For some reason, that reminded me of this comic.Plus you get to room with 3 hot waifus!
I've never watched anything eva
best episode
I've never watched anything eva
everything people say about Evangelion makes me not want to watch Evangelion
Cell ain't shit
no lies there. Especially imperfect cell, that dude goes from L to L and had to beg to get his powerup. 5 characters (Vegeta, Trunks, Android 16 (via suicide bomb), Goku and Gohan) could have whooped his ass. Tien, who hasn't been shit since Piccolo first showed up, holds his ass down for a long time.
I do have to admit that having Cell be weaker to begin with than Piccolo and Android 17 but then survive and become stronger than them was neat. Then Imperfect being so outclassed by most of the top stars was a nice change of pace. He even ends the whole thing with one miracle powerup to nearly beat someone who completely outclasses him.
I know this goes against what I just said but hey, I give it points for being different. Goku usually just barely outclasses the villain at the very end or is on par/a bit weaker than them and everyone else isn't even remotely in the picture.
Imperfect Cell though...he might be a bit too weak. Goofy looking too compared to regular old cell who is SCARY AS FUCK. I'm glad I was a teenager when I saw that shit. Dude is creepy!
Being different doesn't automatically make it good
Toriyama never actually wanted Cell to absorb the Androids. The Shonen Jump editors told him that his big bad had to have a transformation, so he absorbed 17, and that 2nd form got such a bad reception that he forced to have Cell absorb 18 too. Guess Toriyama just stopped giving a fuck and made Freeza 2.0. Funny thing is he brought back Second Form Cell to kill Goku as fuck you to the people who hated that form.Cell was easily the coolest villain who got instantly lame as hell the moment he powered up and it all went down hill from there.
Beware the Batman has taught us this lesson well!
Toriyama never actually wanted Cell to absorb the Androids. The Shonen Jump editors told him that his big bad had to have a transformation, so he absorbed 17, and that 2nd form got such a bad reception that he forced to have Cell absorb 18 too. Guess Toriyama just stopped giving a fuck and made Freeza 2.0. Funny thing is he brought back Second Form Cell to kill Goku as fuck you to the people who hated that form.
I heard Kubo recentlyI know, another classic example of editors messing things up and the author getting a big FU to people who hate something he liked
The reverse has clearly happened with Bleach with Kubo giving a big FU multiple times to fan favorite Toshiro who he clearly doesn't care much about
I heard Kubo recentlytoo.killed him off
Bleach Manga spoilers:
The way it has been translated, it seems Kubo gave himself an out to revive him. That being said, fuck that jobber. I hope he dies horribly. I wish more authors had the balls to kill major and minor characters more often. Kubo clearly hated him seeing how much he trolled him throughout the years.
Imperfect Cell though...he might be a bit too weak. Goofy looking too compared to regular old cell who is SCARY AS FUCK. I'm glad I was a teenager when I saw that shit. Dude is creepy!
I agree with him imperfect cell does loon goofy as all hell
it's not that he doesn't look goofy, it's that there's no way in hell he looks goofier than this:
"Imperfect Cell though...he might be a bit too weak. Goofy looking too compared to regular old cell who is SCARY AS FUCK. I'm glad I was a teenager when I saw that shit. Dude is creepy!"
If I'm reading this correctly he's saying
Imperfect Cell aka Cell after absorbing 17 is too weak and goofy looking compared to the original version of Cell aka Cell when he first shows up which is creepy/scary
I think you read his post wrong
isn't the first form of Cell generally referred to as Imperfect Cell?
Yes, and the second is called semi-perfect, but Man God said in a previous post how cell after absorbing 17 was a massive jobber who lost to everyone including Tien of all people and had to beg for his powerup. The fact that he says "imperfect was too weak/goofy" leads me to think Man-God is calling the second version of Cell Imperfect (which I've done too) and the original version of cell "old". Its the only way his two posts on cell make any sense
"Originally Posted by Man God
no lies there. Especially imperfect cell, that dude goes from L to L and had to beg to get his powerup. 5 characters (Vegeta, Trunks, Android 16 (via suicide bomb), Goku and Gohan) could have whooped his ass. Tien, who hasn't been shit since Piccolo first showed up, holds his ass down for a long time."
Man God is calling Cell's 2nd form imperfect, Cell's 2nd form is the one that gets blasted by Tien
The only form of Cell I like is the first one. Not only is he strategic and cunning (he got dumber with each transformation) but he reminds me of a horror movie villain.