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Toonami |Aug15| You know, Luffy, we really are One Piece

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Gives all the fucks
I actually wonder if they'd reair anything from pre-revival Toonami. Though considering all the reruns going on before the block was shortened, I guess they still have the rights to a decent amount of shows.

I figured they'd aim for something post-revival like Deadman Wonderland to air it one more time before the rights were up or something, plus let those who missed it the first time around be able to see it.


No Scrubs
I actually wonder if they'd reair anything from pre-revival Toonami. Though considering all the reruns going on before the block was shortened, I guess they still have the rights to a decent amount of shows.

I figured they'd aim for something post-revival like Deadman Wonderland to air it one more time before the rights were up or something, plus let those who missed it the first time around be able to see it.

I doubt it, the rights likely ran out ages ago.


Zonic is mean-spirited and ruining my enjoyment of Michiko and putting me down and insulting me for liking more mature shows. T_T

Kappa I knew you were talking about Shippuden.

Normally I would say please wait a little while longer, but I would understand why it doesn't interest you up to this point. The pacing is kind of rough sometimes, and sometimes it does feel like it goes places, so I get why you don't feel interested. I simply find it refreshing to have this type of show because I think it cures my boredom.


Gives all the fucks
Normally I would say please wait a little while longer, but I would understand why it doesn't interest you up to this point. The pacing is kind of rough sometimes, and sometimes it does feel like it goes places, so I get why you don't feel interested. I simply find it refreshing to have this type of show because I think it cures my boredom.
I should also mention that I did watch the original Naruto when it premiered on Toonami for quite a bit when I was a teen (like, what was that filler episode they tried to see under Kakashi's mask? That's the last one I remember, & to be fair, it was kind of funny), but it fell under the same umbrella of other shows I just stopped caring about (like Bleach) because I was getting older and long-running shows where arcs could take MONTHS to finish up were no longer interesting to me/took too long for my tastes.

So to "fully" go into Shippuden, I would feel as though I'd have to go back, finish the series, then start fresh with Shippuden in order to catch up, & I just don't have the time nor patience to do that because of the fact I feel as though I'd miss something if I didn't go back and finish the previous stuff up. & if I went in fresh, well again, I think I'd just be bothering you guys with a crapton of questions that would already be answered by "well it was explained in a previous episode/chapter that...".

I don't even know how I was able to get back into One Piece considering that was another show I was starting to lose interest in when I was getting older and didn't really feel any desire to continue watching after it was taken off Cartoon Network/Toonami. Probably helped post-revival Toonami started on the arc right after the one they were originally airing, so I guess I figured I didn't really miss much & what I did miss wouldn't take as long to catch up.


Amen to that. I would watch a random episode of Shippuden here and there, but my patience for Shounen ran out after finishing the Bleach Fullbring arc after skipping from the Grimmjow fight. I don't like the other two of the Big Three, which is why I love Michiko a lot. Definitely a case of tastes changing as I get older.


I think everything on the block is new to me now except for some of DBZ and all of AoT. On to the reviews!

Dragon Ball Z: Kai - I liked Goku's solution to getting his body back and trapping Ginyu in the frog. A satisfying foil for Ginyu's OP technique and surprisingly quick thinking on Goku's part. The scenes with everyone on Freeza's ship went on for a tad too long but I do kinda like seeing the characters prepping for battle. Although, I don't really consider stretchable fabric or a healing chamber to be "light years ahead" of what's on Earth. Earthlings do have Capsule Corp, after all. Nail giving away the plan to stall Freeza was not only stupid, it was down-right out of character. At least he survived, I guess. A decent episode. Rating: Ribbit

Akame ga Kill - This had a lot more comedy than I expected. It wasn't particularly funny comedy but it was okay. The tone shifts throughout the episode were rather jarring. I definitely got a "slightly better than 90's anime" vibe while watching but mixed with good, modern animation. The OP was fine but nothing great. As for the voices, I'm conflicted. On one hand it's very refreshing to hear voices we haven't heard 100 times before. The performances however were a mixed bag. At least Tatsumi wasn't as bad as I feared. The world seems kinda poorly defined. Maybe it'll improve as the series goes on but right now it's like a weird mix of medieval fantasy and contemporary modern day. For example, Tatsumi is dressed like a typical Japanese high schooler. That sweater and undershirt makes no sense in a fantasy setting. As for the episode's plot, I liked it. I especially liked how the nice family turned out to be a bunch of crazies. When the girl went all wacko evil, it was a pretty creepy turn. Did she have a demon heart or was she just insane? Overall, this wasn't a stellar debut but I'll give the show a fair chance. It definitely has one good thing going for it: the tall, blond catgirl Leone. I do like her. =^.^=. Rating: Damn that rack

