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Toonami |Aug14| Melodrama Marathon

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You'll need a region free Blu-Ray player to use it.

Still way cheaper to get one if you don't have it and the UK set.

I mean can't the PS3 play any region disc or is that just for video games?

I mean in the end I still do own the DVD set if I ever watch to rewatch the series just would be nice to get the blu ray set at a reasonable price

Man God

Non-Canon Member
I mean can't the PS3 play any region disc or is that just for video games?

I mean in the end I still do own the DVD set if I ever watch to rewatch the series just would be nice to get the blu ray set at a reasonable price

LOL NO. US and JPN PS3 are a region 1 Blu Ray player which includes US and Japan.

That's in fact the entire reason why Aniplex charges as much as they do; they don't want Japanese to reverse import when they're used to paying insane prices for their shows.


Does netflix still have Gurren Lagann cause that's how i watched it.

I wouldnt judge someone who bought the dvds and then d/led the series online in HD.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Does netflix still have Gurren Lagann cause that's how i watched it.

I wouldnt judge someone who bought the dvds and then d/led the series online in HD.

Nope, Netflix does not have it anymore.

The story of Netflix and TTGL will have to wait a few more weeks though.
Guys, it just keeps getting more confirmed. English Space Dandy>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Japanese Space Dandy.



why did people hate the dub so much again?

I havent watched the sub cause the dub is incredibly well done, but idk why people made such a stink about it


I don't think anyone is hating on the dub. The Space Dandy OT is pretty positive about it. The only "hate" I remember is some people didn't like QT's autotune voice near the beginning.


I don't think anyone is hating on the dub. The Space Dandy OT is pretty positive about it. The only "hate" I remember is some people didn't like QT's autotune voice near the beginning.

I remember there being drama in the beggining about the dub changing dialogue or something.

I may be remembering wrong though


I remember there being drama in the beggining about the dub changing dialogue or something.

I may be remembering wrong though

One of the animators made a big deal about a line that was changed for Honey in the first episode. Turns out it didn't matter whatsoever.



look what came in the mail today

I promise I'll wear these while watching Gurren Lagann
I wont, they annihilate colors, so i'll prolly wear them while watching Beware the Batman


I don't think anyone is hating on the dub. The Space Dandy OT is pretty positive about it. The only "hate" I remember is some people didn't like QT's autotune voice near the beginning.

They are out there, don't worry :p

I will say though, I thought Sinclair played Dandy a bit too chipper for a good bit of the most recent episode for my tastes.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Honestly, the game isn't even particularly difficult throughout, so there is no necessity to complete the side quests, which are a complete drag on the gameplay and game mechanics.

Also, in case you were wondering if the side quests flesh out the poorly developed characters more, the answer is no.

My biggest problem with the game was the complete dearth of actual character development and the fact that the plot completely falls apart in the last third of the game. It felt as though Monolith had just given up.

So many checked off cliché boxes, it was ridiculous.

You and I clearly did not play the same game. Either that or you gave up far too early in the sidequests.

Also there's tons and tons of character development for the main two cast members and the final third of the plot is really strong. If anything it's the first third that feels forced and cliche, if still expertly handled.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Bleach is...far away.

I am going to start covering filler episodes though on Monday! Don't know when but I have the day off.


Junior Member
You and I clearly did not play the same game. Either that or you gave up far too early in the sidequests.

Also there's tons and tons of character development for the main two cast members and the final third of the plot is really strong. If anything it's the first third that feels forced and cliche, if still expertly handled.
I completed all the side quests.

Making a decision or changing one's mind isn't true character development. The characters just bounce from one idea to the next without any grounded character building.

"There's tons and tons of character development for the main two cast members"--Even though I find that laughable in itself, even if that were the case, the game has a dozen other major or minor characters who get nothing.

The entire resolution to the game was one giant cliché. The antagonists were comically evil and lacked depth. The game's characters and plot were a complete mess.

At least the gameplay, minus the side quests, was fun.


Looking forward to Hellsing Ultimate.
I'll definitely make sure to stay up well into the night watching Toonami once it starts airing.

Oh and hi! I actually have been lurking in these threads off and on for about a year now. Finally got my account validated. I love all the talk about the shows as they air.

Its a shame Nintendo has had such a poor time selling some of its consoles. So many good games wind up on them.
Really excited for Xenoblade Chronicles X down the road.

Hi. I repost these fairly often for juniors, largely because the last two aren't very visible (hidden in the F.A.Q. forum)


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Man God

Non-Canon Member
I was going to turn it into a joke but you've both ruined it for me.

He's probably talking about Soul Eater Not.

Oh damn, I completely read over the "Not" in his post.

Or, more accurately, I read it as "Is Soul Eater not worth watching?"

Watched Soul Eater on Netflix and then again with everyone here when it came to toonami. Saw Not on hulu and was wondering if it was worth getting into.

It already has one strike for the dumb title.


Gives all the fucks
Is Soul Eater Not worth watching?
It's worth watching Not.............NOT.

It just felt like wasted potential. It teases you with the main characters & a few side-characters from the original series & you think "Oh cool, I'll get to learn about them before they became partners & it'll be a prequel!" but no, you're stuck with K-On: Soul Eater Edition girls. They're not all that interesting & the villain, while cool & would have fit rather well with SE, just feels wasted here & easily defeated.

