I remember thinking the dub was a very 90's dub...even though the show came out in the early 2000's...
I remember while watching it, I felt like it was a '90s artstyle made with 2000s technology, which makes it look really off. Like they didn't factor in the fact the style wouldn't look good with digital coloring & such.
So it's one of GXP's stronger points then?
GXP is one of those shows that I remember very little of in specifics but do remember that I didn't like it.
How's that OVA series that came out a while back BTW? Is it any good? Or does Tenchi continue its streak of bad/mediocre shows.
Tenchi shows gets unilaterally worse as they release. Tenchi Ova>Tenchi Universe>Tenchi in Tokyo>Pretty Girl Sasami>GXP>OVA3>War in Geminar>Ai
Especially in the art department. The gap is widest between Tokyo and Pretty Girl Sasami. The last truly good Tenchi product in Universe.
The movies also break the rule as they're all pretty good.
Disagree. Daughter of Darkness wasn't that good if only because it needed an extra 40 minutes to tell the story it wanted.
Catching up on Dimension W, I like how episode 4 found a way for moe-bot to be nude or in a bath towel for half the episode
you here tonight?
Yeah but look at what I'm comparing it to. Everything after Universe is some form of hot garbage. Each show inexplicably looks worse than the one before it. It's like some Benjamin Button shit. Not to mention the writing.
I mean, there's only so many times you can rehash the same plot points and same general genre points all the time.
It also doesnt help that Harem shows literally go by the same beat.
The decision to air GXP on modern Toonami is probably the most baffling decision the Toonami team has made.
Did no one stop and ask "Hey....do people still like Tenchi Muyo? I mean this show looks pretty old. There's not much action. It makes references people won't understand."
Why isn't Trigger making more of their best show?
"April Fools, we forgot to clarify it's actually the 1999 version of Hunter x Hunter, enjoy the older version!"Wonder if/what April Fools thing they might do.
Should I watch another episode of Tenchi
I also found 4 hard ciders in my fridge that were hidden, so now I can drink away the pain
regi never replied to me last night :<
God almighty we were in enie's lobby two years ago?The schedule this week two years ago.
11:30 - Space Dandy - 1 - Live With the Flow, Baby
12:00 - Bleach - 339 - Protect Ichigo! The Bonds of Friends!
12:30 - Naruto Shippuden - 14 - Naruto's Growth
1:00 - One Piece - 248 - Franky's Past! The Day the Sea Train First Ran!
1:30 - Blue Exorcist - 7 - A Flock of Plovers
2:00 - Black Lagoon - 3 - Ring-Ding Ship Chase
2:30 - Naruto - 14 - The Number One Hyperactive, Knucklehead Ninja Joins the Fight!!
3:00 - Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex - 22 - SCANDAL
3:30 - Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood - 7 - Hidden Truths
4:00 - Samurai Jack - 10 - Jack and the Lava Monster
4:30 - IGPX - 23 - Fate
5:00 - Star Wars: The Clone Wars - 33 - Lightsaber Lost
5:30 - Sym-Bionic Titan - 5 - Roar of the White Dragon
and yes, that was the premiere of Space Dandy.
No, that was still Water Seven.God almighty we were in enie's lobby two years ago?
God almighty we were in enie's lobby two years ago?
When is the John Cena anime coming to Toonami?
EDIT: Oh you meant the "you have a problem"? Dude you complain about your schoolwork in every other miitomo response.
They purposely nerf Luffy and Zoro before they fight anyone in the east blue.
>19 answers
>2 about school, 1 with school in a list with other things
Yeah, I'm not quite to sure what you're going on about.
I only use miitomo to spam peoples in boxes with æ repeated over and over again
since you're allowed only 170 characters per post, and it takes you mii about 1-2 seconds to say, I can spam people with 3 or 4 minute annoying voice clips
it's like im really playing Moonbase alpha
tfw Taro Yoko is your friend on miitomo cuz you friend requested him early before all the other friend requests.
One Piece 31-44:
Amazing. Best arc so far. I absolutely love how this series has so many strange little details, like the pinwheel on Genzo's hat, that seem completely arbitrary but then come back in really big ways. Oda is such a master of foreshadowing. I'm not someone who's typically moved to tears when watching something but I absolutely had some rolling down my face during this arc.
My only complaint would be how Luffy's stupidity kept making the situation worse. However, I can't really complain in the end when he fearlessly comes through for his friends like he does. I simply adored Nami's backstory.
No it wasn't.The schedule this week two years ago.
and yes, that was the premiere of Space Dandy.
... what the fuck @ this episode
Ah yes, this is the one where Meg attempts to drug Chris so this gay guy she likes can have his way with him without either knowing.
You had it red though!No it wasn't.