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Toonami |Aug14| Melodrama Marathon

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None of the current crop of anime has that big name feel/appeal that will guarantee a spot on Toonami, well besides SMC in a few years.
Gonna agree with everyone and say Tokyo Ghoul. Maybe Zankyou No Terror since it gives off a Death Note vibe, which was popular back in the Adult Swim Action days.


Attack on Titan - After a lenthy recap of the previous two episodes, we finally get some success on the part of the humans. Nice to see Eren can now control his titan form. Seeing that puked up "people-ball" was gross. Good episode. I even liked the music.

Bleach - Not a bad episode but not great either. Riruka continues to be the only character with any life. The rest of the cast seem like they're drugged. Orihime was surprisingly unphased about being suddenly transported inside a PSP.

Space Dandy - A pretty episode but also dull. It was a sweet enough story but it was also kinda bland and predictable. It's one of those episodes where I feel like I'm missing the appeal because I'm not Japanese. Btw, is wearing loincloths normal when fishing or something?

Naruto Shippuden - Chiyo died so that Garra could live. Naruto, of course, is the last person to realize it. Other than that, nothing much happened which is par-for-the-course with Shippuden. Not bad but seemed like more padding. New ending was alright and judging from some of the comments we get new characters next week which sounds cool.

One Piece - The giants came out of nowhere and was a fun twist. I like how the show uses a map of the island with icons to illustrate where everyone is. Unlike Shippuden, a lot actually happened despite the fact that there was a whopping EIGHT minute recap a the start of the episode!

Blue Exorcist - I didn't expect this week to reach the levels of insanity of last week but it certainly came close. I still can't figure out if the audience is supposed to like or hate Satan. Clearly the show is making demons themselves as ambiguous but is Satan just a misunderstood demon who murders humans or is he truly the overlord of Gahanna (which I assume is hell)? Also, the dialog in this episode was hilarious. “What are you going to do? Attack me with your tits?” Best moment of the night. /dead

Beware the Batman - It wasn’t a terrible episode but I can’t help but make fun. The show just makes it so easy to mock. Batman gets easily beat down by Ra's al Ghul but then Ra’s all like. “You’re a worthy opponent, Batman.” No he’s not! You just dispatched him with ease! Also, why didn’t Batman notice the glowing green eyes on that dorky dude yet Katana did? They never miss a chance in this show to have Batman make mistakes. I get that he’s early in his career but if you make him this green, he’s no longer the badass that is Batman. The 75th anniversary short was very cool but WAY too short.

Black Lagoon - This is probably the first episode of Black Lagoon where I was legitimately bored. So much confusing exposition. I’m not sure what exactly is going on aside from some kind of negotiation with Rock as an interpreter. I don’t know why this Yukio girl is going to be attacked. Hopefully next week will both explain this as well as bring back the action.

Naruto - Sakura gets saved by the best character, Rock Lee. I like this arc. Sakura is kind of a pushover but I think she makes up for it coming soon. The squirrel was a bit corny, though.

Just an average week. Nothing extraordinary. The climax of Blue Exorcist is next week and after that, IT’S ALL ABOUT THE DRILLS, YOU BOZOS!
2:00 or 2:30 seems like a good spot. The show is very talkative and requires the viewer to pay close attention.
It wouldn't mesh well if it aired later than 3 AM.

well, they did say Death Note would fit on the block so i think their definition of "action" is a bit....flexible

I guess buildings blowing up can count as "action". Only slightly.


Considering Aniplex pretty much has a slot reserved on Toonami, aside from SAO II, Aldnoah Zero has a pretty good shot I think. I've heard some mixed things about episodes 4 & 5 but I thought the first three (especially the third episode) were fine.

Next season has Terra ForMars. That would be Toonami appropriate.

I can imagine that being......problematic for reasons I'm sure you can figure out

"Toning down" is an understatement. An entire group of characters would have to be completely removed.

I have no desire to read the Akame no Kill manga. Spoil for me what about the series is SO EDGY & DARK!

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Does anyone have the beautiful booty gif from the musical episode of Space Dandy?



Thanks bleach breh, will check out tomorrow. Missed AoT but I've seen it already and bleach as well but ill just catch it next week. Its a new arc for bleach right? Like its out of filler


Random input time
Finished flower ps4

Super Mario 3D World
Kirby Triple Deluxe
Trails in the Sky

Cant decide. Leaning towards 3d world...?

Or i guess Ys
Or higurashi? I started it freshman year, never finished
Or that go go nippon visual novel i could do in the morning probably...
Agh. Backlog. Why!


Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon Episode 25

Ah yes, Nephrite may be gone, but unlike Jadeite there is actually some fallout from his departure.
The human energy he gathered has awakened the true big bad Queen Metaria and using the Dark Crystal as a tuner the hunt for the Silver Crystal is back in focus vis a vis the Rainbow Crystals and the revival of the seven dark warriors.
As fitting as the episode that kicks off the second half of the season, we are finally introduced to the fourth Sailor Scout. The very tall, the very strong, the lightning bruiser Makoto who I'll be honest is my least favorite of the supporting scouts.

I still like her more then Usagi but I have always found her less interesting then the others. That being said Makato brings her own unique dichotomy of holding a few vestiges of her original idea while also attempting to be ultra feminine. Also, love lorn, very love lorn, like when you are making Usagi shake her heard over romantic ideals, it might be time to take it down a notch. At any rate, the new monster dichotomy is now
pulling the rainbow crystals out of humans and turning them into monsters, which give Sailor Moon her mid-season upgrade, the iconic Moon Stick and its healing escalation.
Overall, a find start to the Zoicite Arc and as usual highest recommendations to watch.

Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon Episode 26:

Oh yes, the first season of Sailor Moon has really hit its stride by this point as it delivers, maybe not the most plot critical episodes, but still important in showcasing the true heroic qualities of Usagi. I will admit while the Crystal remake has many issues, one thing it has done a vastly better job is showcasing in spite of the flaws of Usagi why the other scouts would so readily follow her. Meanwhile in Sailor Moon Classics, her selfish and cowardly demeanor has lead to distrust and doubts from the other Scouts about Usagi's ability to lead. I should also note that this was a plot thread the DiC dub picked up and ran with along side Rei's rivalry and recast her as an outright would be conniving usurper, more on that later.

Anyway, this episode is also about the Naru
and her attempts to move on with life after the death of Nephrite and it is rather impressive how much gravitas Naru has at this point, of course it helps that she is struggling with some very heady issues that have some real meat to it, but it is a far sight better then the shallowness we were getting from early in the season. I will also say that I like Rainbow Crystal set up the most out of all of the power gathering ideas as there is a real sense of progression towards the end goal episode to episode. Definitively an improvement of the vagueness of the Nephrite arc and the downright randomness of the Jadeite arc. On the other hands the monster of the week thus far suck, just terribly designed atrocities that would be laughed out of an episode of Power Rangers, I do hope that gets an improvement soon.
Anyway, this episode carries a high recommendation to watch.


Finally caught up with random anime I've been watching outside of Toonami. I'd be down for Terror in Resonance to show up on the block, but I agree it wouldn't air early. 2am would be about perfect as an action break after some shounen antics. Jojo would probably fill that spot as well just for being way weirder than any of the traditional shounen that fill out the top spots. I love Jojo, but it tends to be even weirder than One Piece while also cranking up the action to 11.

Tokyo Ghoul would fit well early, outside of the
copious amount of blood and violence, but I'm sure that's not really a big issue.
Personally, my only issue with it so far is
the weird shift between episode four and five with how odd it felt. Like, "I want to consume him myself, but I'll let him go" only to pick him back up like 1-2 days later. It almost felt like I missed an episode in the middle or something.

Definitely looking forward to TTGL as I haven't seen it in ages. Maybe a refresh with the movies are in order to help pump me up for the show, though diving in for the first time in years might be epically awesome.


3D world wins hands down.

I am playing all classics this month.

Super Mario Galaxy 2
Super Metroid
DKC Returns


3D world wins hands down.

I am playing all classics this month.

Super Mario Galaxy 2
Super Metroid
DKC Returns
Okay! 3d World it is :3

I got galaxy 2 for $15 new so im gonna replay (er? I didnt do *everything*) in galaxy 1 before it then play through 2 eventually.


Unconfirmed Member
Black Lagoon - This is probably the first episode of Black Lagoon where I was legitimately bored. So much confusing exposition. I’m not sure what exactly is going on aside from some kind of negotiation with Rock as an interpreter. I don’t know why this Yukio girl is going to be attacked. Hopefully next week will both explain this as well as bring back the action.

