why does this boondocks episode have more action than 90 percent of shippuden?
The Boondocks doesn't have to stretch the action out over ten episodes.
why does this boondocks episode have more action than 90 percent of shippuden?
i can't wait to find out what will be the worst Batman show.
Beware the Batman or Gotham?
Ivy Pepper. Because they think people are idiots.
Gotham better not last 10 seasons like Smallville did... that was a waste.
i'm going to watch Smallville one day. all of it. don't try and stop me.
You're a madman. A madman!
I really should catch up on all the DC animated movies I've missed
I sort of lost interest after the DCAU ended and then again after they screwed over Young Justice
One can hope, but it seems likely the only reason Beware the Batman is on the block is because DC doesn't care enough about it to say no.Conversely, I do hope Beware the Batman leads the way to Young Justice or even some of the DC DTV stuff on Toonami.
Wonder Woman was great, but my favorite is Under the Red Hood. Great movie.
John Dimaggio needs to play the Joker again. He was amazing in that.
I'm scared of the amount of ridiculous tomfoolery thats going to be in the Blue Exorcist finale.
I'm excited for it.I'm scared of the amount of ridiculous tomfoolery thats going to be in the Blue Exorcist finale.
why does this boondocks episode have more action than 90 percent of shippuden?
I thought it was the consensus that Family Guy used to be good.I actually thought the early seasons of FG were pretty good.
Splinter cell is nearly finished downloading on my WiiU and I wont have any time to play it because toonami night D:
2)Conviction is much better than blacklist, fair warning.
1) ive always wondered- what thread is your tag from?
2)Conviction is much better than blacklist, fair warning.
Dont get the reference since I missed last week's toonami cause I was in Alabama for a family reunion![]()
I mean, Aaron did say he was a big anime fan. But that obviously shows with Madhouse(?) doing the animation.
He is a Wantabe mark.
Man, the nap I took for Toonami took a lot out of me. It was super hot in my room and I woke up all sweaty.
Madhouse did the animation for Boondocks? I thought it was some other studio.
Man normally it takes me to Tsun-Tsun to feel like that
Madhouse did the animation for Boondocks? I thought it was some other studio.
*turns channel to Family Guy*
*see half-naked Meg*
*shoots TV*
Made it for Toonami tonight. Light on snacks though. They didn't have my cheese curds at the store.![]()
According to the Wiki, it's Moi Animation for the first three seasons. Studio Mir for Season 4.
Man, the nap I took for Toonami took a lot out of me. It was super hot in my room and I woke up all sweaty.
Man normally it takes me to Tsun-Tsun to feel like that