Michiko & Hatchin - Someone said that English voiced Michiko makes her character less likable than in the original Japanese, and maybe that's true, but it doesn't excuse her constant terrible behavior. She cold-slapped Hatchin in the face at least THREE times this episode. Frankly, I'm ready to give up on Michiko at this point. Hatchin deserves better than this shit life. I find myself rooting for Hatchin at every turn and yet I never root for Michiko. Rating: Not so Happy Birthday

Sword Art Online II - Exposition dump overload. Basically we learned that Asuna is a cheap version of Yukiko Amagi in real life. Now that she, Kirito and Yui have their virtual cabin back.. well.. I have no idea. I guess that's good? You would think she'd have nightmares of that place where she was forced to stay while her life was in peril. I also refuse to believe Kirito lost a battle. At this point, I just want to know who the new purple hared girl is. Other than that, I don't give a crap about this mysterious swordsman. Rating: True dat ya'll

Naruto: Shippuden - Plot and action wise, this was a vast improvement over past episodes. Things are actually happening and seem relevant to the plot. I could have done without all the cutaways to Shikamaru's shogi lessons, however. This show still suffers from too much "in-your-face" symbolism. Still, there was some actual tension for once in a long, long, long while. Also, Naruto wasn't seen once which might also have helped. Yes, this was a good episode. Here's hoping this continues! Rating: Shadow Door Jutsu!

One Piece - A rather nice wrap-up to the Enies Lobby arc. At least, thats what this felt like. It could still go on for all I know. Robin's final blow to Spandam was delicious and felt completely justified. At first I thought she was going to kill him (and wouldn't have blamed her) but I'm glad she took the high road and simply paralyzed him. That shit-stain deserved it. I'm also fairly certain Franky's sisters are going to totally have their way with Paulie. Lol. Great episode. Rating: CLUTCH!


No Scrubs
Sword Art Online II - Exposition dump overload. Basically we learned that Asuna is a cheap version of Yukiko Amagi in real life. Now that she, Kirito and Yui have their virtual cabin back.. well.. I have no idea. I guess that's good? You would think she'd have nightmares of that place where she was forced to stay while her life was in peril. I also refuse to believe Kirito lost a battle. At this point, I just want to know who the new purple hared girl is. Other than that, I don't give a crap about this mysterious swordsman. Rating: True dat ya'll]

The fact Kirito didn't lose until he had that talk with the other player means he totally threw the match. Bass gave me a spoiler a few weeks back as to what this arc is about and I can pretty much see how this is going to go.


Bass said this had something to do with cancer victims looking to have their names remembered in the game. I'll put dollars to donuts that this duelist is has been diagnosed with cancer and is looking to create a legend so she doesn't get forgotten after she dies. Kirito, being not entirely dumb, asks her why she's doing the whole challenge thing and she tells him the above. Being a decent guy, Kirito throws the match and allows her to create her legend.

I'd put money on the above being what's going on.


The fact Kirito didn't lose until he had that talk with the other player means he totally threw the match. Bass gave me a spoiler a few weeks back as to what this arc is about and I can pretty much see how this is going to go.


I'd put money on the above being what's going on.

I'm going to avoid those spoilers because I find this show much more enjoyable when crazy things happen that I don't expect. Also, I forgot about him talking with the guy. He probably did throw the match. However, as usual, Mr. Perfect keeps secrets from his girlfriend/wife otherwise we'd know what he said.


I'll make a final post on KLK after I watch the special episode later.

Man, black Patrick Seitz brings a smile to my face. He makes you remember Agil, just like how he makes you remember Simon Brezhnev, the Russia Sushi chef in Durarara.

Still comparing Asuna to Yukiko, I see.
Ken/Koromaru winning EVO is total injustice. Buff Margaret or RIOT!!

The cast list for this final arc was put out some time ago. I'm interested as to how Ryuko Matoi's voice fits for that girl.


Really disappointed with Michiko as a character. I really hope they're going somewhere with this.

Now I know why they made Hatchin's previous home life so awful. It's the only way living with Michiko would seem an upgrade.
I like that Michiko is a really flawed character. She doesn't know how to take care of Hatchin and was probably smacked around a lot as a child so she assumes that smacking her around is normal as well.

