Kinda, but only a few characters really hit that spot for me in KLK. Ryuko is one, Jakuzure is another.
Yeah, the bikini DLC for the new One Piece game is quite...something.Fun perv fact, Perona begins rather flat chested but by the end of the arc she rivals Nami. It's what Oda does to every female character but on a much faster scale.
One of these days, I need to look up if Parasyte had an OST released. I wouldn't mind listening to tracks like this one.
I was never fully sold on Dimension W, but after the last few episodes it totally lost me. And I don't simply mean the plotline. Essentially, if you are going to dump exposition in the way that show does, you have to earn my attention first, but you didn't.
My biggest problem with Parasyte is that it's not great. It's just okay, and it doesn't seem like it should be just okay.
I'm having a similar problem with another show this season.
Joker Game, much like Parasyte, has a premise that seems very un-anime like, and themes that have always interested me.
But then I watch it, and it's just kind of standard fare.
It's not exactly fair, but I can't shake this dislike I have of Parasyte.
The world may as well be waiting for Borderlands 3.moar liek battleBORED
This was almost a very different series.After watching the series we know this would have been possible.