Short haired Satsuki is worst part of this ending
Fight me irl
Fight me irl
Their nipples are on their hearts.Living in a world where nipples do not exist.
Like that's inherently a bad thing.
So how did everybody enjoy that extended high octave pun/visual gag simulation?
Short haired Satsuki is worst part of this ending
Fight me irl
in this case, yes
nothing but wasted potential and it never lived up to the hype
Their nipples are on their hearts.
Senkets dying was the only thing I really disliked about the finale. I miss him so.
Wait, where is my Gainax ending, Trigger?!
I can't deal with short-haired Satsuki
Long hair > Short hair always.
Come at me.
Satsuki cut her beautiful hair.
Short haired Satsuki is worst part of this ending
Fight me irl
It is a shame, but at least there was still a reason for it beyond the arbitrary Important Haircut trope (too bad that we won't be getting the episode that covers that, though).Short haired Satsuki is worst part of this ending
Fight me irl
Kill la Kill is monstrously stupid, and that's what makes it great.
Kill la Kill is monstrously stupid, and that's what makes it great.
Kill la Kill is sillier and Wilder, just not with powerlevels. It's understandable. I thought KLK was more fun too.I had more fun than Gurren Lagaan for whatever reason.
But I like short-hair SatsukiSo many wrong opinions SMH
Kill la Kill is monstrously stupid, and that's what makes it great.