While I think the two leads are really endearing, I don't know what they're doing with the story. I can't tell if they're just using Hiroshi as a reason to have the Adventures of Michiko and Hatchin, or if there's actually something else here. Its still early though and the episodes are enjoyable enough to definitely keep going with it. Animation and music are great as well.


But Michiko isn't simply a poor parent. She's practically unfeeling. She brings Hatchin to tears on a regular basis and then just sorta shrugs it off and stares blankly. If Michiko doesn't have a personal revelation soon, I think her chances of being a worthwhile protagonist are lost.
But Michiko isn't simply a poor parent. She's practically unfeeling. She brings Hatchin to tears on a regular basis and then just sorta shrugs it off and stares blankly. If Michiko doesn't have a personal revelation soon, I think her chances of being a worthwhile protagonist are lost.

That sounds like poor parenting to me.
Good point. I still think her character is in desperate need of redemption.

I agree. I also think we're a 1/3 of the way through the show and considering this show is all about these two characters, I'm fine with how slow paced their character progression is. I'd be a lot more worried about this show if Michiko already went through her character progressions, but then reverted back to slapping Hatchin and being a bad parent again a few episodes later.
Two Three Ways To Know You're a Creeper:

1. When You're Rushing To Get Some Action

2. When You Touch A Woman's Hair Without Asking

3. When You're Voiced by Chuck Huber


Gives all the fucks
Amen to that. I would watch a random episode of Shippuden here and there, but my patience for Shounen ran out after finishing the Bleach Fullbring arc after skipping from the Grimmjow fight. I don't like the other two of the Big Three, which is why I love Michiko a lot. Definitely a case of tastes changing as I get older.
Yeah, with Bleach, I just stopped caring around the Bound or Bounts or whatever those vampire things were. I think if I had to pinpoint around the era I started losing interested in long-running stuff, it was around the time I was in high school, or around 16 years old. I think it was then I was able to start accessing other means of watching anime outside of TV, meaning I had a much higher variety to choose from, so I started feeling like why focus my time & energy on watching longer running, but fewer shows at a time when I can watch shorter, but more shows at once.

As for Michiko, I wouldn't be surprised if in a few more episodes, she'll finally realize "well shit, maybe if she really is my daughter, I should actually start acting like her mom." I totally understand everyone's reasoning about Michiko's attitude towards Hatchin, but I guess one way to look at it is that this whole "parenting" thing is new to her as well, so she's not entirely sure how to act. Obviously doesn't excuse her behavior at times, but hopefully the show realizes that Michiko's character will eventually need to go an actual change later on.
Akame ga Kill - This had a lot more comedy than I expected. It wasn't particularly funny comedy but it was okay. The tone shifts throughout the episode were rather jarring. I definitely got a "slightly better than 90's anime" vibe while watching but mixed with good, modern animation. The OP was fine but nothing great. As for the voices, I'm conflicted. On one hand it's very refreshing to hear voices we haven't heard 100 times before. The performances however were a mixed bag. At least Tatsumi wasn't as bad as I feared. The world seems kinda poorly defined. Maybe it'll improve as the series goes on but right now it's like a weird mix of medieval fantasy and contemporary modern day. For example, Tatsumi is dressed like a typical Japanese high schooler. That sweater and undershirt makes no sense in a fantasy setting. As for the episode's plot, I liked it. I especially liked how the nice family turned out to be a bunch of crazies. When the girl went all wacko evil, it was a pretty creepy turn. Did she have a demon heart or was she just insane? Overall, this wasn't a stellar debut but I'll give the show a fair chance. It definitely has one good thing going for it: the tall, blond catgirl Leone. I do like her. =^.^=. Rating: Damn that rack

It does become clear there's a lot of stuff going on in the world, what with the danger beasts, teigus, multiple resistances, towns outside the capital, etc. Of course the only thing that really gets explored is just how fucked up the capital is, with the above list used as a vehicle for that.

I do feel it's a pretty cohesive world, but the anime kind of fucks that up by going the original route.


Gives all the fucks
I still say that while the Akame ga Kill dub isn't terrible, it does feel kind of '90s-ish & lackluster in comparison considering how well Funimation & Aniplex have dubbed the shows we've gotten on Toonami over the years. But it's not as bad as I thought it'd be after last week's preview. If anything, they need a better director as to how to inflict their voices at certain moments/words. A good example would be when that princess girl started to freak out. Kind of sounded underwhelming for what's suppose to be a "crazy" moment.

I'm not AS fearful for the Parasyte dub now (considering one of the main characters is suppose to be deadpan/emotionless), but I'm still skeptical. Even more so with the fact we probably won't get to sample the dub until a week before it airs.

