Reviews for August 16, 2014:
Attack on Titan - I really enjoyed this episode for two reasons. First, they explained a lot about the titans; going into detail about how they weigh so little and apparently get their energy from the sun. Second, Hanji. Shes cray-cray and its fun to watch. She looses it when those two titans are killed but overall I find the most likable characters in this show are those who arent in a permanent state of PTSD.
Bleach - Thank god the training is probably over. Chad could lock himself in that game forever and I wouldnt care. Best part of the episode was Orihimes cute donut craving and Riruka being Riruka. All this Fullbringing stuff has really taken this show off the rails and not really in a good way. An okay episode but probably one of the weakest of the night.
Space Dandy - Fantastic episode. Silly and entertaining. Music wasnt bad either. Johnny is clearly the perfect equal/foil to Dandy. They think so much alike. Honey was really bringing the fan service.

I bet the Gogol Empire hates Dandy even more now for siding with the Jaicro Empire. Oh, who am I kidding? Theres no continuity in this show. Lol. Rock on, Dropkix!
Truly industry changing performance.
Naruto: Shippuden - Okay, Ill admit it, I enjoyed this episode. Its neat to see all these side characters now older and more skilled. Shinos jealousy was pretty funny and even Choji appears to no longer be just a joke character. Hinatas thirst for Naruto continues to ridiculous levels. That poor, cute girl deserves better. But where was Ino? The new characters ninja art (geez) at least looks interesting.
Why not send in more than one team?
One Piece - Another great, action packed episode. Everybody is getting work done even Franky with that bite to Spandam! Having Rocket Man take down that giant was pretty a pretty epic moment and its good that all of the Straw Hats have finally arrived. Now we just need Robin to get out of her stupid funk! That three-headed judge was serious WTF One Piece material.
Gravity can figure out how they land, not Zoro's problem.
Gurren Lagann - What can I say? An epic start to a truly epic series. I hope this episode has been burned into everyones memory because there will be so many great callbacks to come. Just like a spiral, this show starts from this small point and then spins larger and larger all the way to the very end. Thats just how Team Gurren rolls.
That was amazing.
Absolutely amazing.
Kamina is awesome. I'm loving Simon too.
Beware the Batman - This show is bad and it should feel bad. Batman did almost nothing this episode except be a punching bag and then reverse engineer black magic? Ultimately, it was a pre-teen hacker girl who actually saved the city. Its shouldnt be a surprise as this series is so clearly written for 6-8 year olds. When souls started to float around like a tornado I couldnt stop laughing. To top it off, the ghost of Katanas dad shows up, says goodbye, then flys up into the sky only to explode! WTF?!
Damn. Even the computer knows Batman is going to job against Ra's
Black Lagoon - Great episode that delivered what I was hoping for: Ginji and Revy putting these fools down with gusto. That one leader punks death in the pool was especially delicious. Also, that moment when Revy started to get creepy turned on by Ginjis ability was slice bullets was amazing. The only thing I didnt like about the episode was when Yukio was so ungrateful for Rocks help. She apparently hates him because he wont commit to being a killer? I dont really understand her reasoning.
Well that's the best death I've seen
Naruto - Good episode. Not great but mostly good. It starts out dumb with the three-stooges trying to be badasses and just getting jobbed. Then Sasuke goes full Super Saiyan and it gets pretty awesome. If Sakura was an actual ninja she wouldnt have stopped him. Those sound ninja are clearly evil. Let ninjas ninja, Sakura!
Oh LOL I remember this part, Sakura and co. is all like "WE ARE GIVING IT OUR ALL" and then Sasuke wakes up and kicks all the bad guy asses anyway
I fell asleep after that. All in all, a great week from what I saw! Now I need to send feedback to the Toonami Tumblr and ask them to air those Gurren Lagann eye catches. They only add 9 seconds to each episode, geez! Regardless, I plan on posting them for download each week.