Kill la Kill is monstrously stupid, and that's what makes it great.
Gurren Lagan was also pretty dumb.
Because we're trying to make sure we don't miss out on anything critical?Time for nobody to post for half an hour!
Kill la Kill started decent but the way it went on and the lack of a concrete theme made me wonder if they were just making shit up as they went along
But I like short-hair Satsuki
I'm still so annoyed that Toonami decided to make Akame ga Kill of all things the first show they licensed from Sentai.I don't know why people calling it stupid act like it's some big revelation or something.
KLK is stupid, and it's fully aware of that fact and has fun with it. That's what makes it great.
And now a show that doesn't have half the charm or personality is gonna replace it. Enjoy.
Ryuko and Satsuki's dad.For a show called Kill la Kill, who was killed?
Right, last time on Michiko and Hatchin, bad things happened.
Did Funimation even translate those titles & such on the DVDs?
Wow, Michiko is wearing even less clothing than usual.
And also didn't get completely whooped by said old lady.Michiko, people might take you more seriously if you didn't attack an older woman and wore some clothes.