Man God

Non-Canon Member
AGK dub was borderline bad/mediocre. Some of the dialogue was hilarious though. Dubs are almost always done sequentially though so it might improve as the episodes go on.
The fact Kirito didn't lose until he had that talk with the other player means he totally threw the match. Bass gave me a spoiler a few weeks back as to what this arc is about and I can pretty much see how this is going to go.


I'd put money on the above being what's going on.

If you really want to know the reason that SAO gives us for the above


Yuuki/Zekkan the purple haired swordsman in the OP/ED is so good because she is fighting for her life because she knows her time left is limited before hiv kills her. Kirito while not knowing the exact details is able to figure this out and that in a pure one on one environment where they each had access to the same gear and skill sets she would beat him because he does not have that killer edge since he's not fighting for his life or someone else's life. Yuuki has better reflexes then Kirito, Kirito of course has pretend duel wielding and Excalibur which would likely enable him to beat her were he to use them. Kirito losing in their first battle had nothing to do with her wanting to leave a legacy behind.


No Scrubs
If you really want to know the reason that SAO gives us for the above


Yuuki/Zekkan the purple haired swordsman in the OP/ED is so good because she is fighting for her life because she knows her time left is limited before hiv kills her. Kirito while not knowing the exact details is able to figure this out and that in a pure one on one environment where they each had access to the same gear and skill sets she would beat him because he does not have that killer edge since he's not fighting for his life or someone else's life. Yuuki has better reflexes then Kirito, Kirito of course has pretend duel wielding and Excalibur which would likely enable him to beat her were he to use them. Kirito losing in their first battle had nothing to do with her wanting to leave a legacy behind.

That's even dumber than what I came up with.


Unconfirmed Member
But Michiko isn't simply a poor parent. She's practically unfeeling. She brings Hatchin to tears on a regular basis and then just sorta shrugs it off and stares blankly. If Michiko doesn't have a personal revelation soon, I think her chances of being a worthwhile protagonist are lost.

See, I think this is where the characterization between the Japanese and English differs. I got much more of a sense that she was kind of a sad, regretful character in Japanese who just put up a hard face at times because that's the only way she knows how to deal with problems. She had a shitty childhood and has fucked up constantly in her life, and she continues to fuck up when she's only trying to do what she thinks is right for Hatchin (and, having grown up as an orphan, she obviously wants to give Hatchin a better life than she had by reuniting her with her father, regardless of whether she's stated that's why she's doing it or not). She's a terrible parent to Hatchin and almost never really takes the correct course of action in dealing with her because she never had a parent herself, or really anyone even close. The closest thing she had was an orphanage director who sold children. So of course she has no idea what's she's doing and constantly says and does the wrong things. She's not a good person, but it's not because she's trying to be a bad person (at least when it comes to Hatchin...the other stuff is another matter).

Virtually none of that really comes across in the English version so far, aside from just the rarest of glimpses, even though we've already been given all of that information via one form of exposition or another. We've already been shown some of these events in her past that have sort of made her the woman she is today, but I don't feel like they've really resonated or informed our opinion much of the woman we see in the present. What we're left with is a woman who has pretty much the same aggressive tone at all times, comes across cocky and hard at everyone, including Hatchin, constantly, and doesn't really seem to have any setting other than "attitude."

I just looked ahead at a scene from next week's episode to check the Japanese and English versions against each other, and despite the fact that the scripts between the two are nearly identical, with just a couple wording changes here and there being the only real differences, and of course the animation being the same, Michiko comes across waaaaay bitchier in the English version than she does in Japanese (to be fair, Hatchin also comes across a bit sassier in some lines in English, though for the most part she's more consistent and closer to her Japanese counterpart in tone than Michiko). It's just entirely in the voice. The tone, the inflection, the decibel level at times, etc.

Which, by the way, isn't to necessarily say the Japanese acting is better across the board, per se. For example there's at least one line in that scene I mentioned where Michiko's facial expressions suggest a tone somewhere in between the two dubs, perhaps even closer to the English voice than the Japanese. I'm just saying that's it's a different presentation that gives a slightly different impression of the same character, even with her words and deeds being more or less exactly the same.

I'm also finding I'm generally enjoying the show a little bit less than I remembered this time around, and I think it's because of Michiko.