She's the actual boss of the yakuza group that hired Balalaika's forces.


yeah my impression was that the Yakuza boss had hired Hotel Moscow, but thought that things were getting out of control and they were going too far

and Balalaika was like fuck you, you lil' BITCH, I call the shots on this shit

and then the boss tried to stop her and got Tyrannosaurus Rekt

so now the girl is taking over

and Rock is like oh goddammit

and Revy is probably going to kill that dumb asshole who beat up Rock

and shit is probably going to go real bad for somebody, or maybe everybody

in conclusion, Black Lagoon is a land of contrasts


yeah my impression was that the Yakuza boss had hired Hotel Moscow, but thought that things were getting out of control and they were going too far

and Balalaika was like fuck you, you lil' BITCH, I call the shots on this shit

and then the boss tried to stop her and got Tyrannosaurus Rekt

so now the girl is taking over

and Rock is like oh goddammit

and Revy is probably going to kill that dumb asshole who beat up Rock

and shit is probably going to go real bad for somebody, or maybe everybody

in conclusion, Black Lagoon is a land of contrasts
Really the only people I'm sure AREN'T going to die are Rock, Revy, and Balalaika.


in conclusion, Black Lagoon is a land of contrasts

This is probably the biggest takeway. The difference between the world of Ronapaur and the rest of society (Japan) and from here on out in is only magnified in the future of the show.

This arc is definitely a different monster then the past, and we havent seen much fighting but the story and character development are worth trade off, friends.


This is probably the biggest takeway. The difference between the world of Ronapaur and the rest of society (Japan) and from here on out in is only magnified in the future of the show.

This arc is definitely a different monster then the past, and we havent seen much fighting but the story and character development are worth trade off, friends.

This is one of the reasons why I really liked this arc.


They should honestly bundle seasons 1 and 2 with the OVA at this point. Surprised their hasnt been a sale with them combined, unless they are making that much money off of them alone


Gives all the fucks
They should honestly bundle seasons 1 and 2 with the OVA at this point. Surprised their hasnt been a sale with them combined, unless they are making that much money off of them alone
Agreed. I would spend $30-ish if I could get the entire series + the OVAs bundled together. I stated it before, but I don't feel like buying the OVAs when it's only 5 episodes & costs only a few dollars cheaper than the 24-episode series.


Oh and since it's been awhile since I said it,
Roberta still ain't shit

Rather deal with tsundere from Bleach for season after season then see Roberta's overpowered ass


We are not friends anymore, you and I.

it's the sad truth, friend

Don't worry, one of these days when you get older, have a family, that white picket fence house and living in some mid west town in America, you will say to yourself.

"Damn.....all those years ago, Gorillaz had a point. He was....He was right. Roberta really ain't shit"

You wouldn't have to call me or contact me in anyway because I would sense it in the air that you came to your senses.
it's the sad truth, friend

Don't worry, one of these days when you get older, have a family, that white picket fence house and living in some mid west town in America, you will say to yourself.

"Damn.....all those years ago, Gorillaz had a point. He was....He was right. Roberta really ain't shit"

You wouldn't have to call me or contact me in anyway because I would sense it in the air that you came to your senses.

Revy>Bakalava>CIA Nun>Sango>Roberta


That's it. You, me, duel, tonight by the Merry. Loser has to leave ToonamiGAF.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
Roberta is still great...I just prefer basically every other woman in BL.

As far as what is going on in Japan right now.

Yugioh's dad was the former leader of her clan. Guy in the spiffy suit was the second in command, Battosai the manslayer was their preferred hitman. Guy in spiffy suit wanted the five families to recognize him as the new leader of the clan for years now, but he isn't a direct blood relative of the clan so they refuse him over and over again with Yugioh being the only one they would accept. Her dad didn't want her in the business though. Seen as being weak the rest of the local Yakuza have muscled in on their territory. Guy in the suit made a deal with the local Russians to put light pressure on the Yakuza group muscling in on them. They are lead by a fuckup and our favorite Russian eventually gets called in to clean up his mess...and take over the entire territory. She immediately starts doing heinous shit involving straight up indiscriminate murder and explodering, more or less on purpose knowing that the Yakuza's sense of honor will get them to strike her first so she doesn't break her word. Plan works more or less exactly as planned, the daughter is now the head of the clan and the Battosai is back to Manslaying.


Roberta is still great...I just prefer basically every other woman in BL.

I actually agree with this. She's a badass maid, but outside of that, there's next to no characterization or depth. I haven't seen the OVA, so that could change, but right now she's probably the weakest female character in the show.

Sorry Schad.


Ova wise she's more "grounded" especially mentally, has a very weird story, but still has very terminator, how the fuck do you survive this, moments.I don't hate her but I don't like how much she was made into almost being this angel of death in the series altogether. Ending spoilers
she got nerfed to hell by the end to the point she might never actually show up in anyway so I'm glad

I can give a mini review/full thoughts on it but I'll wait it out a bit. Let's see what happens with the show after season 2 ends and if there is anything in the water for the OVA to be shown on TV at some point, which I think it will.

So yea, Schad we can meet at sundown for this shit.
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