrate if I'm listening to Podcasts, so I normally just have music on in the background. Now that Baseball is back, I listen to the Phillies if there is a day game instead.

Podcasts and/or catching up on LPs and Giant Bomb videos for me when I have homework or cleaning to do.

Been trying to branch out and look for more podcasts instead of just the usual super best friendcast and bombcast. I've been enjoying 8-4, RPGcast, and especially the Cathedral of Shadows podcast recently for my Japanese gaming fix.


Haven't posted in here in awhile but I like how the Crunchyroll ads are cut so as not to spoil One Piece but they still don't give a fuck about Naruto spoilers.

Was flipping through channels and saw it and laughed.


Gives all the fucks
EDIT: Rosario+Vampire is a show OBSESSED with its fourth wall breaking narrators (who details how long the fight in the episode lasts) and panty shots. (it changes the color and pattern of said panties almost every episode) One nice addition to this otherwise awful piece of harem genre is that the dub is really funny in parts and even has some of my favorite, dubbed Funimation songs! Space Dandy is a werewolf!
Yeah, the manga was nowhere near as obsessed as its anime counterpart, as far as I remember. Granted, it still had chapters with harem elements, but it still knew it had to be an action/Shonen Jump manga first, especially when it came time for the main character to stop being protected by everyone else & fight for himself.

I don't even remember the manga breaking the 4th wall.


Gives all the fucks
"After a certain amount of interaction, Pepper asks the user to stop, takes their picture, uses facial recognition to determine their age and gender, and then posts that information along with a mosaic of their face on Twitter."

HAHAHAHAHAHA, holy crap. This reminds me of when pirated versions of Cross Days (School Days' sequel) would ask you for information, but then post it online along with a screenshot of whatever was on your computer at the time being, & the only way to take it down was publicly admitting you pirated it. Best part was it was actually mentioned in the terms & services that's what would happen if you accepted.

Edit: Oh man, the robot will even try to slap you? I laughed harder than I should have at that part.
Another quadruple million! Surprised viewers didn't dip out after SAO.

What the hell is going on with One Piece at 2:30? -_- That's the third time AOT did better than it.
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