Dragonball Z Kai: ah, the return of Pedo Vegita, who is back to demanding a 6 year old boy to take his clothing off. Other than that, there wasn't much going on this episode. We got to see Brock Lesnar give Cena the 14th, 15th, and 16th German suplex Freeza continue to toy with Nail, Dende use the "fuck if I know!" answer to a question by Krillin, and Goku use the Substitoad on Captian Ginyu.

Akame Ga Kill: I'm approaching this as an interesting attempt at recreating the anime viewing experience in the early/late 90s. You have an incredibly amateurish dub, the show is ridiculously violent for no real reason, and, due to them shoving about 12 episodes worth of context and storylines into 22 minutes, a feeling like you rented the wrong tape from the video store. It's really cool in that regard, but I could easily see myself getting bored of it in 2 weeks.

Michiko and Hatchin: This is the most tragic example of how to make a terrible anime: You get just about everything right: A cool setting, good music, interesting looking characters, strong animation, and a setting not really touched on in the medium- but then you just put a garbage story in, and make your biggest character completely unlikable in any way. This show is a chore to watch, and I can't wait for it to be over.

Sword Art Online:The obligatory moe episode- lets make all our nekogirls tired for some reason, just so we can show them yawning, rubbing themselves, and anything else cute we can come up with! There was a bunch of other garbage in this (the fucking log cabin just killed me), but there is no point in complaining about this show anymore. It has wounded my will to continue to fight it.
I don't think we have the same definition for the word "terrible" because what you're describing sounds more like disappointment, especially when you're praising every aspect of the show besides its MC and plot.

Edit: Didn't want to come off malicious or attacking your opinion or anything. I'm just curious why you think terrible when it doesn't seem much better or worse so far than the usual stuff on Toonami.


I can't actually say why I'm not loving Michiko and Hatchin. I feel like it's a the fact the story isn't going anywhere in a direct line- that is to say, the story isn't actually moving that much it feels like, and when you do that, you need to have strong likeable characters. However, Michiko is just annoying to watch, and Hatchin probably wouldn't stay with her in this situation. Overall though, it's the fact we're following an unlikable character in a plot that isn't all that interesting on its own?
I don't think we have the same definition for the word "terrible" because what you're describing sounds more like disappointment, especially when you're praising every aspect of the show besides its MC and plot.

Having a bad main character and/or bad plot could be forgiven if the show was hilariously funny or had balls to the wall awesome action, but it has neither of these things.
Having a bad main character and/or bad plot could be forgiven if the show was hilariously funny or had balls to the wall awesome action, but it has neither of these things.

I still think Michiko's flaws make the show more interesting than having a likable character from the start, since it does show that there is room to grow, but I can see why people just dislike having to deal with her bs every week. In addition to that, its slow pace in combination with the weekly episodic nature can definitely make the show feel slower than it actually is. I just think that something has to be really bad to be considered terrible.

Like Future Diary.


I think some don't like the nature of it being episodic and demand something funny or with action explosions. I don't think the show is as bad as it sounds, it's just the expectations.

I get why it's difficult to deal with her though. But still, this show is in no way terrible. I mean, there are worse shows out there with no coherence.

Yeah, Future Diary is really shit.


Gives all the fucks
Yeaaah, but it's enjoyable shit (well aside from *vague spoilers*
that lame ending from the manga that they tried to "explain" in the anime
). Should rewatch it one of these days with the dub, considering I both read the manga & watched the anime sub.

Now that I think about it, I kind of want the concept to be done by Spike Chunsoft, i.e have the 999/VLR &/or Danganronpa team take a crack at the idea.


Yeaaah, but it's enjoyable shit (well aside from *vague spoilers*
that lame ending from the manga that they tried to "explain" in the anime
). Should rewatch it one of these days with the dub, considering I both read the manga & watched the anime sub.

Now that I think about it, I kind of want the concept to be done by Spike Chunsoft, i.e have the 999/VLR &/or Danganronpa team take a crack at the idea.

Hmm, I liken it to bad shit that I continue to watch (
Cross Ange
) because I know it's objectively bad and yet I enjoy it, and then there's bad shit that angers me (
) that I finally go "Fuck this shit," lol


Gives all the fucks
Oh yeah, we TOTALLY group watched that second type of "bad shit" & agreed it was awful.

....which is why we want it on Toonami so everyone else can suffer see for themselves what it's like.


I am trying to think what anime recently fit into the so bad it's good category.

Future Diary
pops into my head.


Oh yeah, we TOTALLY group watched that second type of "bad shit" & agreed it was awful.

....which is why we want it on Toonami so everyone else can suffer see for themselves what it's like.

Wait, when did you do that? And was it that one or another show?
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