It would have been SO much better if we learned how, say, Soul & Maka met up. We get a LITTLE bit of Patty & Liz and their wild behavior before they officially became Death the Kid's weapons, which actually was nice to see. I wanted to learn more about the characters that I liked in Soul Eater, not see these 3 omg kawaii slice of life cliches do things that contribute NOTHING to the plot until later on in the series. Hell, the damn side-characters were doing more to contribute & advance the plot. It should have focused more on them.

At the very least, it was funny watching Dr. Stein troll the characters at times.
Soul Eater Not was a disappointment, the few moments of something decent are drowned out by moe crap or bad animation

Soul Eater 1-37 is amazing, after that drop because the gecko ending is GARBAGE


I forgot to mention I fell alseep before GL. Can I get a recap please?

Gurren Lagann Episode 2:

While being chased on the surface by two gunmen, Simon is afraid and tries to dig his way back to Giha Village. Kamina jumps out and faces the gunmen head on with only his sword but is saved from being crushed by Simon in Lagann who carries all three away, running. Kamina scolds Simon for running away from a fight. Simon, heavy with fear and doubt, apparently causes Lagann to suddenly power down uncontrollably and the trio are left helpless. Thankfully, they are saved by gun fire from the members of Littner Village, Yoko's village led by its friendly leader Dayakka. After one of the gunmen is destroyed, a furry humanoid creature jumps out that retreats with the help of the remaining gunman.

Yoko explains that beings called "Beastmen" are what pilot the gunmen that the members of Littner Village have been fighting all their lives. Beastmen (in gunmen) arrive every sunrise to attack the humans on the surface but always retreat before sundown for unknown reasons. Littner Village used to be an underground village like Simon and Kamina's but its inhabitants were forced above ground and now they have to fight on the surface to survive.

That evening, Kamina thanks Simon for rescuing him earlier as they gaze up at the night sky they've never seen before. Leeron, the flamboyantly gay engineer of Littner Village, appears and takes great interest in Lagann. He also teases Kamina by pretending to seduce him to hilarious effect. Leeron explains that some records show that people used to live on the surface hundreds of years ago while other records show they never had. It's a mystery. While gazing longingly at Yoko, Simon's Core Drill suddenly glows again which allows Lagann to power up. Yoko asks Simon to use Lagann to carry the remains of the broken gunman back to Littner for scrap. Along the way they find the bones of a human killed by beastmen which they bury but Kamina stubbornly thinks it's a waste of time to bury the dead of people who can't survive on the surface.

That night, Kamina has a dream where he remembers going to the surface with his father but being too afraid to stay with him. He watches his father, who wears a skull laden bracelet and long cape, walk off leaving him behind. They are jolted awake the next morning by the sound of gunmen landing nearby. It's the same two from yesterday but now joined by a new, much tougher red gunmen. It seems the gunmen are propelled from far away and land near the village, causing the tremors. Simon, who is again unable to start Lagann up due to his fear, realizes that the earthquakes that killed his parents were caused by the gunmen's tremors on the surface. This sends Simon into a rage and Lagann powers up.

Kamina notices the red gunman, who's face he likes, and decides that he's going to hijack it for himself. With Simon's help, they force the beastman out and Kamina climbs into the cockpit. However, he can't seem to make the gunman work. The other two gunman attack and knock Kamina down where he lands on another human skull. Seeing the skull has a strange effect on Kamina who then concentrates and forces his "fighting spirit" to build until finally he can power and control the gunman. He saves Simon then grabs Lagann and throws it at the other gunman in a move he calls the "combustion of manly souls cannonball attack"! The drill on Lagann destroys the two gunmen and the only remaining beastman runs away in fear. With the battle won, Kamina decides to name his gunman "Gurren".

Later that night, Kamina finds the skull that he saw and decides to bury it, apologizing for landing on it. As he starts to dig, he notices the skeleton is wearing a cape and bracelet. He realizes this is the corpse of his long dead father, and breaks down and cries.


This doesn't have much to do with anything, but Toonami.com is down right now and I chuckled at Adult Swim's 404 message.


Not just any bar either. It was their place, a dimly-lit haven from the noise, that constant wheeze of taxi tires on wet pavement; a place once enlivened by the sight of the man leading his lady by the arm to the edge of the mahogany bar. The couple always sat beneath the television, their eyes rarely shifting from each other's mouths, as if their words cast shadows. On this night, however, the man chooses a stool at the opposite end and slumps dejectedly. This surprises the bartender, a burly asthmatic, who stops swiping a glass. With a knowing grin the bartender ambles toward the man.

"What'll it be?" the bartender asks despite being fairly certain the answer. The man always drinks 14-year-old scotch NEAT with a sidecar of warm water, alternating sips between the two glasses; whereas his former flame would knock back whatever vodka struck her fancy that evening, be it flavored or rock gut.

"What'll it be?" the man responds incredulously, his eyes glassing over. He glances over the bartender's shoulder to the TV, a cathode-ray relic that beams the snowy image of a football game, as if it mattered. Summoning the words, the man lays both palms flat upon the bar. "I'll tell you what it'll be," the man says. "I want my life back. I want to be under that TV with the person I love. I want the eight years I invested erased from memory. I want to know why she left. I want answers."

Below the bar, the bartender taps the phone tucked in his pocket. He knows everything and nothing.

"What you're looking for ain't here," the bartender replies.
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