I originally did the three-episode rule and raged quit. I'll need to remember what is what and what happened this time just so I can continue on with y'all from episode 4 and afterwards.
EEEK! A Class-1 beast monster! [Screams unconvincingly]
I'm gonna go to the capital and make a name for meself, yo!
Everyone there IS a monster! Argh! OMG! Oh Noez!
Tatsumi gets the Uncle Phil throws Jazz out the door treatment.
Yes, yes! Please teach me, Big Sis! O////O
Bro, we closin' up shop. Sorry, but she took the money and ran. No one's fault but your own.
Suddenly some carriage comes by with a rich girl.
Pretty quick hospitality there.
"I-YAY-su?" What in the fuck, is he unable to pronounce I Eh Ya Su?
This is your good luck charm, you better NOT SELL IT! Keep it on your chest at all times to protect you from stabbing.
The ruler is being controlled by the minister like a puppet, so everything is awful here. This place is full of degenerates, plus we have to deal with nighttime terrorism.
Oh goody, another entry to my diary. Oh?
I'm not doing a Jim Ross impersonation on the first episode. No way, not appropriate.
The Night Raid are standing on top of strings like a bunch of spiders.
Mercy? I don't know what that is.
You're not the target. Unamused face.
Why don't you open the door?
And Aria snapped.
No way, I'll do the kill.
This pacing is faster and less convincing than I remember. Whatever, it's not like it's that important for a 1st episode.
Wait, I said let me bury my friends.
Congrats, you are now a member of Night Raid.
Them jumping off into the camera is totally like some X-Men cartoon or Gargoyles shit.
Wow, I have no idea who any of these people are. It's like the entire cast list is full of new people I've never heard of. So far this dub is entertainingly bad in an amusing way. Not a great start for a Sentai debut in the lineup. Good God, even Aniplex has better dubbing than this shit, haha.