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Toonami |Aug14| Melodrama Marathon

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I got rid of it when i was given it as a kid

Yea the art style is something eerie at times. Like I wouldn't show it to kids until maybe 2nd grade. I think I mentioned it here but I recently came back to it after not seeing it for maybe 8 or 9 years. Still my top 5 animated films, the time away from it for so long makes me appreciate it more


I've never seen a Studio Ghibli film


Im happy Seda finally feels my twitter pain of
1) Mention series
2) Get crazy reactions of "what do you mean you havent played/seen X or Y?!?!"


I guess it makes sense since Seda has said he doesn't watch much else in terms of anime other than what airs on Toonami. I think they have aired a Miyazaki film or two before, but I couldn't tell you when that would have happened.
I was not a fan of the last few ghibli titles, but seeing them potentially shut down is saddening none the less. At least give us Ni No Kuni 2 before going for good.


For the most part I'm probably up there with Seda in the listing of things I haven't seen. I only saw Spirited Away because Toonami did that month of Miyazaki years ago.

Everything else is threw DVD's, Toonami or Netflix.


Sketchbook Picasso
Jack no longer the cock of the walk

Considering the Looney Toons show JUST made a song titled that not long ago... I still think Miiverse would hit me with indecent sexual content if I put that line, lol.

Rahs looks like final form Freiza

LoL, yeah, that... didn't even think about it, but yup! New entry to the approaching Battle of Gods...

Good job SAB CA!

Thanks Mike! After catching up with JP One Piece over the past 2 days, and JoJo's I... totally forgot Rei made her debut on Crystal. I fell asleep vowing to watch it after awakening, haha.

Good stuff SAB.

Nice to see even you are swapping BE over to TTGL early :p

Tengen Toppa Shiemi! Digging through with her WAIIIIIITTTT!

Good stuff SAB

Honestly a fairly weak night overall :/ Will sleep on it and comment more in the morning

Thanks, and I kinda agree. I thought it might have just been because I anime marathon'd One Piece over the past days (the only way I can walk away from Modern OP happy is to see like 10 eps per time, so the pacing isn't totally maddening, lol), and because I've seen the shows that have the most hype moments already.

Dandy was cool, but I admittedly didn't like it as much as the previous episode by the same staff. The begrudgingly given respect showered with childish insults between Dandy and Elderly just felt too predictable for me, I guess?

Decided against buying Elfen Lied at the con. 20% off the retail price, but since I didn't know their price, I bailed. Always nice to rely on Amazon

LOL, When I first started to shop Cons, the dealerroom was ALWAYS the exclusive place to get whatever I was looking for. Especially their early-releases and harder-to-find items. Plus lots of Import Soundtracks and games without the cost of going through an expensive middleman for shipping or such.

Now... I shop every convention table with Amazon opened on the side. Even the pre-releases direct from Funi or such are normally cheaper on Amazon, and come out a day or 2 after the con is over... The CD and Game places are way less prevalent, and even the Manga deals for Last-day-madness sales are rarely as cheap as buying from Amazon again.

The people I end up buying from most are those that do sweeping sales, like all their DVDs for 5 dollars, even box sets, or the real rarities that are barely available on line anymore... it's really changed over the years!

Which Con did you go to, BTW?

Crap I fell asleep during CA... again n
Good shit. Somebody gotta fill them holes Eren.

Titan Construction Co. Manga, COMING SOON!

Good morning everyone.

Good work as always SAB (I know I don't I mention it enough....)

Th-Thanks for Noticing! ;_)

Watching Shippuden kinda disjointedly why Sk'Dumpin, I actually through Chi'yo's death was played fairly lightly, lol. Naruto had a "Girls, am I rite?!" comedy moment in the middle of the only thing to make Sakura useful in the arc suddenly dying on them. As much as she talked about "IN THIS FINAL HOUR OF MY LIFE!!!" stuff, he somehow missed the memo that she was giving her life to give some to a guy who'se been dead for the past 4 or eternity episodes.

Seeing Spectacular Spiderman again on Saturday Mornings, it magnifies how much better BtBatty could be. I didn't mind Al Gul's intro much, but everything else feels so... how did Bats tell off Katana for being too close to a mark... when he just went through the same thing last episode? The show feels so inconsistent in competency levels....

Studio Ghilbi is ded yall


What is this I don't~~

Eh was never a fan of Ghibli.

We'll never escape the 8-bit sounds. NEVER!!!

I always felt like Ghibli has a good balance of beautiful work that doesn't 100% alienate foreign audiences. Considering how much modern JP animation seems to pidgeonhole itself into the more embarrassing niche aspects... I've probably grown to appreciate them more as time goes on, really.

I love the nostalgia of old school gaming probably more than the next 4 guys in line, but even I find it odd for such sounds to come out of an obvious PSP. You'd think Ichigo would be getting dumped into Crisis Core-level 3D, or something SquareEnix 3D caliber. Cross-promotion with actual RPGs would have been appreciated here.

I'm perfectly fine with us somehow getting dumped into Chun-Li's SFII stage, however.

Eren's crazy eyes are killing me. Great sketch dump.

Titan Emotes will always be fun to draw, haha.


Glad you guys liked the DUMP! I apparently had horrible time management skills last night, before and during Toonami, partially to blame on UNIEL, I feel like I haven't had a fighter I wanted to grind out higher combos as much on since KI (What's a BlahBlue?) and that totally took some of my attention somewhere.

Ending the night with Jack feels so weird. Probably because it's the only last-of-night show that reached the spot without be feeling fresh with knowledge on the episodes in question. It feels less like a wind-down for the night, and more like approaching a new high that suddenly ends. And the Bats/Lagoon switch will never feel right. "Like all that anime? Here's some middling CGI before we go RIGHT back into ANIME!" Ugh.


Thanks Mike! After catching up with JP One Piece over the past 2 days, and JoJo's I... totally forgot Rei made her debut on Crystal. I fell asleep vowing to watch it after awakening, haha.

I've been re-reading the manga concurrent to the series and don't like how they are taking the humor bits out.

Also, Usagi Tsukino=Boa Hancock.


...Man, how many weeks has it been since I participated in a Toonami watch... Too many.

Gonna try to catch next week so I can watch the Blue Exorcist ending live.
Besides Dandy and Sailor Moon, this new anime season has kinda sucked. Thank god for JoJo. My eternal rock.

I'd throw in Akame Ga Kill and Resonance in Terror on the list of enjoyable anime that started airing this season. Still on the fence about Aldnoah Zero there are parts of it I really like and parts of it that make me groan.


I'd throw in Akame Ga Kill and Resonance in Terror on the list of enjoyable anime that started airing this season. Still on the fence about Aldnoah Zero there are parts of it I really like and parts of it that make me groan.

Shit, forgot Terror in Resonance. I haven't watched Akame Ga Kill. I'll look into it. At this point I just want to watch Aldnoah just to see these assholes all get their shit pushed in. I like nobody in the cast anyway.
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